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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
Friday, April 18, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Women live in luxury-reasonably For educators . . . mi mini Beggs plans clinics involving educational problems of state Open for occupancy during the dormitories at $11 for the short urdav and Sunday. Single rooms summer school, the residence halls for women will offer accommoda tions for the short session for $30, and $44 for the long session. A limited number of rooms will term, and $16 for the long session can be secured at a special rate. per person. For $2.50, the residence halls In the residence halls for will furnish linen, blankets, and women, two girls will share a spreads. Students may supply room. Cost will include room and their own. also be available in co-operative two meals every day except Sat- Workshop . . . (Continued "rom Page 1.) ing staff. They will spend their time in individual conferences or study, small group meetings, and seminars. Groups take individual problems. Those interested in the same problem will work together and each group will have a leader to he known as a Workshop Fellow. This leader will be selected by the staff on the basis of previous in terest and work on the selected problem. At least once each week nil participants will meet together to share their findings and discuss problems of general interest. Members of the workshop will have access to the university library curriculum laboratory, the psychological laboratory, a special library for the small school, and the collection of research materials which have been produced by graduate students. Held field trips. Field trips will be arranged for those who wish to visit points of interest such as places of historical significance, conservation districts, new power projects, and CCC camps. Special luncheons also can be arranged each day in the Union for the workshop group. Registration for the workshop may be made In advance, in per son or by mail. Upon request to Dr. Soren.son, an advance regis tration blank will be sent to any person interested. All participants will complete their registration on June 9 and 10 at the university. Fees are the same as for regular course work. Clinic . . . ARROW DOUBLER (Continued from Fage 1.) Other members of the confer ence committee nre Prof. Clara Wilson, chairman of the depart ment of kindergarten and ele mentary education; and Prof. W. H. Morton, chairman of thi department of secondary educa tion. Both are members of the University of Nebraska faculty. Teachers and administrators attending the university's 1941 summer school will have an oppor tunity to analyze and discuss some of the state's major educational problems in a series of seven ad ministrative clinics being planned by Dr. W. K. Beggs. Originated in 1939, the clinics are designed to bring students of education into a cooperative analysis of teaching techniques and devices, administrative prob lems and outstanding movements in the educational world. In gen eral this year's clinics are directed toward a better coordination of state educational agencies. On June 13 the first clinic will take up "WPA's Contribution to Nebraska Education." In regard to this symposium Dr. Beggs says, "Considerable confusion has de veloped among educators and lay men alike as to the basic purpose of the federal agency. Some feel that it constitutes a danger in setting up a parallel system of education in competition with the public schools. Others feel that it is only temporary and will be dropped gradually as its need ex pires. WPA officials appear A third group argues that the service rendered is valuable and that WPA can become a profitable cooperating agency with public schools, especially in such fields as adult education, recreation, health, service, music, and related fields. This clinic will bring WPA offi cials and school people into a cooperative examination of these viewpoints in an effort to work out a cooperative plan of attack on educational problems of the state." The second clinic on June 17 will consider "NYA A Work Pro gram for Needy Youth." This meeting will consider the exten sive out-of-school youth program carried on by the NYA along with its program for needy youth in the schools. A symposium of NYA officials will state the policy and briefly explain the main points of their program. The audience will then be allowed to ask questions for further information. Nothing official in the way of conclusions can be reached at these meetings, Dr. Beggs explains, but their value will lie in providing a better understanding between educators and these federal agencies. Indoors TheTuoitt One Shirt S2 am! 82.50 At last, here's a double duty shirt that serves you equally well as a sports shirt or as a regular shirt. The trick is in the low-band, long-pointed convert ible Arrow Collar. The Doubler Shirt has two button- thru pockets and a French seam front. The fabric is oxford or twill flannel . . . both durable and San-forized-Shrunk (shrinkage less than 1). You'll have practically two comfortable and smart shirts for the price of one. In white and solid colors. $2 and $2.50. Buy this utilitarian value today! "IT if; f , i ' n DOUBLER Is Different Here's a two-way campus-sports shirt that looks just as well worn buttoned up with a tie as it does open at the nock without one. Oxford cloth in white or solid colors. Two pockets. Two dollars. Don't miss it! "The Effective Use of Available Audio-Visual Aids" is the subject of a clinic on June 24 which will discuss the problem of small schools in utilizing effectively and economically the wide variety of technical equipment which has been developed to visualize edu cation through pictures and sound. An all-day exhibit will be set up by commercial firms and a demon stration panel discussion will be held. On July 1 a clinic is planned on "A Functional In-Service Training Program" to take up agencies and devices developed by the univer sity through its teachers college and extension division. The univer sity will point out how it can give assistance in interpreting teachers' problems, in securing instructional materials, and in promoting pro fessional growth. Administrators and teachers will be able to point out needs that are not being met and possible new services needed. Consider state honors convo "Ways and Means to Better Ar ticulation of Nebraska Secondary Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning" is the topic set ,for July 8. Questions will be analyzed at this clinic in an effort to point a way to a better understanding of mutual problems of the two groups and the possibilities of a state high school honors convo cation will be considered. A clinic on July 15 will discuss "National Teachers Examinations and Their Effectiveness for Ne braska Teachers." Development of such examinations has been spon sored by the American Council on Education with standardizations and norms to enable school admin istrators to secure a comparative rating of prospective teachers thru their test scores. Advantages and limitations of this type of exami nation will be called to the atten tion of Nebraska school people. The closing clinic on July 22 is planned to consider "Teacher Selection and Placement Problems of 1941." Ethics involved in apply ing for a position, the rapid turn over from year to year, the experi enced vs. the inexperienced teacher are some of the subjects which should interest educators. A new angle may enter the discussions in the question of whether supply will continue to exceed demand in 1941 as has been the case for the last ten years. 's 1 V'plff '"The Arrow Doubler Vs A dual purpose shirt C.M.l.v.c.v. mkn-ho! . . . you asked for it . . . hero it is! A two-way campus-sports shirt that looks just ns well buttoned up with a tic as it does open at the neck without one. Arrow designed it with classic simplicity. It has a long pointed, low hand Arrow collar with just the correct flare, 2 pockets, and french scam. Fabric is oxford or twill flannel . . . both dur able and Sanforized (fabric shrinkage less than 1.) Practically two shirts (both comfortable and smart) for the price of one. In white and solid colors, $2 and $2.50. Buy this utilitarian value today. MAGEES ARROW SHIRTS X R R O Vv"1 SHIRTS tAtironitio