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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1941)
iWe'dnesclay, April 9, 194T DAILY NEBRASKAN i i n jiV'' Jlamfuidu jiupSLhhiqA. with Marion Cramer Fraternity news comes from the Delta Sig house which announces the pledging of Bob Hall. The fellows on "R" street who live in the Beta Sig house tell of two new men, Dwayne Doneier and Orville Jones, who are now wearing their pledge pins. Sig Ep9 have several news items of this type for publication. They announce the pledging of John Shields, John Gee, and Paul Roet tle. Last meeting they elected their new officers, naming Ed Steckley Prexy, Clarke Wenke, vice presi dent and Bob Dennison, secretary. Congratulations to the new of ficers at Farm House: president, Harold Bacon; secretary, Norm Davis, and Don Atkinson, treas urer. Love life In various stages. Kappa Shirley Hoffman treated the sisters to sweets Monday night as the Phi Psis pounded on the door to get In with Bob Rydman at the head of the line. At an earlier stage in this ro ir antic game are Alpha XI Delt Betty Jane Lawson and Ivan Thomas who are now going steady. Doing continuous dating are Kap pa Mary Runyan and ATO Jim Nickoli who have been keeping their intentions under cover for over a week, but who finally de cided to let the rest of the kampus kiddies in on their kapcrings. Theta Phil Anderson witnessed the tubbing of Phi Gam Gus Swan son whose pin she now wears. Gus waa all prepared and was conve niently dressed for the water in bathing trunks. Smart fella! filiddle-aisling it this Sunday is the speech de partment's newest addition to the Nebraska campus, Mr. Stack, who will return from Wisconsin with his blushing bride. But not all romances work out so well. That almost-certain-to-be-steady deal between Alpha Xi Jo Churney and Frank Wolf has hit a snag and though they see each other she 1b still free lancing it Another short lived revival of last spring's romantic interlude was that of Kappa Mary Beeson and Sigma Nu Duke Schatz who have called the whole deal off. Semi-final winners in quiz contest meet April 20 In the semi-final round of the Junior-Senior quiz contest held last night, the junior team, includ ing John Kerl, Grosvenor Nelson and J. B. Johnson, and the senior team including Currin Shields, Emory Burnett, and James Jezl, were the winners. The finals of the quiz competi tion will be held Sunday April 20, at 8 p. m. in the Union, with the junior and senior teams meeting. In the contest April 20 ten ques tions will be asked each team and they will be given one minute to answer. Any member of the team may answer for the group. Bulletin UN Joneses dine as guests of movie star, Jean Arthur Guests of Jean Arthur tomorrow night at the pre-premiere dinner in the Cornhusker Georgian Room and at the Lincoln premiere of her new picture, "The Devil and Miss Jones," will be seven university students named Jones, and pos sibly a pair of Jones twins. Through the Varsity theater, where the picture will have its opening night in Lincoln, Jean Ar thur has asked all UN Joneses to enter her contest. Judges Clyde Martz, DAILY editor, and Ed Se grist, DAILY business manager, will select from the entrants the tallest Jones, the shortest Jones, the best Jones, the Jones who came the longest distance to en roll in the university, the most freckled Jones, the prettiest Miss Jones, and the most prominent Jones in Cornhusker athletics, and the prettiest Jones twins. These will be invited to the Hollywood dinner party. If your name is Jones, register today at the Varsity theater, as the contest closes tonight Klub- (Continued from page 1.) the millionaire playboy about whom the play is centered; the other, of five pairs of women and men, Mexican worker-entertainers. In the New York chorus are Marie Hossack, Jane Jordan, Gay Gimple, Gay Gadea, Jean Donley, Dorothy Weirich, Mary Fran Kies. Featuring asserted rhumbas and congas, the Mexican chorus is made up of Dorothy Howard and Bob Schoemaker; Virginia Thede and Stuart Simon, Barbara Bates and Chet Bowers, Betty Jackson and Bob Schlater, and Mary Kerri gan and Tom Grimes. News- (Contlnued from page U in that the words, "this unequal war" apply with even greater force. As has been the case in every continental campaign since the beginning of the war, the armies facing the Germans are outnumbered and outclassed. They cannot match the terrific destruc tiveness of dive bombers, plus panzer divisions, plus the coordi nation that is nazi total war. The Yugoslavs possessed only a few hundred obsolecent airplanes Sunday morning. Greek aircraft is even less significant, and only a relatively small number of Brit ish planes are operating from Greek bases. There can be no doubt that the nazis completely dominate the air. Another reason for German su periority is that they are able to throw the full force of their mili tary strength into Balkan conflict Save for the divisions in the oc cupied areas, especially along the Russian border, their army need not maintain real fighting power anywhere except in the Balkans. Filings- (Continued from page 1.) women to be nominated and elected at large by the student body. 3. Ag executive board repre sentatives to be chosen are two men from the freshman and soph omore classes to be elected by the men of ag college, two wom en from the freshman and sopho more classes, to be elected by the women of ag college, and two members, one man and one wom an, from the junior class to be elected at large by all students in ag college. 4. Barb Council representatives to be chosen by unaffiliated stu dents are one man and one wom an from the sophomore class, two men and two women from the junior class, and one man and one woman from the senior class. 5. Ivy Day orator. Candidates for this must be eligible to gradu ate with the 1941 class in soma college in the university. Filings close at 5 p. m. All filings must be turned Into John K. Selleck's office in the coll seum by 5 p. m. except filings for positions on the ag executive board, which must be in Dean Burr's office at the same time. In addition to the general eligi bility requirements listed below, each candidate must submit when he files, an affadavit for eligibil ity for the particular office signed by the registrar and the president of the point board. Publicity for the election this year will consist of three large posters, one in the Union, one in social science, and one on ag cam pus, containing the picture of all candidates for Student Council, Publications Board, and Ivy Day Orator; a copy of each proposed amendment to the constitution, and the DAILY NEBRASKAN referendum automatic subscrip tion question. Explanations of these last three bills will also be posted, and critics of them wll have a chance to print their criti cisms and post them along side the posters. Candidates include pictures. Candidates who do not present three pictures of themselves upon application for office will lose the benefits of official publicity. Requirements for candidates art as follows: Candidates must be regularly enrolled students carrying at least 12 hours. 2. Candidates must have at least 12 hours credit for the last semester they were regis tered. 3 They must have completed 27 hours the two preceeding se mesters. 4. Candidates for Student Council must have a scholastic average of at least 75 for all preceding semesters. 5. All candidates filing for Ivy Day Orator must be eligi ble to graduate with the 1941 class in some college in the university. MATIN IX DANCE. A matinee dance wfll be held la Ike Union balllroom at S p. m. today. BED GUIDON. Thrre will be a Red flnldon meeting tonight at 7:30 la toe Motor Track lab. Tracks will leave at 7:10. STUDENT COUNCIL. Htndent Council win meet today at I p. m. iJ Mar- mer Ihe J?erices (asterire6tmgs to out-of-town friends and relatives will add to the Dayboy Ion Distance 'Night Rates will be In effect all day the uiKOLnmionw nr 'A MOMUM COMPANY r! M Jtwmi " iwii Before you GO HOME FOR . . . get your TEES HOMKIET , lis 2 ' -' at Miller's! FoR the hat that makes your eyes sparkle, that makes you look your very loveliest, do hurry down to MILLER'S. A beautiful collection of Easter hats, and experienced salesper sons to help you in making selections. ?95 dam to 50 Millinery Second Floor ffi t LLE R 6 p A i fl EL