The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1941, Image 1

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the .
Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Students
Z 408
Vol. 40. No. 119
Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, April 9t 134U
y 1 I W
Li rU
Late bulletins
German forces pushed "dan
gerously in the direction of
Salonika," and threatened to
surround resisting defenders in
the Struma river valley, the
Greek high command stated to
day. Also two key Jugoslavian
towns. Identified as vital mili
tary oenters were captured.
Nazi juggernaut
After three days of fighting, the
reports from the Balkans carry an
ever-larger number of statements
of German successes, and in
creasingly numerous rumors of
catastrophe for those resisting
aggression in that area.
At this writing the initial ob
jective of the German drive cut
ting off Yugoslavia from Greece
on the one side and Greece from
Turkey on the other has been
virtually accomplished.
Already the isolation from Tur
key has been completed. The Ger
mans have broken thru to the
Aegean sea in western Thrace,
and another column is driving
down the Struma valley, reck
lessly sacrificing men in a suc
cessful effort to divide the out-
and 125 miles of Salonika.
The capture of Salonika, be
sides completing the division of
the Greeks, Yugoslavs and Brit
ish, will give the Germans com
mand of all the major land routes
of travel and supply in the Bal
kans. The importance of this con
trol in determining the ultimate
outcome of the campaign cannot
be overestimated.
The war in the Balkans is
similar to the former campaigns
(See NEWS, page 4.).
Hoover plan
voting set
for today
Students to express
opinion on question
of European aid
Kin!) names
spring show
Griswold asks Vitamin K
for Easter seal iscoverer
drive support , ,
With the 1941 Easter seal sale
lagging behind the mark set last
Torso del Torro' departs year, Governor Dwight Griswold
- i j yesterday issued a letter urging
from usual procedure; Jupport f drlye
has Latin dancers ,etter read.
Prof. Dam to talk
before UN meeting
at 4 p, m, in Merrill
Discoverer of vitamin K, Pros.
Hendrik Dam, of Copenhagen,
Denmark, will speak this after
From ordinary, class attending The 1941 Easter seal sale now
UN students to glamorous Latin m progress is sponsored by the
sfcigers and dancers is the trans- Nebraska Society for Crippled
formation to be made by 12 women Children and the proceeds surely noon at the university and tomon
and five men selected for the are neing usea ror a deserving
chorus of "Torso del Torro," when cause. On behalf of the society I
this year's Kosmet Klub produc- am urging friends of crippled chil
tion opens April 22. dren in Nebraska to support this
sale. It is my sincere desire that
Along with the idea that this Nebraskans be of all possible as
year's show will be twice as good sistance in this worthy endeavor."
as all its predecessors, Leo Cooks
ley, president, said, that there will Revenue from the seals goes to
be two choruses one made up of the rehabilitation of unfortunate
seven women, members of the of- children crippled by accident and
fice staff of Mr. Gilbert, father of disease. Seals sell for one penny
(See KLUB, page 4.) each, or one dollar a sheet
Voting stands will be open from
9 a. m. to 5 p. ra. today in the
Union, mechanical arts building on
city campus, and in ag hall on ag
campus, for the polling of uni
versity students on the question,
Candidates for spring
election file tomorrow
Filings for the general spring tives to be elected include: Two
elections to be held April 22 close men and three women from arts
tomorrow at 5 p. m. and all can- and sciences, two men from engl-
numbered Greeks and to stm fur- "Should the Hoover plan for send- executive board, are reminded from ag college, one man and one
ther widen the wedge wee" ing food from the United States to to submit three identification size woman from bizad college, one
the conquered democracies of Eu- pictures of themselves along with man from dentistry, one man from
rope be adopted T" the application blank. These pic- law, one man from pharmacy, one
tures will be used for official pub- man and three women from teach-
Students will be asked three licity purposes by the Student ers, two women from fine arts,
questions: The first asks whether Council. one man and one woman from the
they favor the plan, while the graduate college and two senior
. 1 J l i A. 4.1- ...
secona seens rns opinion hujuk Positions open lor Mings are: fffee FILINGS naire 4 1
r r a '
jy ----
them and any possible help from
the east.
Further west they are driving
down the valley of the Vardar,
and a report Tuesday evening had
them at Skoplje, within 50 miles
of the Italian forces in Albania,
AWS installs new
cabinet members;
Day is president
Newly elected AWS president
Ben Alice Day took the gavel from
Jean Simmons last night as the
new AWS cabinet, elected at the
women's general election this
spring, was installed.
Other members of the new AWS
board include Jeannette Mickey,
Ann Craft, Lois Christie, Jane
Bird, Dorothy White, Betty
O'Shea, Natalie Burn, Bette New
man. Janet Curley. Susan Shaw,
amount of aid it will furnish Ger
many. The third asks, "Would i. student representatives oa
you favor the plan if it aided the Publications Board one to be
Germany: (a) considerably? (b) chosen from each of the three up- WAA tO DrCSCnt
somewhat? or (c) none at all?' per classes will be elected. i
three $25 awards
Voters are asked to indicate their
answer in each case.
2, Student
Council representa-
Behind the Scenes
English reader, Book Nook
announcer would he novelist
By Lloydene Kershaw. in summer school a few summers
"I was asked if I would attempt a
the somewhat difficult task of get- of his career as a reader, he ex
tin? the students of the university presses enthusiasm as far as the
Janice Cook. Dorothy Thomas, and sufficiently interested in books to actual reading of the papers is
Janet Hempnw. open one occasionally, by announc- "
Installation took place before ing for the Book Nook broadcast, you Can't give a definite grade
about 25 guests and was followed said Jon Pruden with a modest and there are some students who
by a banquet in the Union. smile. fight for two r three per
cent "On the other hand you can
FrantZ ppeak.8 in Omaha Pruden, in addition to be- grade close enough so that it is a
ing an English reader, is an ex- fairly accurate judgment of the
Pmf R vv FVantr. chairman of tremely versatile young man. student's worth but it is not an
Sunday Journal and Star.
row night before the Lancaster
County Medical association.
At 4 p. m. in room 20, Morrill
hall. Prof. Dam will speak on "X
Survey of the Present Status of
Knowledge on Vitamin K." The
meeting will be under the auspices
of the college of pharmacy thru
the department of physiology and
pharmocology and of Sigma XL,
honorary scientific society.
His first appearance before Na
(See SPEAKER, page 2.)
Ag students
hold second
pre-Fair rally
Second pre-Farmers Fair rally,
will be held tonight in the student
ior women wishing to make ap- activities building, Ben Alice Day
and Dale Theobald, co-chairman
of the Farmer's Fair publicity
committee, announced yesterday
at annual meeting
Three $25 scholarships will be
given by the WAA at the annual
spring mass meeting at 7 p. ra.
Wednesday, April 16. At the same
time four cups will be given sen
ior women for individual partici
pation in WAA activities.
Freshmen, sophomore and jun-
plication for the scholarships must
do so in the WAA office in Grant
Memorial before 5 p. m. today.
Ag students should see Mrs. Dan
ielson if interested in the scholarships.
the English department, recently Until he was graduated at the end exact per cent," says Mr. Pruden. need and otner one for gc.
The program will include group;
singing, various mysterious mus
ical numbers by cohorts of Ya
hudi and talks by various mem-
Two scholarships will be given bers of the Junior Fair board, in
on the basis of participation in eluding Ray Crawford, Betty,
athletics plus scholarships and Jeanne Spalding, Ruth Muier,
at the University of Omaha on the the University Theatre produc- BnS .ShThTv
subject of -Gulliver's Travels" by tions, and he received his pilot's SSSS,
JonXn Swift license while carrying nine hour, yalut i" '
An . E n g 1 i s h major, Pruden
intends to pursue the somewhat
hazardous career of writing. He
entertains a healthy contempt for
journalists, but this is true of
arship and need alone.
Bacon, Day and Theo-
Literary honorary . . .
Sigma Upsilon seeks students
with creative writing ability
The general purpose of Sigma Other charter members are
Upsilon is to encourage reading Marian Stanley, AP newspaper
and appreciation of good litera- man; Ray Ramsay, former alumni
ture and to encourage creative secretary; John Cameron, now
writing on the part of its mem- teaching biology at the Unlver-
bers," said L. C Wlmberly, who slty of Missouri; Volta Torrey,
was a charter member of the lit- another AP man, and Royce West,
erary honorary for men when the who is teaching at the University
Nebraska chapter was established of Omaha.
In 1926.
Ginsberg compares football
to Roman gladiatorial bouts
Football is the outstanding spec- "Originally war prisoners were
many "novelists. At the present tator -sport in America today, and sent to the arena to fight one an
he is working on a novel, but he gladiatorial combats were popular other but later when the wars did
not yield large crops or prisoner
slaves were trained for this pur
pose in special schools."
to tell about it on the
that it would take too
On the whole, however, he is
probably representative of that
group of individuals known as
readers who guide the destinies of
the mass of students.
Comedy in theatre.
"In the theater, comedies satis-
Bizad honorary
initiates tonight
the Nebraska chapter was the de
sire to publish a literary maga
zine in the middlewest. The "Prai
rie Schooner," which now ranks
third in the world of magazines
Beta Gamma Sigma, honorary of its kind, was the result Later,
business administration fraternity, however, it came under the su-
wlll hold Its banquet and initiation pervision of the university.
services tonight in the Union. .
The members are undergradu-
Wade Martin, superintendent of a tea. The society seeks to attract
banks of the state of Nebraska people who nave talent ior crea
I'M debate teams
Founded 'Prairie Schooner.'
The motivation for establishing pOStpOIlC COIltCSlS
e Nebraska chapter was the de- I
All intramural debates sched
uled for last night were post
poned or forfeited, debate coach
II. A. White announced. The
match between Sigma Vlpha Mu
and Alpha Tau Omega was post
poned, as was the contest between
Zeta Beta Tau and Phi Delta
in ancient Rome in almost the
same way, according to Dr. M. S.
Ginsberg, professor of the classics.
"To escape their problems,
which were much the same as we
have today, the Greeks and Ro- fled the Romans but they much
mans developed a passion for preferred the lavish shows stagea
amusement and the governments in the circus and in the ainphi
did their best to satisfy the peo- theater. Sometimes as many as
pie's appetite for shows," stated 200,000 Romans watched with ex-
Dr. Ginsberg, who gave a lecture citement the chariot races; the
on "Amusements in Ancient great element of risk and danger
Rome" recently. Football can be involved in this kind of sport had
a particular appeal for tne ko
man spectators.
compared to this inasmuch as
thousands of people witness both
sports for the same reason of relaxation.
The Efladiatorial contests were
held in the amphitheater, and this
"Some Roman emperors made popular amusement reflects better
more than 10,000 gladiators perish than anything else the primitive
in these combats," the professor tastes of the Roman plebea," con
went on. "The demand for tlnued Dr. Ginsberg. "They orig
gladiators became so tremendous inated in Italy among the Etrus-
in Rome that the state officials in cans who used tnem to commemo
A mlsunderstandlne arose con-
xrin- . titr orrifintr Tur,vBt cf h chanters ceinuur the onlv debate scheduled, charee of the contests often had rate the death of their fellow
from the college of business ad- of the society are located in the one between Delta Upsilon and serious difficulties in procuring a citizens. From there the Romans
ministration will be Initiated south and east Delta Theta Phi. " sufficient number of fighter. copied the custom.