DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, April 6, 1941 ter houses of the affirmative Theta Phi, and Zeta Beta Tau. or former member of the Inter teams, Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Each will be judged by a present collegiate debate squad. '4 JCatnfwA, with Mary Adelaide Hansen When you March Along in the Cloudy skies sort of put a damper on a good many plans for this week-end. Picnics being cancelled right and left caused many changes, such as for the Sigma Nu's, who went out to the Turnpike en masse in stead. Speaking of the Sigma Nu's, they're going to church this morning too, which makes about the third time this year they've made the group effort all to gether. Bright spots in the week'end, however, were the initiations, and the Sigma Kappas, the Sammies, the ATO's and the Phi Mu's made approxi mately 50 kiddies very happy. Sigma Kappa's had a tea, the Sammies had a midnight banquet, the ATO's were entertained at their banquet at the University club, and the Phi Mu's initiated their girls at the district conven tion here. Better received than many bands, Bob Strong really made a hit Friday night. Surprise of the evening's fun was the unscheduled and free-gratis appearance of Lynn Borden, pop ular radio star, who wowed the coliseum with his off-the-record comments. Evidently he had been coached well by the Delts before hand, particularly as regards the policy of Dean Thompson. So be prepared for a flood of "You Too's?" in the campus lingo. New member of this column's sleuthing staff is Mr. Tilche of the French depart ment. It seems that this dynamic little detective is contemplating blackmailing Theta Marion Jones and Beta alum Houghton Furr, particularly since a romantic in terlude in U Hall one day not long ago. fo re-mention the 'N' club dance, the athletes deserve to be complimented for their thoughtfulness In providing their dates with the identifying red and white carnations, centered with an 'N in contrasting color. Debate teams enter third round l-M tournament Third round of the intramural debate tournament, to be held Tuesday night at 7, pits undefeat ed Delta Upsilon and Zeta Beta Tau against Delta Theta Phi and Phi Delta Theta, respectively. Once beaten Sigma Alpha Mu tackles Alpha Tau Omega, which boasts one victory as against one loss. Delta Theta Phi likewise has a split record, while Phi Delta Theta lost once, by forfeit. Delta , Tau Delta has already dropped out. having lost to Alpha Tau Omega and forfeited to Delta Theta Phi, following a misunderstanding as to a postponement of the debate. At least one team will be elim inated Tuesday night, as Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Alpha Mu debate. If the two leaders both win, the battle will be narrowed to only three survivors. Debates will be held In the chap- AU Makes Typewriters Sale or Rent ; Special Student Bates BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Phone 2-5258. 125 N 12. Lincoln Neb. i Look yur Smartest Stunning, New III : Wkik Efi TTx Shoes of breath-taking beauty. . . fem inine... sophisticated . . .casual . . . tailored ...keyed to pay your costume compli ments... whatever you decide to wear! So many to choose from... exciting new STITCHED PATENTS! Flattering BLONDE LEATHERS! ELASTICIZED GABARDINES! SADDLE TONES! BROWN and WHITE! BLUE and WHITE! BLACK and WHITE! Otherst ; It's easy to find your new shoes here! 1 y I I YouH be RIGCED UP Ot N I J . V. I 1 V I I AND RARIN' TO-CO in A Y Vv . It JT". i sheer rayon crepe redin. fjA , ;, V'--TJ ' t J t'r-i Role. with plenty of hy JJ ,T -r,lM ' 013 A A RARIN' TO GO U on the dot for Spring L it- ' S ''' the dotted bodic and leeve I V v?:: I ( ,'l ; 1 of the full length coat are echoed 1 I 1 1 v :v :a j i' in the baic dress. Beige with lVj '1 ' ' 'r luggage, blue with navy. 1 I "V vfi -T ' ' ' RI66ED UP no jigs up when you're TV V, N. ' T ' ' ' rigged in full length coat over XlfoXlT X. " , ' a dress in two-tone time. Luggage m V V - with beige, blue with rose, rose f l v ' ' . v Jf o " with blue. V 1 " ' S.z.,9-15 j fcfcaS" 'lLBaaaBaaVBl J&HL V6 M I m i j i'M. l ' fc d al JfcVrf ft ' I ..Tf: ,;7f 9W T V in. tii liii i ,n m infm 1- , J !