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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1941)
Thursday, March 27, 1941- DAILY NEBRASKAN ft 7j' 1 with Ostracized from a booth full of UN coeds was the unfortunate situation in which SAE Bob Ludwlg found himself when he went into the drug this morning. The girls in sisted that he try the dill pickle treatment before they would let him join them for a coke. But the test proved that he really was over that attack of mumps which worried DeeGee Gen Harmon ho end about a week ago. Pinning which occurred last week end con cerns Phi Delt John Hay and Ma bel Secund. Old home week was the motto at the Phi Delt house Tuesday night when three of their alums came from various points east and west for a good ole get together at the Phi Delt house. . While speaking of the Phi Delts we might mention, very casually, that the affair between George Able and Betty Ann Nichols, Prom Girl from the Kappa house, is getting back on the same friendly basis which made it a steady deal last spring. Though there is nothing definite as yet. those in the know expect news of this sort in the not too far distant future. Reverberations from Stephens comes when we learn that there will be a Missouri migration in the ATO house this week end. Now the boys say that they have a convention there which is all very well but two to one the Stephens angels will have something to do with the size of the migration. Beta Jack Stewart must have really been turning on that ole charm which made him famous as an Eligible Bachelor this fall for Calf, gabardine are popular creations for coeds9 shoes Shoes are a happy thought any time and with springtime bring ing numerous occasions for a lass to put her best foot forward thi3 season's little creations of patent, faille, gabardine, doe skin, and calf are happier thoughts than ever. Blithe as a breeze are these slippers that the lasses are using to accentuate their season's garb. Pumps are prime favorites and the shorter skirts the steeper the heels not merely high spikes but the popular pyramids are wonder fully comfortable with the added advantage of making feminine feet look decisively small. Colors not dull. Colors are far from being dull with the golden beige, reminiscent of a new saddle, being utilized by all the manufacturers. Strollers, the new flats that adorn most of the school-going feet, are convert ing countless devotees to the tans, sands, and beiges that shriek spring. These slip-on, down-to-earth shoes are comfort, plus and in a shade that blends beau- v . r. . w."Wv,w ...... w was- .'.v.M-Mr.:-j Columbia, Bluebird, Victor, and Decca 3503 for 1.00, 50c Flight of the Bumble Bee Harry Jamet K . Tuesday at Ten i count Bane I i Wm. Tell J - Alvlno Rey V When That Man Is i i ireaa ana uone t ?V Glenn Miller fV M feel tree to come in r i and listen to the I f ' 3 lutAttt Kilt i i ii ii i m JiafiSJUJftjnA. f f (4 Marion Cramer his little beauty asked him down for the spring prom. Relax, girls, especially one Suzy Stone. He isn't going. Chemical tea occurred when the members of Iota Sigma Pi, national chemistry women's honorary entertained the professors and laboratory assist ants the other afternoon. The sixty odd guests seemed very much at home with all the test tubes and Bunson burners though the idea might shock a well brought up Englishman. Mrs. McBain, na tional president, will visit this chapter, Nitrogen Chapter, this coming week-end when a lunch eon and dinner are being planned in her honor. Chi O' elect Jean Carnahan, president; Ruth Miller, vice president; Marge Brown, secretary; and Lenore Mansfield, treasurer. Benton- (Continued from Page 1.) most any kind of artistic work he could find. Was In navy. At the beginning of the World War Benton' was called by the navy as an architectual draftsman and he now says that this was the most important development In his career as an artist. He has been commissioned to do murals for the New York School of Social Research, Whitney Mu seum of American Art, Indiana's exhibit at the Century of Progress, and by the Missouri legislature for the Jefferson City mural. He has since returned triumph antly to his home state as director of painting at the Kansas City Art Institute. tifully with almost any colorful combination. Navy spring. Militant is the spring motif and shoes follow suit. This seems a big navy spring, and crimson slip pers with navy are something that can't be blankly tripped over. Black with renewed vigor are sandal styles while bows of every variation lend a frivolous aspect to dressed pumps. So focus eyes footward. Your feet take you places; retaliate and dress them up to successfully cir cumvent any inspection. Clayberger- ( Continued from Page 1.) morning at the dean of women's office. These appointments will be between 2:30 and 3:30 Tuesday. After the conferences last year, one of the Nebraska coeds whom Miss Clayberger interviewed went to New York and thru Miss Clay berger's assistance secured a posi tion on one of the magazines there. Other subjects of the editor's speech include advertising and commercial art; home economist for a publishing house; stylist and ways to go about getting jobs in the city. "Magazine work is interesting to everyone, whether or not they intend to go into that field them selves," stated Dean Hosp in urg ing all who possibly can to attend the convention. Drive- ( Continued from Page 1.) ports or identity cards, who have never had to register in city halls for permission to live in a city will have a hard time realizing the im portance of "papers." Those who possess them can settle in a uni versity city and carry on their work. Those who cannot produce them for the police face, banish ment or internment in camp. When order was restored in unoccupied France the first requirement made by the government was that every one give proof of his identity, his occupation and his means of sup port. This meant "papers." When they could not be produced, the "camp" was the only alternative. Blouses reflect every cnown combination What kind of a mood What kind of a mood are you in ? Do you at different times feel dainty, sporty, gay, or particularly classic? Do you ever yearn to be able to express how you are feek ing in the manner in which you dress? Most of us have only one diffi culty in suiting our costume to our moods. This difficulty often stumps us, but it can easily be remedied. The difficulty? Lack of finances to purchase all the clothes needed to match a col lege girl's moods. The remedy? A sweet and simple one BLOUSES!!! Brass tack mood. For that "get-down-to-business" feeling, which each of us should have once in a while, there is noth ing like a classic mannish-tailored shirt. Whether you prefer silk or broadcloth, this shirt with neat stitch detail, hi-low collar, and self color stitch will capture your heart, but not your entire allow ance. You're feeling devilish and little girlish? How about a middy blouse? A regular . "Campfire Girls" middy if you're one of those fortunate girls with small hips. The rest of us aren't for gotten, because there are natty Omaha grade school . . . Visitors look over university; decide they want to attend Several good looking young fel lows were looking for dates with Nebraska coeds as 45 pupils of the fifth grade from Beal school in Omaha visited the university Tuesday with their teacher, Miss June Tipton, and five of the stu dents' mothers. On a field trip to Lincoln as a part of their study of the state of Nebraska, the grade schoolers willingly offered definite" opinions on coeds, the university and world personages. James Korp, 11, said that he planned to come to the university and that the best thing he liked about the school was the girls. Ten year old Stuart Solig, how ever, doesn't like girls because "they don't give you no money and you waste all yours on them." One wise lad said that he wished he could come to college so he "could get in a littlw neckin'." Gloria Doll and Naomi Goss, both 10 year olds, said that they saw lots of good looking fellows in the Union. Beanie Moore, who aspires to a career as a Nebraska fullback as good as Vike Francis, Male collegians attempt to aid by picking clothes for style parade By Marjorie May The old question of whether girls dress to please men or to outdo other women has never been indisputably answered, but just the same we know that girls don't dress to displease men. So the DAILY'S feminine inquiring re porter cornered a few prominent Nebraska playboys and questioned them in regard to important prob lems of coed's apparel. One of the questions we asked stumped several of the lads "What do you like in women's clothes?" But equally unanswer able seemed to be the query, "What do you dislike in women's clothes?" although one bright boy vouchsafed the fact that he dis liked "men in women's clothes." Our other questions concerned the military influence in women's clothes and formals. Here are the results: Bob Miller, livewire Phi Gam pledge who prefers brunets (with allowances) and doesn't go steady, dislike the- military styles but he thinks that sweaters, skirU, and flat heels are perfectly okay for the campus. "Backless, neckless or bare midriffs, etc., are tops in evening wear," according to the stocky little freshman. "Girls who dress 'fit-to-kill' for school are a distraction," he said in describing hia dislikes. Differing with Miller, Beta Jack Shetland sport coafs wfi pan, herringbone weave popular Among the outstanding sport coats that will be worn this sea son are the fine Shctlands in both plain and herringbone weave with brown and tan as predominating colors. The coats are three buttoned and patch pockets are tops along with the saddle-stitched bagged type with an inverted leat. The pockets will be both with and without flaps; but on many of the more high styled coats those flaps will be buttoned down with leath er buttons which are featured in sports year. Cheviots, too. Along with the Shetlands, will be the Cheviots in plain, high shades and gun club checks in ad dition to the wide whale herring bone weaves. Our more extreme "tuck-ins" to catch any sailor maid's heart. Sweet and simple. "I like you to be sweet and sim ple, but do you have to be so d simple!" Look for a blouse which will make HIM forget that you do have your more simple moments. A soft batiste blouse with epaulet effect in Val lace, with repeated front frills is one which will give you over your share of feminine daintiness. There is nothing like a crisp, trim, perky pique blouse to give you that peppy, happy carefree feeling on a bright spring day. Even for evening, blouses of dainty chiffon may be worn with swirling, swaying skirts. By Phyllis Yost summed up the foreign situation with, "Hitler is ba,tty, Roosevelt is swell." Donald Toman, who estimated that he has five thousand freckles, wants to study at the university and become a pilot. Clark Stewart, when asked if he liked girls, re plied, "Sure I got five or six. Here's a couple of them how." Billie Hall, 10, thinks that "Hit ler is a dirty, low-down rat and Roosevelt is sour." Tryouts for Klub sliow will continue tonight in Temple Tryouts for the Kosmet Klub show will be continued tonight in the Studio Theatre in the Temple at 7:30. These tryouts are for men only, and any persons who have not tried out, as well as those who have attended previously, are eli gible. Date of tryouts for women will be announced tomorrow. Stewart likes the new military trends. A junior, an eligible bach elor, a blond and managing edi tor of the Cornhusker, he doesn't have any definite likes or dislikes, excep:- that strapless evening gowns rate with him. "I don't like the military styles too many of them," asserted Farmhouse Randall Pratt, good looking six footer who's a sopho more out at ag campus. Pratt likes sports clothes conservative and strapless evening gowns (of course!) Senior Don Fitz, also of Farm house, has shown unusual prowess on the basketball courts, and he showed originality when he turned thumbs down on strapless evening gowns. "I like slinky formals," he said, "but watch how you spell that!" Having a steady deal with Theta Marie Anderson, he nat urally prefers brunets; and he likes any kind of sport clothes and bright colors. SAM Art Rivln, a freshman whose average is somewhere in the 90s, proved that intelligence has nothing to do with what kind of clothes men like women to wear. He likes military styles definitely and .dislikes bulky three-piece tweed suits. What does he like in women s Tormals? "Beautiful figures!" (Don't we all). White or black evening gowns are the only kind that seem formal to him. BDOC's however, may be seen wearing one of those new glen plaid sport coats. Nevertheless, the fine British Tweeds in the pebble weaved Donigal types will be good as always. A big reason for the popularity of Covert and Shetland homespun suits this season is the ease with which the coats can be worn with contrasting slacks as sport coats. Demand for wool flannel. There is also quite a demand in sports wear for the wool flannel, leisure or loafer coats. These coats are slightly shorter than the suit coat and are cut with an easy, natural shoulder and with an easy swagger type back. Saddle stitch ing will be found on your leisure coat. The easily matched and con trasted brown and tan shades are the predominate colors. In slacks the smart thing is again gabardine, in high shades, in both plain and herringbone weaves and, with hand stitching down the outside seams of the trousers. The one extreme novelty is a black and white glen plaid. Sport shirts. Sport shirts are in gabardine type fabrics made of wool, cele nese, and cotton. Collars are made to be worn open or with neck ties the shirts are "in or outer" styled. Slack suits will be worn again in matched and contrasting shades The fabrics are of cotton, spun rayon, and fine tropical worsteds. Sleeveless sweaters of a cable stitch and of plain knits will be worn under, sport coats as well as under suit coats. The cloth front vest type sleeveless sweater witn a knitted back will be seen a great deal. A popular coat sweater to be seen has a brushed knit back and sleeves of a light tan shade, while the front is of a darker tan suede cloth. This sweater has leather buttons and hand stitched pockets. Extremely popular will be the light weight wind breaker in the all-weather Zelan cloth that is wind-proof, water repellant and grease resistant. All in all, in your garments for sports year, hand stitching along with brown and tan shades, will be a predominate feature. x. i:mm JAREFREE, happy eyes confident of rood vision confident of fine appear ance. Your eyes and your Classes play a treat part in shaping your future, so keep an eye on your eyes! JEEN, alert vision is a pre requisite for success, and carefully chosen modern Classes also actually aid your appearance. Consult Kindy Today! CREDIT 1309 O Street