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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1941)
Wednesday, March 12, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN if " 111 1 Si--, I -LAlJ i1 QhSDICL Jim Evinger PREP WEEKEND Today marks the start of the great weekend for high school winter sport stars. The Nebraska state prep basketball tournament starts at 12:30 this noon in the coliseum. And continuing on in the big activity house will be the high school cagcrs for the remainder of the week. Friday and Saturday will mark the preliminaries and finals of the state wrestling, swimming, and gymnastic meets. Yes, 'tis truly a great week for state high school winter sport en thusiasts. THE WINNER? Right now the talk of the Class A prep champion centers around Jackson of Lincoln, Omaha Cen tral and even more about Omaha South and Scottsbluff. As an old Lincoln high alum beware keep your eyes on the Red and Black quintet. For "tour nament teams" year in and year out, the Links are very hard to beat. Here's hoping it won't act as a jinx, but look for Lincoln high to be roaming the coliseum floor St urday night in the finals of Class A. Hiya, Fitz, T. Thompson, Wolf, et al. CRACK SHOT. You riflemen know how hard it is to shoot accurately at a stand ing position. Here's a story about a frosh in school who fired a score of 48 out of 50 Monday afternoon. Moved down to the fourth year ling team because of an absence last weekend, Bob Gillis of Omaha toed the mark on the firing range Monday and shot his 48-50 score. Gillis is now elevated back to the first frosh squad. The year ling riflemen are competing in a national firing compet against col lege units all over the country. If other Husker frosh fire like Gillis a I M &J JUJJi JRI.JLJLI IL Ivr;-LO SI 1 SO B &1 lfO 1 ti n J mE 2. J- "J? r t : State tourney pairings Clans A. Omaha South vs. Norfolk, 12:30 North Platte vs. Fall City 1:40 Fremont vs. York 2:.V) Sidney ...vs. Jackson (Lincoln) 4:00 Scottsbluff vs. Albion 6:30 Falrbury vs. Lincoln 7:30 McCook 7 . .vs. Wahoo 8:30 Grand Island vs. Omaha Central :30 (.'loss R. Elkhorn vs. 8utherland12:3u Ansley vs. St. Francis (Hump'ry) 1:40 Mullen vs. Henderson 2:M) Meadow Grove . vs. Wayne Prep. 4:00 Winnebago vs. Overton 6:30 St. Mary s (O'Neill) vs. B. Cros. 7:30 Humboldt vs. Culbeitson 8:30 Wilcox vs. Harvard 9:30 Class ('. Thayer vs. Iomls 12:30 Brady vs. Hlldreth 1:40 Hampton vs. Wood Lake. 2 ;."() Duncan vs. Hrat. Union (Humb It) 4:00 Hurchard vs. Ohiowa 6:30 Weston vs. Comstock 7:30 Red Willow (McCook) vs. Potter 8:30 Malcolm vs. Sue. Heart (Norfolk I :3(l did, a big cup may soon be planted in the Husker trophy cases. BASEBALL COASH. John McDermott, three-year lct terman baseballer, has been added to the coaching staff of the var sity ball nine. McDermott will as sist Coach Wilbur Knight. Paul Amen will be busy with teaching the Husker football ends, while A. J. Lewandowski wil handle the state high school basketball pro gram and spring cage practice. Later on this spring, Amen and Lewandowski will probably move over to the Husker diamond to lend assistance to McDermott and Coach Knight. Govcriiinenl- (Continued from page 1.) Nebraska as a territory and con tinuing up to the present day. The compilation of governor's mes sages, up to now scattered and disintegrating, will Ml four vol umes of 600 pages each. It is ready now for publication but awaits funds for printing and bind ing. All of the volumes may be printed in better form later, as economic conditions improve in the state. When that is done, Ne braskans will have in permanent form for the first time detailed records of the development and present status of their state government. J I J 5" V7 -' A good plan... pause and -v "",r .. .... ' ' I State prep fives begin finals today Omaha Central, Jackson of Lin coln, Scottsbluff and Omaha South are the top seeded teams in Class Aof the state basketball tournament which starts Wednes day noon at 12:30 in the coliceum. The big show of prep cage life has a list of 16 teams in the top class that are so even in caliber that it would take a fine-toothed comb to separate the differences. South opens the slate against Norfolk at 12:30 and Central will close the first round play at 9:30 tonight. The Omaha opponent is Grand Island. Jackson vs. Sidney. Jackson meets Sidney, while Scottsbluff faces Albion. The Bluffs are the possessors of the only undefeated Class A record. Because of this showing, the Bluffs are slated by many to be the 1941 champion. Creighton Prep, the 1940 title holder, failed to survive the Oma ha regional, so a new king is due to be crowned. The drawing was conducted by Sec. O. L. Webb of the NHSAA and Supt J. R. Bitner of Fullerton, control board member. Winnebago seeded. Class B seeded teams are Win nebago, defending champion, Elk horn, Wayne Prep and Harvard. Class C seeded teams are Thayer, defending champ, Bur chard, Bratton Union (Humboldt), and Sacred Heart (Norfolk). Of the 48 teams here this year, 22 were in the state tournament last year. Hastings, a perenial Class A representative, lost out in its regional competition. Tlicta Xi's win IM class B basketball honors Theta Xi is the new fraternity intramurai class B basketball champion. The winning fraternity defeated Phi Gamma Delta in the finals on Monday evening by a 43 to 20 count Starting early in the game, the winners began a scoring barrage that did not cool off until the game and congratulations were over. They did not hit full stride until the last half when Leo Fisher and Glen Schluckbier and Jack Schulz poured thru the majority of 22 pointa. The Phi Gams were not to be denied during a portion of the sec ond half when they began hitting consistently to come within 7 pointa of the leaders. The Wesleyan and Nebraska phys ed departments are having a play day at Grant Memorial this Saturday a sort of field day for the majors, we hear. . The WAA Lounge will smell one of these daya of fresh paint! As one moron said to the other, quote, "It will smell of nice pale green and cream." (Forgive me.) A littls minut it long snough for a big rsst whan you drink on ica-cold borflo of Coca-Cola. It brings a foaling of complete rsfrsthmsnt... completely satis fying. So whtn you pauto throughout tht day, males it fno pav that refreiAei with ics-cold Coca-Colo. YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY Blue, Sclileich added to sprin football teams Aii eye on Girls Sports By Jcannette Mickey Coach "Biff" Jones' roster of spring footballers working out un der the east stadium has been bolstered by Wayne Blue and Vic tor Schleich. The two sophomores me drilling as fullback and left tackle respec tively on the first Yale team after tossing the shot in indoor track. "Big Boy" Blue took the indoor shot put championship at the Big Six meet in Kansas City last week Later in the week Jones hopes to get the squad out on the turf. Tuesday assignments: Harvard. Left end Preston, Nyden, Stockwell, Loft tackle McNutt, Yakal, Curtis, C. Moore. Left (tuard Von Goeit, Shubert, Bot torff, Wcntz. Center- Kelly, Earhmnn, Harris. RiKht guard Abel, Wilkins, Kent, De vlnney. Right tackle Leik, Bvler, Lincoln, Tirhy. Right end-Ludwlck, I. Jackson, Bro berg, Peters. Quarterback M. Thompson, Stranathan, Muckey, M Orubaugh. Left half-Sindt, Hansen, Ftsher, R. Salisbury. Right ' hit If Bradley. Long, Weeks, W. Jackson. Fullback - Francis, Wright, A. Gru baugh. Yale. Left end - Bunker, Waddick, Anderson, Prochaska. Left tackle- Schleich, Martig, Cleaven ger. Hooker. Left guard-Myers, Nelson, Buckley, K. Moore. Center-Melei, R. Lingenfelter, Hughes, Co.ple. Right guard-Bryant. I rick. Hyde, Seller. Right tackle Herndon, Bordy, Hennings. Right end Kathol, Hazeh, Pomier, Bowers. Quaiterback Athey, Methenv, Preus, Uhlrlch. Left half -Cooper, R. Salisbury, Relchel, Irwin. Right half - Simmons, Vincent, Debus, McVay. Fullback-Blue, Iwis, Rounds. BomM ao4f iMhoricr of Tb Coct-CoU Company br LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY mi G St. Ph. -MM Grounds and equipment worth more than $500,000 have been ac quired in the last year by Wash ington and Jefferson college. State Tournament at Lincoln Bowline Parlon All day and evening, every Saturday and Sunday. E30SEWILDE BOWLING PARLORS 1126 P St. 2-785 Long time no column, so let's see if we can get up to date again. Basketball tonight brings up How ard Hall, once winner, and the Tri Delta for the first game of the second round. Up to Monday the winners were Whitney over the Thetas, Raymond Hall over Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Chi over Towne Club and Howard over the Delta Gams. Monday night's game was a thriller with the Pi Phis leading until the last few minutes of play only to lose by a 23-21 score. Georgia Swallow was high scorer while Virginia Lewis led the pace for Bouton Hall. Bouton's team work was especially noticeable. Last night the Kant Be Beats eliminated the Kappas by a score of 22-5. Dorothy Martin won top scoring honors, sinking 11 points while Bobbie Stoops gave her all for the Kappas scoring 5 of their 5 points. Dorothy Martin and Miriam Mann have been admitted to the "Beautiful Basketmakers club" as a result of last night's game. Ping Pong pieces: Results for this week in round 2 singles shows Miriam Mann, Barb, over Jean MacAllister, AXiD 2, in a game yesterday. In round 3 singles Elaine Linscott, Independent, over June Ackerman, SDT 2, and Har riett Black, Towne club, over B. J. Byllesby, Theta 1. In doubles the DG 1 team, Wykoff-Gimple, won over Millar-Hanson, Chi O 1, while Hazen-Sorensen, DDD 1, elimi nated Krebs-Brown, AXiD 1. The Hazen-Sorensen duo went on yes terday to the League 2 finals by winning over Gimple-Wykoff, DG 1. Also last night Swallow-Ide, Pi Phi 1, defeated McNeel-Eckblad, Howard 1, in three close games. i l ' f .. ::: I ... i i, ir"-N, i - , J yK s ft L, mini ii ' i rr ' ' r Tastes good...costs little and svell fun to ctaH thafs DOUBLEMIHT GUM Ves.cHewingclousHT GUW is ways sv.eU to studying- d ieips rwVatb. And enjoying sweeten - brighten your teeth, too. m Great to enjoy even , and buy several pacVageso MINT uiVl lw ' i