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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1941)
if i .8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, March 7, 1941 THE CLOTHES LINE... Nortk on 16th, slipping behind the houses we somehow managed to collect enough information for another column known as the clothes line. It's comforting to know that every little high school in Podunk and Center Springs has a column which they call by an appella tion similar to ours which somehow es caped our blunt minds. It sags in places, droops in the middle, but perhaps there are enough interesting items strewn here and there to hold your eye on the page, where you are usually accustomed to find the polite chatter of our society column. The articles hanging limply from the wire on this damp March day are somewhat the worse for the weather, but wrinkled and soiled, besmirched and clean, we string them up for your gaze. Yesterday, following the flow of people on the elevator we got off at the third floor of Gold's instead of the fourth, and smack in front of us was a sight such as warms a cynical coed's heart. Hats . . . pert and saucy . . . warm and feminine . . . chic and dressy ... or com fortable for sport . . . for Gold's had received a last minute shipment of college specials. Touches of Cali fornia missions with a southern romance were in a si raw "Padre" . . . small brim . . . intricate grosgrain pleated ribbon . . . imported Rapel braid. Very smart in a different motif was a pigtail hat . . . an off the face pill box with a plaid ribbon band-and two large puffv bows at the sides ... of the same plaid. At the back of the "pigtail" is a little bat pin of match, ing felt with which to fasten it. In the Spring's capti vating pastels as well as navy, black, and brown. At the Turnpike this week-end you'll see Tat Ainley in a new date dress from Cold's . . . torso-len-rlh wilh impressed pleats . . . we hear says it's n honey. You can let that individual streak in you go . . . and the result will be very pleasing . . . when you make up vour own suit from Gold's selection of skirts, jerkins, jackets, and slacks. If there is something you've admired, if there's something you haven't been able to find in the stores previously, you'll find it here. Also at Gold's ... a suit oT tweed . . . box coat tailoied very much like a man's, even In the reverse buttoning. The skirt was full with a kick pleat in front and back and a high waist line . . . smartly eollegiate. Next Sunday in church you'll probably see Max ine Lowe, Chi Omega president, wearing her new suit from Gold's . . . navy blue, perfectly fitted . . . with verv unusual buttons. The skirt is very plain . .. six gore With the suit she wears a delicate pink blouse with puff sleeves and pearl buttons down the front. (Vking at the union over the week-end 'tis ru mored will be seen Kloria, Hansen, Chi O, with her steady Joe Flammany, Delta Sig. Take a note of Glorias new Gay Gibson skirt . . . dusty pink well fitted at the waist with a kick pleat in front and back. The natural color belt with twin buckles sets off In neat waist line very nicely. She wears n new cardigan of lH.t pink . . . the complete outfit from Gold s. Pat Cole was looking at the professor, but a good many eyes were on Tat in biz org classes this week when she wore 11 pink am blue plaid skirt and light blue sweater which she had recently purchased from Ben Simon &. Sons. Jeanne Anderson, Chi O pledge breezed out of Simon's last week, and is currently to be seen m a new battleship gray sports coat . . . very straml.t lines with a slit in the back . . . tailored collar . . . und very loose sleeves. icn wedding bells rang for Kappa Jean Woods and Frank Loetterle. ATO. the Kappa pledges got together and decided the right present would be King Richard silver which is exclu sive at Gardner Brothers' jewelry store at 1220 0 street. Still in the stock rooms of Simon's, to be shown Monday morning are the latest in men's and women's fornials for Nehraskans. "With pleasant weather you may get a glimpse of white coats on men at this week-end's formals. In any ease you'll be sure to see them later in the spring, for Nebraska has finally realized that white coats ate correct for spring and summer. Kappa Ann Craft looked as we wish all coeds might, dressed in a navy dress with white collar and cuffs . . . three quarter length sleeve . . . very full skirt . . . and long waisted . . . braid trim ming was an additional smart touch. The clothes from Hovland's. Phyd Hoffman turned all masculine eyes dressed in a soft pink wool suit . . . long jacket . . . little boy collar . . . swing skirt . . . from Hen Simon's. Delta Gammas are sailing around the campus and social spots carrying anchors their national em blem. Ann Thomas was seen Friday night in a crepe sailor dress of the traditional navy blue with the U. S. Navy emblem on the sleeve. The dress plus a navy blue felt sailor hat Ann found at Hovland-Swanson's. Janey IJaird, a sorority sister also upholds the Navy tradition with a navy blue wool suit from Hovland's. Belte Rathburn, Delta Gamma candidate, for BDG takes to the ever-popular beige and red combination with a plain two-gored skirt and a jerkin of beige wool worn with a red wool jersey blouse. . .from Hovland's. On a iying trip Ret uriiing from a Chicago convention where he learned all the hair do's and don'ts, Mr. Ben at 211 So. 13 will fashion the latest in hair styles for under your Faster bonnet if you will come and see him while he is fea turing until April 15th the regular Jacque line inachiiieless permanent at the special price of $7."0 which includes a complete re styling and haircut. Hen is also offering us a special Faster pres ent to the ladies something new in the way of shampoos and waves for only 75 cents. This offer is good until April l.. At the prom tonight you'll see many stun ning hair do's dis tinctively styled by Mr. Hen. A reproduction of yourself in all its possible distortions. You don't want the school board or the corporation personnel manager to make queer faces at your application picture. Rinchart-Marsden, rth floor of Gold's, will assure you of the best. At the Sammy Formal Saturdaynight you'll see Krv Freidman with Marge Weinberg of Monticello Col lege . . . S.D.T. Muriel Franks and Phil Bordy . . . Prexy Sid Kalin with Cookie Praverntan. Hey Fellows! It's the talk of the campus. Here's the deal. Harvey Brothers are giving free tickets to the Turnpike on March 22 to all B.D.O.C. candidates where the best dressed collegian will he presented. The winner will get .$.")0 in clothing at Harvey Brothers. A foursome of the candidates you will see at the Turnpike that night wilfbe Rube Miller ATO, Eddie Muir, Butch TAither DU and Cliff Meyer, Phi Belt. If you're a B.M.O.C. why not let your friend be B.D.O.C? Get an applica tion blank and start him on the way to fame and $"0 in clothes styled for collegians. Colorful formals swishing with spring will give Simon's fourth floor even more coed appeal when they're placed on display Monday morning. Clerks were kind enough to unpack them to show to us yesterday, so if you've a special hankering for one of these numbers, better get there early and have it reserved. Three stood out among the group which would satisfy the most discriminating coed. Our favorite was a melon-colored chiffon with stitch .shirring worn with or without a matching jacket. Another, with military touches had a red jacket basque effect with brass buttons . . . high waisted navy skirt . . . full white top. Stripes black and white accenting the lines of a knit white jersey top and set off by a wide red shirred belt made another effective gown. If you want a flattering portrait 1 hat is sure to win th- position you have been looking for, stop in at Skog binds for cor rect am1 flattering pictures. Phi Gam Bron Deck was a bit disgusted 'when he called for his date Mary McKcnna at theTri Delt house Saturday night and found her out . . . mm m . I A It! "if -I 4 It's white for dinner jackets as introduced by Simon's i!i iiii! iiii iiii I i ;;; II 11 :::::! pi::! jjjiii I! :::::: :::::: :::::: II :::::: i::i:i