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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, February 21, 1941 JiampJuiA. JiapsUtwqA, with Mylene Pi Beta Phis Will dance formally at Hotel Cornhusker tomorrow night. Spe cialty of the evening will be a trio Betty Krause, Beldora Coclv ran and Janet Hemphill. Chap erons are Prof, and Mrs. Roy E. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Robinson. Dates include Marje Owen and Sigma Nu proxy Ken Holm, Connie Merriam and Beta Harry Rinder, Joann Emerson and Phi Gam Bud Johnson, Louise Ide and Bill Stauss, Sigma Nu foot baller from Iowa U. Street stuff and nonsense has been going on around the Gamma Phi house lately. Blitzkrieging not with bombs but with bouquets, pledges and actives have been in the mar ket for good gas masks, because it seems that-generous sprinklings of the "five-and-dime's" best has been enough to make a bee dizzy. the "very passionate notes" he has been receiving from this elu sive Miss. Something about a very lovely Sunday afternoon together was hinted at also. Dinner dating tonight will be the Phi Mus, who are entertaining at their annual af- UttTOn Byron fair. Steady-goers Kay Donovan, Dottie McCartney, and Marion Olson will be with their "better halves," and Louise Frolik will eat her soup and nuts with Ward Brunson. Alpha Sigs arc quite happy over their two new pledges from Omaha, Howard Martig and Robert Hyde. Page the social chairmen! Does anybody know Elsie? Her last name seems to be G. At any rate, a little bird suggests that Bill Dafoe explain was ever making a social call upon his cousin George, more appro priately known to the English de partment as Lord Byron, yester day. After baying mournfully for his cousin, who seemed to be somewhere else, Byron calmly walked into Professor Scott's class and sat down to listen to the lecture along side blushing Bob Aden. Delt pledges have elected new officers. Dick Childs is prexy, Chuck Shubert is v.-p., Max Wilson is secretary- o o University Night o Courtesy Ticl:et q This Coupon and One X Paid Adult Admission Y Will Admit 2 Persons! Y GOOD FRIDAY 0 FEBR. 21st Only! 0 A Comf on Jotrn to IJnroln't X RIG LAFF SHOW !! See Regular Variety Ad treasurer and Ralph Nielsen is Order now for early delivery, sargcant-at-arms. Townsend's Studio.-Adv. BEECHNUT supervisor is com ing to town, therefore, Beechie Les Johnson's supply will be re plenished. Adv. Your Cornhusker picture will make splendid application prints DANCING TONIGHT to AVE and His Orchestra 9 'til 12 ADMISSION 10c PER PERSON student union 1IKKE WK GO boys nnd girls the latest in enmpus chatter . . . fashion notes . . . ami not to forgot, news which the smart coed and fellow are sure to devour im mediately. So for the remaining weeks of this school year our pleasant duty is to ramhle around the campus and in collegiate stores making discoveries for your gos sip and information (or are they the same!). The Beta's and just about everybody else arc going in for Buffet dinners those days. Sunday evening chew ing on olives, coll meat, and odorous cheeses will be such couples as Lois Drake and Jack Weidrnan. You'll be his sweetheart more than ever this week end at the Thcta and Pi Phi formals when you go with a coiffure from Ben your Hairdresser, 211 So. 13 . . . Radiantly lovely you'll U in his admiring glances. So popular has Mr. Ben been with Nebraska coeds that he has added to his staff Miss Conine, Mr. Don, and Mr. Burton. For February only Mr. Ben offers a $r.50 Joli mach'melcss permanent at only $4.90, and a $5.00 ma chine or machineless at $175. Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday, a shampoo and fingerwave is only 75c. Llj )sMS Is she smart in matched bag. gloves, and hat? Likely she obtained them at Nancee's, 133 South 13th street. Featured at Nancee's this week in luscious new pastels of timber rose and crater blue are combinations of bat, bag, and gloves. At Nancee's, too, you'll see trimmed bonnets, pert soft brims, and baits designed for you, and all at the most reasonrble prices. Lift yourself away from the winter weather. Clever hats from Nancee's will swing you into spring. Flying up from Kansas to dance with bis one and only at the Turnpike this woek-nd is a mysterious young man from Kansas, friend of Julia Hurley. If you're watching those pennies and who isn't these days you'll like the noon lunches at Hamburger Inn just south of the Temple. Satisfying, tasteful food at prices reasonable to the much reduced budget of the student. Are you weary of Jcannie with the graying hair? You can revive that jaded musical palate by a trip to Walt's music store, 11-10 0 street. On every Fraternity and Sorority list are such "must-haves" as "Oh! Look at Me Now" by Tommy Dorsey and the Pied Pipers... and Tony Pastor's 'Taradiddle Joe." Once you've beard filenn Miller's "Song of the Vol pa Boatman,'" you'll have a new feeling for the Russians, and one of your life's ma jor aims will be to obtain a record of it at Walt's. And don't forget . . . Walt's is hc;,dquartcrs for records. Among the galaxy of Thetas shining sweetly at their formal Friday are sure to be Ilattic Costello with A. T. O. Bob Sandburg (you'll see l.iCin at the Prom, Buskirk, Proxy of Kappa Sig. and Ma 17 Here's one of Simon's new three piece suits. See the main column bottom for description. I too), Barbara York with Leonard Van Helen Farrar with Fred Melheny. Casual and appropriate are Simon's 3 button single !reasteds in "a variety of fabric? and colors. Collegii.te atmosphere, cokes, and good food, that's Bucks. Everybody knows it, but in case you don't know how delicious a 25c meal can be, stop in at Bucks today. We stopped at Simon's yesterday to learn the latest in collegiate dress. As us ual, Simon's assortment of Hart, Sebaffner & Marx suits was tops. In addition, Simon's had a pleasant surprise for us. Featured was a smart sports coat, the "Regent" model designed by Scott Barrio of Hollywood . . . natural camel shade with inverted pleated pockets and leather buttons . . . the latest in coats to match any of Simon's gaberdine or covert slacks. Then, too, we saw Ihe newest in top coats . . . cougar with full set in sleeves and fly front to meet 1he approval of the sever est campus critic. Why not browse around in Simon's tomorrow they'll be glad to feliow you the latest fashions. Then up to the coed shop . . . we marveled at the new Ihrce piece suits smart with their military touches . . . Styled by Scott Barrie of Hollywood were suits to make every coed glance with envious eyes . . . three button lounge drapes in new "tan" and teal blue ... all of which urr a hit . . . plaids, checks and stripes . . . and for fabrics an array of tweeds, flannels, Shot hinds, cocrts, and worsteds. We especially noticed a stunning coat of green plaid . . . coats the latest in fashion of oatmeal tweed . . . with stripes . . . softly tailored and dressmaker types to flatter your figure. x Goodbye note, we 11 see you next treek.