DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 20, 1941 A $20,000 steel storage building Superior (Wis.) State Teachers now being used by Iowa ' State College 1898 enrollment of 17 sen- Welfare group jj collese for books seldom used or lors was a 600 percent increase kept for exchange purposes. over that of 1897. 8 I KamfmA, I with Mylene Spring and styles are supposed to be synonymous, but despite this near-zero weather a few people are thinking about clothes. It all has to do with a sports coat, a bow tie, a mou stache, and a pair of pants la beled Royer. Although he was just plain Lew to his fraternity broth ers here at Nebraska some years ago, out in Hollywood he's quite a fashion authority. So the Betas, not to be outdone by the Sigma Nus and their visiting orchestra leaders, invited the gentleman to lunch yesterday. Fourteen degrees will be missed in the gaiety of this week-end when these loyal lassies trip down to Lawrence, Kas., to dazzle the local coeds with the glory of the good old Delta Gam ma anchor. Joe College no longer will be able to sing that little ditty about the absence of these Greek sisters from K. U. if the trip is successful, because the colonizing embryo D. G.'s down there need only a few more girls to make it official, and the Nebraska rela tives are gonna attend to it in person. Incidentally, while there, Nancy , Raymond and a few others will go dancing at the Sophomore Prom, and what with a little detour to Kansas City, we hope that at least a round dozen straggle back for classes Monday morning. Kappas and Phi Psis are learning just what all is in cluded in this loyalty business. All for the sake of the fraternity the Phi Psi pledges have been wash ing cars, scrubbing floors, and holding early morning study ses sions. The Kappas, on the other hand, are serving their sisters' breakfasts in bed, cleaning house, cheerfully admitting to degener acy, and studying until midnight. Kappa hween Molly Woodward, who collects more men than does her pledge class, evidently went back for a second look at SAE Joe Dye, caus ing more than one raised eyebrow at the Interfraternity Ball last Saturday. Then, to complete her "old home" week-end, she skipped out to the Turnpike on Sunday night with last year's steady, Phi Delt Cliff Meier. That welcome relaxation from fighting for rhythm at the aforementioned ball last weekend was all due to the thoughtfulness of Jack Cole. He saw to it that one nice, corny sofa was collected from each fraternity I.ouse. The only drawback was that the va rious Greek brothers found the floor rather a hard place on which t) sleep until the furniture was at last returned, just yesterday. For he"s a jolly good fellow was the theme of the impromptu little party thrown for Chuck Pillsbury last weekend. Seems as though he's off to the army some time soon, and not as brigade colonel, either. So some of the brothers and friends (no distinc tion, really, decided to celebrate their sadness. The Thetas will be missing Peggy Galletly thin weekend at their formal. She la home in Omaha with acute tonsili tis and some pretty flowers from Phi Psi Curt Knudson. This Fri day also will see Marie Anderson at the formal with Phi Dclt Chick Oldfather Don Fitz being off with the basketball team, and Tess Casady home in Des Moines. Saturday society will go formal with the Pi Phis and informal with Howard Hall. The latter is throwing a house party, at which you will see Neva Bishop and Gaines Richmond, Liz Hartman and Frederick Roden beck, and Zenia Lindberg and Leo Butler. Sigma Nil evidently like to eat, because not only did they have a lovely Val entine sweetheart supper last Sun day night, but they also slipped in an exchange dinner with the Chi O's last night. An orphan, perhaps, is poor little Midge, the cute. Cocker Spaniel belonging to the Thomas Sisters. What with Dotty not being seen about as much with Dick Harnsberger as was once, and Annie being Been with lots of people other than Bob O'Connell, Midge no longer lhas the claim on the Phi Psi furniture that she used to have. Tch! tch! Someone had best call the S. P. C. A. starts drive for $500 Religious council to aid students in Europe, China with university gifts A goal of $500 to be raised from the university for the support of students in China and Europe has been set by the committee in charge of the local world student service fund. This committee is under the sponsorship of the Re ligious Welfare council. . The money will be divided, in proportion to needs, between Chinese and European students. Contributions can be marked to be sent to one or the other, as desired. Of all money raised, 97 percent is guaranteed to reach the students, with three percent or less used for administrative expenses. This, pointed out Hugh Wilkins, one of the cam paign leaders, is far more effici ent than most similar relief agencies. Money going to European stu dents will be used mainly for the purchase of textbooks and sup plies, said Wilkins, and also per sonal counseling. Those students are not yet in need of food as badly as Chinese students, are forced to live for a whole year and pay all college expenses on only ten dollars. Think A Chance yJlJI To Win Wi I If W i Dave Ilaun plays in Union Friday Dave Haun will play for the Union dance tomorrow night. Ad mission will be ten cents per per son and the dance will be held from 9 to 12 in the ballroom. t- , V J J yP i r' i r i- n v. z I . : Li 3S 7, if. ( :.lt- l mm i- w ritt.li .t-l,M..-.. I 1207 120 1217 We Have The Three New Queen Make Exclustves of Kool-Shan Featured in January Mademoiselle Three charming frocks in this fine spun rayon ainl acetate. They're wash able! I'p north, you'll like their bright, light touch. An.l, if you're resort ImmiikI, you just can't do without them! 1207. Note the full, free kklrt. Zipper closing for a cool, convert ible neckline. Dusty rose, toft blue, told, or treen. Sizes 12 to 2; 38 to 1L 1208. Beculllnr neckline. Braided belt. Enchanting colors. Dustr rose, treen. blue, or luggage. Sizes. 12 to 20. 1217. Interesting notched print repealed in the design of the front closing. Dusty rose, green, Wue, luggage. Sizes 12 to 20. n 98 to no 98 YOUR DRUG STORE Ctrl gate' I Tonth Powder Special One 40c Size and At gi One 20c Sire, both for 4r OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & P Phone 2-1068