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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN I JamfwA, 3(apJunqA. I with Marion Cramer T February Alumnus features review of first years at LIN They are from Iowa and their romance is going strong. When Steve Davis imported a date from Sioux City for the Sig ma Nu Pigge dinner last fall it would have taken a better guesser than yours truly to predict that Carmelita Ganz would come to UN this semester and be wearing his Sigma Nu pin. Oh well, we can't all be prophets. Formal doings of the weekend center around the Sigma Kappas who wi 1 treat their dates on Friday; couplings for this event occur be tween .Tewel Tinker and Beta Sig Dick Lundgren, Nelle Doe Carlan and Sigma Nu Ed VVibbels. Both of these dating combinations seem to be getting better and better as the year progresses. Off to the Windy City for the weekend are Ti This Joanne Emerson and Shirley Wi ley who are going to take in the Phi Rho party at Northwestern. My. what will the local boys say to this transfer of affection? Seranades or a reasonable facsimile thereof have been greeting the Thetas on various occasions when they lifted up the phone. Seems the fellows appreciated the singing the other night but are doing it up the easy way, by using Mr. Bell's remark able invention. Preston Hays who plan on taking in the ball and the Sigma imu Sweetheart dinner which is sched uled for Sunday. JJe's from Missouri and is going to show Jean Porter a good time this weekend. Wonder if he is one of the people coming up for the Student Council Con vention or if this is just one of those extra special events? Do you ever wonder just what happened, to that keen dating combination between Shir ley Khyme and George Abbott which looked so good early this fall to smooth Alice Marion Holmes who saw so much of Phi Tsi Jack Judy last year, to that a very constant affair which seems to be not quite so much that way between Tri Delt Fran Kcefer and Sigma Nu Frank Scudder, and most of all what ever did happen to all those opto mistic souls that told me that spring brought new romances? (I believed them when I was a freshie, but now. . . ) The 'Ole Left llander' will be the occasion for some new dating combinations. In fact there are some couples that thought Saturday night wasn't enough for mey nave nunuay uaira iw. m thiti category are Kappa Shirley (allHIl Van Decar ana &ig Aipn win Macy who will go to the Sig Alph Buffet dinner on Sunday. Betty Dobbs, Pi Phi and Sigma Nu Manna from the Hoffmans greeted Kappa Shirley Hoffman when her family arrived in town wan a carioau or food (Almost enough to feed all the Kappas) for it seems that people weren't wrong when they wished her a happy birthday. The banquet atmosphere was increas ed by a lovely boquet of sweet heart roses sent by Phi Psi "Rags" Rydman. With the annual Charter Day celebration coming Saturday, the February issue of the Nebraska Alumnus, out yesterday, features an article entitled, "Remembering Those First Years" by Henry H. Wilson, 78, '85, '95 and '29. As the years indicate, Wil son's association with the uni versity began two years after the university opened. After re ceiving his degree, he taught for 28 years in the law college. In 1929, Wilson received an hon orary doctor of law degree, his fourth from the University of Nebraska. Reminiscing in his article, Mr. Wilson recall.i his earliest experi ences at Nebraska, and writes of many amusing tales of his day. His attitude on what was consid ered new reforms such as the formation of an ROTC unit which he opposed as editor of the stu dent publication, the Hesperian Student have changed today, Wilson writes. Charter Day affairs will be held in all parts of the country according to reports from 18 chapters which have made defi nite plans for the occasion. Rose Bowl talk still fills the let ters' columns with correspondence coming from both the west coast and the mid-west. Development of photography, especially as an aid to teaching, is discussed in an article by Knute O. Broady. chairman of the visual education department. Illustrated are pictures showing the versatility of the depart ment including a portrait pic ture, a speed graphic shot from the top of the stadium and a "photo-micograph" photo of some wheat Wednesday, February 12, 1941 Prof. Dana Cole speaks to Ecouomica on taxes Professor Dana C. Cole spoke to members of Economica on the sub ject: "What the Business Man Wants in the Way of a Federal Tax System," at the monthly meet ing of the organization. showing the "campus cycle." In addition, reports from the various alumni clubs and a report UIIIC TTllnw. ' 7- , . , , , . Also in this month's issue are on prominent aiumni are incmaea. a uniVersity pJge with feature On the frontpieee is a photo show news ofthe monti, a section on ing the statue of Lincoln at the Ss in current Affair reviewed capital. Among the pictures m books in curre m , a full Page shot of nfstoy department, and a digest students taking examinations ia of the DAILY NEBRASKAN '17 .JL'.Y) k Mixes, qik MiUutP RnHJv? El 5 JlSy V liv . Ll ? hl Your Cornhusker picture will make splendid application prints Order now for early delivery. Townsend's Studio. Adv. SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAKS (iRVAiii TAI'CHT A I HO INMVIM'AI. I.NSTRI T10N COMPLETE SECRETARIAL TRAINING DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL tIS Uncoln I.llx-rty life lllcl. I-Z1CI The University of Nebraska School of Fine Arts The University Theater presents "Key Largo" By Maxwell Anderson February 12-13-14 Temple Theater 7:10 each evenino (Continued from page 1.) purposes. Asked to comment on the merits of the bill, the sen ator said: "It woutd encourage the use of gasoline as a tractor fuel." "Being in the implement busi ness I know that tractors win ae volon at least 10 percent more horsepower, will last longer and will require fewer repairs if gaso line is used as a fuel... Only two states in the country do not have a similar act Nebraska and Ar kansas." Senator Callan engages in a unique hobby. He Tikes to take poor producing farms and build them up. Thru terracing and other soil conservation methods, he co operates extensively with the government's farm improve ment program. At present, Sen ator Callan farms 760 acres. The senator is married and has two sons, one of whom, Dean, is a sophomore in the university. UITED for the Campus! Mm. C. J. Haase. a 1936 gradu ate of Stout institute. Menomonie. Wis., is keeping records of activi ties of all members of her class. Sixty-seven percent of Univer sity of Cincinnati students come from Cincinnati homes. Flowers foro HERj) Valentine FRIDAY FEBR. 14 WHEN WORDS FAIL FLCVERS SAY IT Danielson Floral Co. ft NEW SPORTSWEAR QF BIG importance is the j LITTLE suit, that two picccr than can he worn under coats in early spring, without when the sun hi lines more warmly. EITIIKR the strictly tail ored or the Mft dressmaker types, depending upon your personal wishes, for hoth are correct. In navy, black and pastels. Mistet' anil Women $ Sites 1995t0$45 MImm' b Wtaen'f '.! Seeenl Hr BLOUSES and SWEAT ERS are constantly arriving, so that you may have many variations with your spring suit, without a great deal of extra cost. Drop in often to see the new. RporUwctr Ktcn4 Hr O 1 WE on iw. kj 2-2234