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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1941)
? iWednes'day, February 12, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN y DmiotrtnrDODi Nebraska track i team aims for Illinois Relays Nebraska's indoor track team should get off to a flying start Saturday night at the Illinois Re lays at Champaign if practice showings are indicative. An eye on Girls Sports By Jeannette Mickey Coach Ed Weir revealed yes terday that Eugene "Red" Litt ler, who is out to break the 31.2 national record for the 300 yard dash which he tied at the relays last year, exceeded the official university indoor one lap mark with a time of 26.9 seconds. V" "Red" passed his own previous mark of 27.36 for the 250 yard HaroM Hunt, Saturday passed his school pole-vaulting record of just under 13-9 made last year at the relays with a mark of 13-9V4. Bob Ginn's unofficial record mile Saturday in 4 minutes and 20.9 seconds makes him a contender in the relays' 1500 meters run, ac cording to Weir. Ten men will be named today to make the trip. The squad will leave early Friday morning. The team plans to concentrate on individual events rather than relays since ineligibility has put a member of the shuttle hurdle team on the shelf. Bill Smutz, Bob Kahler and Ralph King are contenders in the high hurdles. Vic Schloich, Ray Prochaska and Wayne Blue are working with the shot. Don Morris, quarter miler, and George Scott, pole vaulter, are contending for berths on the relay squad. HAIR CUT Commerce Barbers Nortk 35c 35c 13 EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Winner of the Nebraska ball tournament is Howard Hall who defeated Wilson Hall in the finals last night by a score of 35-18. Highlights of the game included outstandidng playing by Opal Jackson, Annette Eckblad and Virginia McNeel for the winners and Lucille Bertelson, Lois Klindt and Pauline Roberts. Last night also marked the the end of the round robin tour nament in bowling with the fol lowing teams winning games: SDT 2 over Alpha Phi 2, Theta 4 over Pi Phi 2 bowting 673, AXiD over AOPi, and Kappa Delt over Theta 1. Virginia Stoddart, Theta, has joined the ranks of 160 scorers. ODD 1, with Elea nor Akin bowling 175, Whitney, and Alpha Chi 3 won by default. Monday night Alpha Phi 1 won over Whitney, Sigma Kappa over Theta 1, Phi Mu over Ray Hall 2, oand Theta 4 over AXO 2 with DDD 2. SDT 2, Theta 2, and Gam ma Phi 1 winning by default Team scores from this tour nament will be averaged and the highest will be entered in the elimination tournament to try for the championship, starting Monday. Entering teams will be announced tomorrow. Several changes have been made in the basketball tournament just coming up. Each group will be allowed to enter only one team and each girl must have two prac tices. Practices will be scheduled by the intramural office, and will start Thursday with Alpha Chi, Gamma Phi, AXi Delta and Tri Delt The Rifle club headed by Ruth Coordes has been participating in several intercollegiate rifle meets this year. Huskers open Bis Six tank season in win By Bob Miller. Cornhusker swimming team added another victory yesterday afternoon to their already mount ing triumphs in the aquatic sport by virtue of their 48 to 36 defeat of a stubborn Kansas State squad in the coliseum pool. Coach C. S. Moll's team showed balance but was not able to match the Cornhusker's efforts in most f the events, especially the diving and back stroke events. As Is the usual custom when Les Oldfield climbs into the wa ter, a record is Union sponsors tea dance Illinois state PTA on ag campus tomorrow asks Rosenlof to talk . x) r With relaxing music... pause and Four generations have enjoyed the refreshing goodness of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Its pleasing taste always leaves a cool clean after-sense of complete re freshment. So when you pause throughout the day, make it the pouie that rfriht$ with ice-cold Coca-Cola. '5 YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY Bottled nodcr authority of Tbe Coct-CoU Company by LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY "20 G St rh. 2-5357 An ag college matinee dance will be held tomorrow from 5 to 6 p. m. in the student activities building. At this time the Union will inaugurate the first of a se ries of free tea dances with re corded music. Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, registrar, university examiner, and director of admissions, has been invited to address the Illinois State Congress of Parent and Teachers at Belle ville, 111., April 24. fi .i-.i E 4 . ' T i ii n w'mmi ' i i iiiiiii i ii ii i iT'T-y-yTTmTm LEARN TO GUARANTEE .VSWM4,S&S!, SPECIAL RATE TO STL'DkNTS IRVING KUKLIN '39 1210 P St. JXfftSzSS LNKr.K. Phone 2-1616 Jmajiol usually washed up. This time it was the Big Six record that was bettered in the 150 yard back stroke. The rivalry of last year be tween Bill Ed wards and Leo Yeo came to a head again but nothing was decided since Yeo took the 50 yard free oldfield. and then two events later Ed wards touched shore first in the 100 yard. Marshall Stover lived up to expectations for Kansas by win ning both the 220 yard free and the 440 in good times. Stover, it may be pointed out is present Big Six record holder in both of these events. Iowa State will be in Lincoln to compete against the Husker's on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. This team is the present holder of the Big Six title and will be the strongest team that the Nebraska swimmers have run up against so far this season. This is a meet that is worth all the effort since it will bring together the present leaders in the conference teams. 300 yard medley relay: Won by Ne braska (Oldfield. crawl: Foster, breast stroke; Rohman, backstroke.) Time 3:38.2. 220 yard tree style: Won by Marshall tsiover IKS): second. Bus Lamer (K8) third. Don Hilgcrt, (N). Time: 2:28.5. 50 yard free: Won by Leo Yeo KS); second. Bill Edwards N); third Wayne hteKirdy (K8. Time :24 3. Divine: Won by Ralph Worden (N). 99.4 points; second. Bill Hull (N) 77.9 points and third Stover KS 76 points. 100 yard free: Won by Edwards (N); second, Teo K8); third Harold Nova (KS. Tim :5a. J. 150 backstroke: Won by Oldfield (N; second Can Rhman N) ; third John Gar rett (KSi. Time: 1:46. 200 yard back stroke: Won by Lc Roy Foster N); second, Don Hilcert (N; third Iforria Barrett (KB). Time: 2:48.5. 440 Ire style: Won by Stover K8i; second. Lamer (KB; third, Cliff Lam bert (1. Time: 5 43 . 400 yard relay: Won by Nebraska (Old field, Woods, Edwards and Kohman.) Time 3:58 5. For Your Valentine Party serve Fairmont's Ice Cream available in Heart Center Bricks or individual Heart Molds ORDER TODAY FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. Phone 6-2326 Bulletin AO COLLEGE RECREATION MTE. Ac eoUrce mmUioa al(it which met Tburaday wirbU last oenw-sb-r will meet Tuesdays this scmenler. First inert to Is Taroday, Fch. II, from 6:4.1 U I p. m. Kelrrtainfneat will Inrlode square dancing, anaine. board, badmloloa and pinc-pooic. All ac reUrte mra and womrsj are wcl- rviDV fvina AS rsrahaoker hooks tad money mat be turned la WMlay al the trnhuker of fice or at the nicriing today at p. m. ARCIIKOIXHiirAL FILM. First shsw-iac of l4 arrhruloKicaJ e prdlttna plrtarr i NHiraka will be held toolxht at 7:18 la lite dairy auditorium, routn 801. Dr. (. It. Ohultt will show the nira aad rrrrysne I latltcd. AQ TU A. Ac eoUese TW(A will spuakor a ."sweai- Ac bilrre IH( A will sponaorli "mral. er-ajid-skirt" Urn to be held Thaixuy from 8:48 to 6:41 p. m. la the home rro auwitca artors. l.vrri our U Invllc4 la tmnm aad alca sp for coaunlssioa croup. pi Mr F.rsiio.v. FI Ma KpaUoa alii bold pobUr meet lo at 1:80 p. m. Tharoday la Hnr- lah oraiory, room 211. Ray Murray will speak oa "The Mai hematics of Fhyilral hys texns." New members are arced to at Icad to recHve thrlr keys. TA.NHM KKKI I Bli. Taaskiterrttrs will niert at 4 p. at. to day m tho euUsnan. JI'MOB SK.MOK l-ROM 4TOMMMITTKE. There will ha a mrrlinc of the hialor seaior proas tananltu toaay at p. a. U the torahaakef office. Eat-a-Treat Today I WED. NOON FEB. It I MEAT LOAF rOTATOES Choice of VereUM or Carrot aad Cskbac BaUd Rolls and Baiter BatterMstch Faddlnr Cblcs of Bcvrraf 25c Stndent UNION Cafeteria 9 V V. .. . . t , .. V - H k r' eay m jr a . ., w Talk about a swell treat... just sink your teeth into Uth DOUBLWT GUtt i owina satisiaction, vnc or real chewing DOUBUMINI daily add! toioxmal get-togelters ten vour Dieaui . ana enjoy cwuw t; I A.