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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1941)
8 o Duree f Colhtch is convening with alarming ree-ularitv and the ma jority of people have ceased being grmas ana are muling around more in accordance to the usual university of Nebraska precepts, After ten erim davs of last week end was cram full for the relaxation-seekers who stayed in town . . . Friday night the Acacias held iorth in full reralia at their hin nial Bowery Brawl and after that we're slightly insane if a yell for more informal formals doesn't noise itself around., .the Tri-Delts rormal was fine but a few of the UMOCs who head campus publi cations, and like organizations, must ve tried to put that "informal formal" idea to usage, immediate usage, for they showed at the Tri Ji . tciL ueai minus me usual formal garb. Seems the lads brought their dates over from the Kosmet Klub party but only got to dance a cou ple of times before they were ejected for their informal attire. Kosmet Klubbers must've had a fine party from all reports. . . Scabbard and Blade also partied with dates... all the military dig nitaries were present and after dinner they dropped in for "Phil adelphia Story"... and hey, we've Ends on old headache with their complete stock of books and student supplies. You will save 10c on every dollar you spend on new books and 25c to when you buy used books Store. We also have a complete assortment of student needs, including engineering equipment, art supplies, notebooks, papers, fountain pens and jewelry. WOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE! aturos The Department Store of 4fl yet to hear a soul say that the cinema is less than good. A few of the homo mignl whipped up to Omaha for one of uiose Historic FM Rho parties, and thus, a week ends. In the something new depart nieiu: Norm Harris, latest ex-ed. of the Daily is wearing his Sammie pin ae:ain...he traded Rprnioo Silverman a diamond for it. . . Back for the week is .Ti Theta of last vear. WWi no richt happy . . . seems keen to see her about . , . ChiO Lynn Dale is wearinp- 'Rill Richardson's Siema Nu nin a nin hanging that dates from the new semester so it's just possible that you'll see them at the Ohi nmon formal come Friday night . . .also on the Sigma Nu side is Lois urake s date, Stan Truhlsen . . . Margaret Fowler will h nhont wun &Aj jonn Leroy Kappa Sies have auite n oVni . . . they formal Fridav nip-Hr nH iiuiu a founders Day banquet Sat- uruay nignt . . . some seven or eight of the boirs will h wifh dates imported from Omaha Fri day night ... but people taking local lasses include Paul Matthews with Joan Lone'. Bill Fiorv anA ChiO Beth Cambridge who'll do You could save yourself a lot of aspirin if you would let LONG'S Be Your Guide Dggjl..5fDaE 50c out of each dollar at the Nebraska Book Txt Bool Student SuppliM Student Needa km DAILY NEBRASKAN Five new volumes added lo library. One of the new books added to library reference list is "American Negro Sones." collection of 230 folk songs of re ligious and secular significance with a foreword by John W. Work. Other additions include Folios of New Writing, Recent Revela tions of European DiDlomacv hv G. P. Good.. " ' one of those eommnti tween the two formals . . . and then it sort of looks like President Leonard Van Buskirk will escort Theta Barbara York . . . seems Jack Hitchcock is also plenty in terested there . . . Rumors are in the air and latest one is relative to late spring wed ding bells for Kappa Ellie Lutz and SAE Clark OHanlon . . . Saturday's formal nidf Will ha the ATO dinner dance and the Phi Psi formal . . . nn nioHuo p Cole will be with ATO Jack Hig gens, while Tri-Delt Mar wi Deitrich will be with Jim Nicola and Pi Phi Maxine Fi templatinff beinc at th Ainha Ton vuiega aiiair wnn $ob Johnson aiso rumor: what's all this aDout Beta E. B. (for eligible bachelor, chuml Dir?k Ooiiotoi.. i cany Demg unmenaiy to the fair ii . .. . sex . . . He claims he's really got bachelor ideas. At the Phi Psi nortu chances are you'll see Becky Waite with Dick Harnsbereer . . Rot. tie Cox with Warren Jensen and u mat friendship of Ann Thomas, DG, with Bob O'Connell isn't on the rocks bv then . . . wh be about. Broadway's Neweit Star CAROL BRUCE of ' LOUISIANA PURCHASE" w ;A s J Holier Copfrlfhl 1941, I S-Af Llccrrr I Mum ? Tmacc C. V i, , . . j Naval Reserve O v j to interview students here Traveling Flight Selection board for the Fairfax U. S. Naval Re serve field will be in Lincoln to examine university students inter ested in flight training between 9:30 p. m. tomorrow night and 8 a. m. Saturday morning. High mathematical require ments have been entirely elimi nated, according to the Naval Re cruiting Station. Men students Men's Glee Club plans coneerl The University of Nebraska Men's Glee club, directed by Her mann Decker, will present a con cert in the Union, Sunday, Feb. 9, at 3 p. m. Twenty-two students will sing in the concert which is sponsored by the school of fine arts. Geology lionorar y elects Griess Otto Griess, senior, was elected president of Sigma Gamma Epsi lon, honorary geology fraternity. at a recent meeting. Other offi cers for the second semester are: Bill Iverson, vice-president; Elliot Bratt. secretary-treasur-or- on. Lyls Harvey, editor. DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT 0,.. . i UbPs U it's the milder better-tasting cigarette "the smoker's cigarette Chesterfield has so many things a smoker hikes so well that it's just naturally called the smoker's cigarette. You always enjoy Chesterfield's cooler, better taste ...and they're really MILDER not strong or harsh. Get yourself a pack of Chesterfields. Qoucaat&iy a (Better Cyanttc Tuesday, Feb'mary 4, 1941' Fli&ht hoard who have 50 percent of the credits required for a degree at the uni versity are eligible for examina tion and appointment. The training for the Naval Re. serve midshipman has been dis continued temporarily but may start again in early summer. Students wishing further details should inquire at the Lincoln re cruiting; station in the Post building, fourth floor. Hiimnel, Porry, Werner attend eastern meetings Dr. W. J. Himmel of the botany department, Dr. Winona Perry of teachers college, and Dr. H O I Werner of the college of agricul- I ture attended meetine- by the American Association the Advancement of Science in Philadelphia Dec. 27 to Jan 2. Dr. ' Himmel represented the Nehrnoir Academy of Sciences, as its sec retary, at the national of the Academies and oisn t. tended meetings of the Amnion Society of Plant Physiologists. Dr. Perry attended section meeting in psychology and education hh rw Werner attended meetings of the American Potato Association and the American Horticultural u.u, kjvp- ciety. Seventv-five stiidnta foreign countries have formal on organization at New York uni versity. r-miimn. ,