The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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Tuesday, February 4, 1941
1 . 1
f I X. f By !
1 Jim Erier j
Francis, Rohn drop
school for spring
semester lo work
Two Nebraska junior fullbacks
will lay out of school this semes
ter, they announced over the week
end. Vike Francis, Lincoln, and
Henry Rohn, Fremont, lettermen,
are quitting school to find work.
However, their athletic eligibil-
Hold on to your hat, Harvey,
cause here we go again!
Yes for the remainder of this
school year, this agent will be
looking over the welfare of these
sport pages. Will you bear with
me for another semester?
A lot of activity in the sporting
world has passed under the bridge
since the period of the DAILY in
activity during the examination
Big names in sport have sprung
k.i. intn the headlines because of
the draft which has called many of
these statelites into active army
nthor wr names will never ap
pear again due to permanent in
jury and aeam.
rrn thP last dav of 1940, I hap
pened to be in the Santa Anita
stands and watched Jockey
Earl Dew boot home his 287th
victory of the year. This win gave
rui th title of Jockev of the Year
for winning the most races of the
last campaign.
KnnHnv Drw rode a mount at
Amia Pnliente. Mexico. The horse
fell beneath him and other horses
trampled over Dew. The resuu
was death to 19-year old Iowa lad.
Time and things change. Who
would have thought a month ago
that the Huskera would be solidly
entrenched in third place in me
Big Six basketball race?
The turn of the year and the
turn of a new leaf for the Ne
braska cagers. Four wins and two
losses in conference with the best
defensive average in the league is
the record in loop play now.
Who would have thought that
Fullbacks Henry Rohn and Vike
vmnriq would have dropped out
f efhnnl fnr the SDriner semester?
Who would have thought that
Tom Stidham would leave Okla
roach and transfer to
Marquette? Who would have
thought Jim Yeager would trade
Iowa State success for Colorado
football ?
Yes, the world, time and things
change. What was big news a
month ago is scrap paper now.
Athletics as well as any feature
r,t human attivitv wait for no man.
Wait a few more months and
other events which one would be
lieve impossible may become actualities.
Yoa Marvev. hold on to VOUf
hat. 'cause here we go again!
YW to install
new officers
Cabinet v take office
at vesper service today
YW nffirers and cabinet will De
installed tonight at the regular
vpRrwr service. Frances Keefer
will succeed Jane Shaw as presi
dent Other officers are: Virginia
r.arfrpii vtr resident: Jean
Christie, secretary; Sylvia Katz
man, treasurer.
The newly elected cabinet met
with the retiring group Sunday
for a 6:00 supper at Ellen Smith.
The group sang YW songs and
held an Informal aiscussion. u
votlons at the close of the meet
ing were led by Mrs. Ray Rice.
Th rohint to be installed is:
n n training course. Flavla
Tharpe; office and personnel, Jean
Coffee; membership, Maxine Ful
ler; social chairman, jean -nna-al
relations. Ann Arbit-
man: social service, Mary Ruth
RhnHm unri .Tnan Emerson, co-
chairmen; vesper staff, Doris
Crittenden; vesper choir, Eliza
beth May; freshman commissions,
Mai-caret TVines: EsteS Btaff,
Frances Drenguls; art staff, Lois
Becquet; Bible leadership, Vir
rnia r.artrpll! N Book. Louise
Frollch; YW paper. Jean Carna
han; publicity, Helen Kelley. Ma
rie Anderson, ag president, will
.. ..Mm n thp rahlnet.
turn o. i w .
Marie Anderson, president and
Dorothy Schudel, secretary of ag
. Al J
Attention: girl
Sports writers
Any girl interested in writ
ing about women's sports is
asked to report to the DAILY
sports editor. News coverage
on girls' athletics is needed.
Material may be turned later
into columnar features if the
writing is of such caliber.
Journal and Star.
ity for football will not be im
paired as long as they completed
satisfactory work in the fall se
Rohn. married, plans to find a
Inh ns rioes F"rancis. Both are
track weightmen and will miss the
cinder sport this spring.
It is possible for Big Six ath-
lptps to lav out a semester and
then come back the next semester
tn romnete in their sport provid
iriP- thev have completed the re
quirements at the time they drop
out of school. An athlete may not,
however, drop from school twice
ami then participate the next se
mester. He has to wait one more
Edsel Wibbels, track and foot
ball star, is an example of the lat
tpr rase Tniureri in an explosion
last summer, Wibbels stayed out
rf school last semester. He won't
be able to compete until next fall
as he has already layea oui one
semester previous to mis iasu one.
Harrv Hono. Husker footballer,
was an example of the status of
Francis and Rohn. Harry layed
out last spring and yet was able
to play football last ian
For statisticians
w 1 rwt . nta ants
Oklahoma 4 1 .MK 213 171
Kansas 3 1 n
NEBRASKA. 4 2 .667 213 198
Kansas. State Z 3 .4W nn iJ
i.,..,.. !,.,. 1 a 2M) l.r2 160
Missouri 0 4 .000 138 17.
Mondav: Kansas vs. Wichita at Wichita.
WeHnmriAv: Oklnhoma A. & M. vs. Ok
lahoma at Norman.
Thursday: M ssouri vs. Kansas siaie ai
Manhattan. ...
Saturday: Iowa Stale vs. Oklahoma ai
Norman. . .
Feb. 10: Nebraska vs. Kansas ai lmw-
(34 or Mure I'ltlnla.)
g fs ft pf pta
Engleman, Kansas ... 4 33 14 5 80
Allen. Kansas 4 14 IB 1
Nicholas. Iowa State.. 4 15 13 9 43
Ford. Oklahoma 4 14 k "
Fltz, Nebraska 6 IS IS 12 53
Roberts, Oklahoma . . a in i u
Held. Nebraska 6 IS 13 11 51
Horacek. Ka. State., o lit s i iu
Budoluhson. 1. State.. 4 14 3 8 31
Pnlne, Oklahoma 5 16 3 13 37
Corbln. Oklahoma ... 5 14 7 lu jo
Langvardt, K. Slate.. 5 11 a
Guv. Kas. State .... 5 13 4 17 30
Fitiaibbon. Nebraska. 6 14 7 14 35
Randall, Nebraska... 6 13 7 14 33
(la All GaineO
(i KG
Don Fit 14 46
Sid Held 14 48
Al Randiill 13 20
John Fltzetbbon 14 21
Lea Livingston 13
John Thompson 14
Hattman Goctze 14
Max Young 12
John Hay 6
Charles Vacantl 6
Lyle King 4
Ted Green 1
8 00
7 40
6 00
5 83
32 27 124
24 17 120
14 30 54
10 24
12 21
11 20
Ping-pong entry
deadline Feb. 7;
coeds may enter
Pinr Don? tournament entries
for men and women which will be
held at the Union this semester,
must be submitted by Friday, Feb.
7. Entrance for men will be ac
cording to matches in duffers sin
gles, international singles ana au
vanced singles, as well as duffers
doubles and advanced doubles.
For women there are two classes
of singles and one class of doubles.
A mixed doubles tournament will
be inaugurated if there are enough
Prizes will be offered for win
ners of all classes.
Mashed Potatoes Choic of
Vegetables or Molded
Fruit Salad
Rice Delicious Choice of Bev'ge
Roiis 25c Butter
Student UNION Cafeteria
I - "
- - " " - " !!!!!!;;i;iir::tt!!:R:iu
yii.iH msnsyff n i .in ... ...rffff .JBrT-i. i' T;:"::::::;:r:I;t:::r:!:;::!ffmrrlrm:I;lliil!'''.'n :!: ::';::;-":::!:;::;:::
sgamaass (fit) ci I
m L mm ? 1 III Y'.A'tS I. '
kSZA 5 :"''L V'b'U: LEFT: Go everywhere
! T- . ZCi' A Campus favorite 01
i i rayon crepe in Rose.
I I I 1 r 1 a..o Kin Rti?e and I I
V . : Kaw." Sizes 9 to 17.
V ,0" i
1 : RIGHT: Applause Winner. In navy I
W i nlv. and smartly touched up eyelet f
t embroidered pique collar and cuffs.
I .i i Of Cheerio raj on crepe. Sizes 9 to 17.
LEFT: Fashion Find. RIGHT: Country Gar- fk i I Y . . - OR IHNIORS I
noris Dodson classic "s IV i iMW
ii nun iiui " " mm i i
or spun ray Tailored 01 inura El ff f P"
dine In red. blue, retn spun rayon la Belce, ffJ Q K II if
and rust. Slxe, 11 to S," O t0 JLO
6.95 6.95 I
YW, will be mstauea on b -
i 1 1 1
pus this noon.
1 1 :