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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1941)
V Tuesday, February 4, 1941 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Ride instruments? Sanders9 band contends it can be done The signing of Joe Sanders for the Intel fraternity Ball brings to light a little story now famous in band circles. In Illinois Joe Sanders and his Nighthawks once rode their In struments literally. Playing for a huge open air af fair, they were suddenly seized by a cyclone and borne several hun dred yards in the air. Several of the men hung on to their instru ments, but Joe himself confesses that he let go of his piano. Once, however, Joe and hi men were ridden, without their knowl edge, all the way from Tulsa, Okla., to New York City. They were going to play at the home cf an oil magnate who lived in Friendly voice The friendly voice of Gabriel Heatter, whose likeness is here taiicatuied. will be beard tonight ever the Columbia network on "We, the reople." H ratter, mas ter cf ceremonies. interviews .nests with unusual real life CBS to present Lucretius9 poem on materialism "Invitation to Learning." an ed ucational radio program sponsored by tho Columbia Broadcasting system, will be presented tonight at 9:15. The topic of the program will be Lucretius' poem, "On the Nature of Things." The poem will be presented and discussed by Allen Tate, head of the writing division of Princeton university's creative arts pro pam, and Mark Van Dorcn, Pulit zer prize winner in pot-try. Lucretius, the ancient B.oman philosopher, wanted to free men of their fears, and in order to do this he states in his poem that the universe is ruled by chance and riot by gods. The poem deal.s al most wholly with the principle of materialism. Degrees- (Continued from page 1). ( lih diMiniiK.ii ) Wayne Martin Bomemelcr. Murdock lymj Vircil Chn-tensen. North Platte. William Katon Clark. Omaha, l.un Ralph Clvmer. Greenwood. I -on a Id Arthur Cro-ier. H Kdward. Walter Marciu Crumblisa. L'lyssea. Harley Nelson Isold. Haywood. Jesae Wwt Coble, P,eatrlc. William I.verne Kiester. Jlemlr.gford. l.eroy Otto Kramer. Hchuylcr. I-avid Park Mt-Cill. Waverly. Cecrye Wlllia-n Macdourall. Lincoln. Vdvard Alfred Mark. Lincoln. nk Quante, Jr . Frock. odore Regier. Henderson, ".in Joeeph Rousek. Hurvell. il Arnold Keldera, Lincoln. Clayton Shipman. Nelaon. nee Wade Tremain, Lincoln. I' Marion Tupper, Rivcrton. . red I avmond Whitney Fullcrton. Robert Carrow Wilson, Dunbar, of Slenee In Home Kcwinmlra. TorH May Paisinfer Klucod. I-t.ylli Flayne Boyea, Scottsbltiff. ith distinction I. Helty P.oe Conway. York. Mildred Fdlth ixxlrill, Lincoln. Anna Belle Tekamsh. Matilda Woods Halley, Rapid City, 8. D. Aleda Marie Hoefencr, Bartlelt. Joan Jellnek, Wilbur. Florence Jeanette Kelna. Grand Inland. Kooella Mae Kerchbei-er. Hay Spribk In Muriel Kreha, Hcotia. Helen Ie!orlii Krejcl, Fairmont. Mary Lloyd, Mnnkato, Minn. Mary Crace McCavrcn, Omaha. Adelaide Rebecca Rice, Tckamah. parhara Ktiirley Komlne. Heatrlc. Helen Klize Believe, Plymouth. Isther Mae fcchneldeiwind, Oman. Vocational Fdncatlon Certificate la Acrf nltare. Vlrfril Chrlitenien. North Platte. LoDald Arthur Croeler, lit. Kdward. the suburbs of Tulsa. A car took them to a train which seemed to travel an awfully long way. fi nally their "host" appeared and announced that it was a non-stop special to New York they were on. He was actually the brother of the man who had hired them and had kidnapped them to New York on a huge bet. f Missing heir gets $50,000; on air tonight Tonight the "Court of Missing Heirs." CBS radio feature, will present the astounding case of Robert Day. 20 year old V. S. army private. Day. who had not seen his father for 15 years, will appear on the broadcast tonight to collect the $50,000 estate his father left him. Day's mother and father sepa rated when he was five, and later his mother died. Robert was then turned over to his uncle, who gave him to the state as a ward. At 12 he was placed in the home of Mrs. H.immerschmidt who happened to bo listening to last week's pro gram. At 16 he took a job at the Framir.ghani police barracks and is now in the army because of the draft. The broadcast will start at and last until 7:30. Wal'ef Marcus Crumbhss. Vlysi-cs. Frank Quar.te. Jr.. P.nxk. Tlicdorc Kct'ier. Henderson. Krtwm Joseph P.i,ii5fk. P.nrucll. Ieo Marion Tupper. R;vert-n. Fred Ravmonu Whitney, Ftiilerton. Klirt Cain, Wiison, lumbar. Vocational Fducalion crlillrate In Home Kconontfc. rhy'.ls Klane P. yes. S.-ottsbiuf f. Pet R .e Cor.ftiiv, York. Milircd K I :h io.rii. Lincoln. Alc.ia Mine Hefener. Bariett. FNsel' Vac Kercbhci ger. Hay Sprints. Ir: Muriel Krebs. Scctia. Varv Cr.iCf MrCavren. Omalia. Anita Marie -Vehrtns. Frcm'-nt A ifU.ce Krteoca Rice. Tckamah. Karbarn Shirley Romine. Beairice. Helen Kl:ze Sl.ce. Pi mouth. K.t'.r M io S hnt nterMnl. Omaiia. OIIK.K OF ARTS AND M1F.N KS. Barhelf.r ol Art. Ma.-y!ouie Faker. Lincoln. Fr.,nkin Kdward Bn.n. Lir,c.ln. Htirer.o "a.iity. lies Moines. Ia. P.atmorid J..v t'ror.k Oni. K:eanor HiiXman Iai.b. Lincoln. :en:e William Pan. Lincoln r.. ttrt H.naro Clover. Br.ret. William Henry H..rn.-on. Omaha. H..tfn Vel.-m HoAar.l. Fiats. .Vaxine li . Kint't iirv. Omaha. Rcmhart Kut.:man. Li.kin. Mil.-.-.rd Hlair .McCee. tjmaha John Mercer, Cloud, (vcth K.-.s lllS- tir tion I '.:ri Ar''re N'eut.erc Ci,ter. S D. J' l n V.eiilor, price. Ir.coin. J' n Uiimot J rul n, Lincoln, wit, dis l:rction H in'i ' Reel. Lincoln; Kcivara S.n.!'. Wtftrrn. .T Cheter Thornburc. Lincr.n. Vii.lroi Caiolvn Weke.'fer Lincoln Frances F.ieanor West, p.e.l oak la. Marion I.i. W ilke. Orr.i.ha. Wrle Wi::mar,n. Martel Orilie Herman Zabel, Western (,th ! I'll1-! I . Bachelor of Fine Ana. William 8 Abraham. Lincoln, 'irace Adeline Crarlrluck, er.v.n. Hannah Marie Lincoln. Bachelor of Science. Adrian iJiurencjiu Almqnlt. T.lnce.ln. "har Kut-'ne Hranac, Lincr.m Jofeph Wr.Kht Johnson. Lincoln Wendell I-iie lie. tiuide Mildred Mane Manske, Lincoln. Maroiu A ilken Paul-en, Laurel. John Harvey Rathoone. Lincoln. Nolan Ben S- Merna P.euford Claude Mill. Crand Island. Lxrn Ann Yost. Harvard. Certificate In Joornallwn. Folrt Melvin Howard. Flati. Marion Ixi Wilke, Omaha. (OI.L. OF BtMNF.SS ADMINISTRATION Bachelor nf Science In Kosinesa Admlnlairalkfn. Warren Frank Alf.n. Wisner. Hobert lirence Burrusn. Omaha Arthur Thomas Cavanaunh. jr. Wayne. Victor Youni? Omiirr, jr . S racuse. Ignore Frances Daly. Fremont. Kontr ni Kmnch. Lir,c,in. Iiamel Fahrenbnic h. Lincoln. Maxine tjrant, Onaa, Ia. Richard Chariei Unit. Msemor.t, P. D. Marian Cretchen Marcks, Oien Wyo. Jack Frederick Meyer. Omaha. ;enn Krnest Miller. Lincoln. Herman Frederick Monnuh. Mills. I.etha lfiiie pettit, lncoln. Carl Iy,ui Rapp. Omaha. barle Firman Samuelson. Franklin. P.obett Inidley sMlel. Seward. John William Fence. Atlantic. Ia. Robert Arthur Thompson. Siou City. la. Ralph Winfred Tler. Lincoln. P.'irer Wavne Van Buskirk, Worland. Wyo. Flilred Milton Winter. Norfolk Francis Olmsted Woodard. Chester. (OI.I.Kf.K OF l.AH. Bachelor of ijt: T'.i.y Flof Rhxt. Callaway. Iiean Ku'herfoKl McWhorter. l!astii,fi. Cordon Lwiifclaa K hmiilt, Marvsviiie, Km Frar.cln Clinton Wilbur, Pare. (OI.I.Kf.K OF MFIlHINE. Bachelor of Science In Medicine. Leo KiiKenc Anderv,n, Council Bluffs, la. Howard C. CowlisbiiW. Omaha. Ie Chader llolmn, Hordville. ;eorne .Nuk Johnson, Omaha. Kenneth Tulyman McClnnis. Ord. William F.arl Redfern. Lir,oln Paul Milton Scott. Corad. F.stel Ceorire Hurber. Norfolk. Charlea Milton Wood, (iron Vallev. Calif. Bachelor f Science In Naming. Lucille I,uise Deaver, Omaha. Helen Mae Farnsworth, IJncoln. Emma Rose I'edrl, Hwk (jpringi, Wyo. ttcy, you million Smiths, here"s your big chance Calling all Smiths! If your name is Smith read on; if not, tell your Smith friends. If you don't know any Smiths oh, well. . . What we're trying to say is that we're hoping to round up all the Smiths at the U you might even call it match-making. It all started with a movie, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," which opens at the Varsity on Thursday and has Robert Montgomery and Carole Lombard as the title Mr. and Mrs. The Varsity has offered to ad mit as its guests any two Smiths - male and female -from the U, providing they come as a couple. It's all very simple - providing your name is Smith. Just go through the student directory if you're a male Smith - or vice versa if you're a co-ed and select the most appealing Smith. Closing your eyes and picking one looks like more fun. After the date's made take your partner down to the Varsity and take a gander at "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Who knows, maybe we've started something. Mary Say lea White. Lynns. I'OI.I.Kt.F. OF F.N'tilNF.FRIMi. Bachelor of Science In Aiericiiltiirnl FnKinecrlnK. Chester Oscar Anderson. Iximis. l.iwrln;f I. Frisbie, Lit. coin. Orvtlle Carl Hansen. Lincoln. Leonard MilUr. Spencer. Bachelor of Science In i hemtcal Kntlnecrlng. Melvin Harry Anderson. Oakland, l'elorc Ixiren Kouha. Lincoln. Floyd Aiin New burn. l,orettn Bachelor of Science In F.lectrical Fneineerinc. Marion Arthur Buchta. Pavid City. Harold Cretory Busacker. Brock Bernard Joseph Dalton, Schenectadx . N. Y. I.eopold ranie! Hardline. Lincoln. Kmil Llovd Mucker. Columbus. Harold Robert N, Ison. Cresham Leo John Wail, tor, Herman. ith dis tinction 1 Bachelor of Science In Mechanical FnKineerin. Fucene Albert Britner. Oxford. Mamn I.eroy Dorf. Lincoln. Paul Corbiu Haswell. Tekamah William Arthur McConr.ell. Lincoln, (with distinction. Clifford La Verne Mead. Co7ad Maynard Clarence Mortan. cjennc. Walter Sir-on. Omaha. Warren Arthur Stewart. Love'.ar.d. Colo TKA HF.RS OI.IK.K. Bachelor of Scsinee in F.ducatlon. Helen Jane An.lerson. Hastinca. Klizabeth Klvira Barr. Lincoln. I.uciie A!!wn Besch. Lincoln. Verna Mae.ialene Child?. Bebien, Betty Vane I..!phm. Omaha. I,rna Hames Fowler. Alliance. Abe Meyer Crossman. Linccdn. lons Kllen Hallsted. Crawford Virtima Randolph Kirkbruie. B,ue Hill. ( w :th dist net :on. i Joseph Theodore Kuhl. Lli cr.ln. F.lizabeth Mae Iimphere. Aur.ra. P.'it Charles MNauthtfn. Lir.oin. Phvllis Ann Moore. Maniuette Custave Partnoy. Brixkivn. N Y. Roy Robert Pe-.h. S-ottsblulf Willard Campbell Sharkey. Klein. Charles l,vd Shtibert. Cumberland. Ia Oltve Catherine Spieth, Omaha. I-orrthy Kia.r.e Pi rrtn. Crand Island Certificate In nkal Fdncatlon and Athletics. Abe Meyer Crosfman. Line,. In. At the Event of the Yeor Inferfraternity Ball SATURDAY, FEBR. 15 DiaUghts 6 p m. Fred Waring and his Pennsylvania, with solo.sts Donna Dae and Stuart Churchill, in Chesterfield Pleasure 7:55 p. m. Elmer Davis and the News KFAB. 8 n m We, The People, presenting one of the four survivors of a Philippine ambush which resulted in the slaughter of a U. S. infantry battalion KFAH. and 8:30 d. m. Professor Quizz Trout KFAB. , . -t 9 p. m. Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade with soloists Ray Eb- erle and Marion Hutton KFAB. 9:45 p. m. News of the world surveys by CBS staff correspond ents fro-n the news capitals of the world. 1911 Bride V Helen Wood, heard as Klaine Bascom on the CBS Monday night series, "Those We Iive,"' became I the bride of Dr. Alfred O. Huener i gardt. Los Argclcs suipeon. n j New Year's day. Tlie lovely ra ' uo actress and h i husband had a small church wedding in Santa Barbara, Calif. An S.000.000-V(.!t atom-smashing machine is under construction at the Univtisitv of Notre Dame. i(e r 1 1 .J m a ni.. x i his "Battle of Wits" with Bob Reelti imes Nebraska "Here Comes the Navy," 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00. 'Slightly Tempted," 2:40, 5:40, 8:40. Lincoln "P h i I a d e I p h i a Story," 1:00, 3:15, 5:21, 7:36, 9:51. Stuart "Honeymoon for Three," 1:22, 3:31, 5:40, 7:49, 9:58. Varsity "Foreign Corre spondent," 1:25, 4:05, 6:40, 9:15. Varsity "Case of the Black Parrot," 2:35, 5:05. 7:35, 10:05; "Meet the Missus," 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45. Kiva "His Girl Friday," 1:10, 3:58, 6:46, 9:34; "Madmen of Europe," 2:45, 5:33, 821. Capital: "We Who are Young." 2:06, 4:42. 7:18, 9:54. "Pier 13," 1:00, 3:36. 6:12, 8:48. f ip ' ? t"r "Vi i f- SI ' I (now ... 1 'i You Looked Again But the price hosn't changed. For the Remaining Eighty Issues! 7ic 4