Friday, January 10, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Socially Jo Duree IW"';"1" ' .', mm r v And now flu flys over the cam pus beautiful ... but little items about individuals take our mind from us and how lousy we feel. . . Sigma News ... , Bill Stuht is going to be Kappa formating with Barbara Stout. . . And then, something really new . . . way before the biggies dis missed school for a little vacash, why Nadine Beveridge of last year Pi Beta Phi fame whipped in from California . . . result: Harold Howell's Beta pin is in California with Nadine now . . . At the SDT formal Saturday Draft- (Continued from Page 1.) at the 21 to 36 year age limits. It is to be expected, therefore, that congressional debates will get down to "brass tacks," if an ef fort is made to improve upon earlier efforts. The central problem touched off by the Legion proposal arises from a divergence of opinion concerning the actual defense needs of the nation. The existing conscription law based on actual war time plans of the war department seeks to produce a huge army in the shortest time possible. Osten sibly, the Legion plan is to build up a "permanent" stock of trained men to be subject to call when ever a crisis should develop in six months or in ten years. Considerable impetus for the substitute legislation has orig inated in the belated realization that either the sending of another AEF to Europe or the mobiliza tion of a large home defense force to check a possible invasion of the western hemisphere has for the present become extremely re mote. Defense- ( Continued from Page 1.) Testine- Intended to prepare for rivil aprvire examinations and 20V tion and testing of material; and for similar positions in national defense industries. Admission re quirements provide three y(ars of an engineering college curriculum, including the subject of Mechanics ot Materials or the equivalent. A daytime course of 15 weeks' dur ation, it will comprise study of physical pioperties of materials and testing in the laboratory, study of government specifications for materials and of problems en countered in their inspection, lec tures on metallurgy of commercial metals and their alloys, and study ol measuring gauges as used in mass prediction. Students will bo icquired to purchase certain text books. 3. Drafting- An evening course for men employed during the day time. Objective is to give students j the first half of preparation for minor positions in drafting. Stu- j tients will spend three hours per ' evening for four evenings per ! week for 15 weeks, and admission j lequirements provide for Amer ican citizen?, hih school gradu ates, at least IS years of ae. and ! of sound physical health. Students will furnish their own diawins equipment, but pap.-r will he sup plied free. nieht vou'll see Miriam Rubnitz with Erv Simon, Cookie Braver-1 man with Sammie Bud Kalin, and Marsa Lee Civin with Walt Green berg, SAM, among those doing a bit of dancing . . . And a couple you won't see to gether at the Delta Upsilon's get together are Chi-O Lois Drake and Dick Luther . . . another of those deals that's that's on the rocks.. . Theta Martha Bengston we hear is on the consoling board . . . Alpha Xi's are going to go for mal, too . . . Friday night . . . Acacia Buz Dalton is escorting Betty Hochreiter-getting pretty frequent that ... and Twilla Per rin will be about with Phi Gam Dean Nutzman . . . And speak of a Fiji . . . what's this we hear about Gene Schroeder all cracked up with the home town gal . . . Evelyn Borgen, Carrie Belle Raymond, has poined the ranks of those lasses sporting diamonds... Still a matter of doubt is that little matter of whether or not Mable Secund, Chi-O, is wearing basketballer John Hay's Phi Deit pin . . . Oh, and now it's Dean Callen that Alpha Chi Marge Stewart is dating on the DU side . . . for mal, etc. . . . Mill- (Continued from Page 1.) visers and whose applications are not in the offices of their deans hv Jan. 18 at noon; also to those Turnpike plans early dancing on Sunday nights Does Sunday night leave you in a quandary wondering what to do on a date? The Turnpike may be the solu tion. Beginning Sunday dancing will begin ftt 6:30 p. m. followed by five and one-half hours of con tinuous dancing. If this plan suits university students it will be continued. Dick Barrie and bis orchestra will inaugurate this new idea when they appear Sunday. Formerly with Kav Kvser. Barrie now has his own orchestra and has ap peared all over the country. He does much of his own arranging. Admission to Sunday dances will be 30c before 8 p. m. so that stu dents may attend without too much strain on the bank roll. After 8 p. m. 45 cents will be charged who do not pay their fees by Jan 30. Changes in registration or as sienment will not be considered until Monday, Feb.. 3. Students under the jurisdiction of the Junior Division have had their pre-registration conferences. Their "application for registra tion" forms have been filled out and are in their advisors' offices Students should call for them there. These forms should be taken to the assignment committee in the Temnle and then brought to the Junior Division office. Begin ning Jan. 24 students should call at the Registrars office for a statement of fees. These fees are to be paid at the finance office. students take the "applica ion" forms to the college activ ities building to be validated by the dean's signature. Why Noah didn't swat both mos ouitoes when he had a chance re mains one of the seven mysteries of life. JHOTEL LINCOLN Ci MohL 0MnclbL 5L ItU i- Wilbur, Manager. Friday F.vrninf Alpha Xi Delta Saturday Evening Kappa's BCKiUMEL DIRECTION Mte fnhofiEr DKLTA I I'.sll.ON km: MM rid ay SIGMA 1)1 LI A TAU IOKMU. Saturday HOME OF THE ThstyPhstryShdp it. . 'QUICKXHINKIR' J T 1 I -. f Hit"- 1 tVi LI H&0Ti ill Starts Today! v Bingo! 19 iVs Great Ml I j All-Star Comedy fQix j Musical Hit! !! A ' V 1 KEHNY BAKER 6 f i j fRANaSLANGmvM j nVary BOlAND ' j I 5irrv 1 uiiiiNO uo ' ' --w jrBalconyll I TN 1 toNtie vtcmoi i y Mi If PAMM him mi 1 i3) n MINIVJTCH U & Jumor Frocks New arrivals that make you ready for spring! 3.95, 6.50 7.95 QUICK THINKER, pictured above is a rombination of rayon print and rayon Crepe Mo- murne. TWO TIMES ONE, Spun rayon floral print that's very versatile! The jack et is lilted, solid rolor on one side and identical floral print on the other. Crease resistant, too. 7.95. OTHERS, styles that you'll want for classroom. d a 1 1 n c. ' Ser them in our Junior section, SKCONU FLOOR.