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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1940)
Wednesday, Decemberl8, 1940 DAILY NLT3RASKAN Socially Spsialdnq Jo Duree All chained np are the ATO ami ChiO pins of Bon Hurd and Joan Withers , . . complete oven to the B. R. H. to J. V. V. on the back of the jeweled Alpha Tau Omega emblem . . . And something which must've been a big surprise to the Kappas and the DU's was that candy pass ing of Marian Bowers and Butch Luther amid that usual fanfare of horns that presages a Delta Upsilon's cigars . . . Chocolates went the way of all candv at the Kappa Dolt inn when Letha Pettit and Delta Sig IJoyd Jeffrey attended to the tasty of kissing the brothers and sis ters. . . . The Alpha Tau Omegas had one of the slickest ideas of the yuletide when they tripped around to every sorority house with a re cording of "Sweetheart of ATO" . . . smooth . . . Out getting their feet all wet but raising their voices in real keen song were the Kappa Sigs and the Fiji's . . . though we wouldn't urge any route to pneu monia, seranading sure sounds super . . . Nadine Beveridge. Pi Phi. of last year who's getting schooled in California, breezed into the capi tal city and was whipping around with Beta Harold Howell . . . Delt Dick Genamv and Nadin didn't see each other . . . odd, con sidering their friendship last spring. Jeanne Anderson of the honey colorvd locks was pledged Chi Omega . . . Bob Howard, proxy of the Pio neer co-op club, just tipped us off that the club's entertaining Chan cellor and Mrs. Boucher at dinner tonight. . . . Dolt Max Whittaker seems to be between two Bettys . . , Betty Ma lone and Betty Mallatt . . . may hap. Max is attempting to decide between love and kisses - we only heard . . . With Ray Prochaska initiated Delta Tau Delta, we can't help but wonder how long he'll wear the previous bauble ... of if ChiO JoAnn Macoy will . . . YOUR C.mhusK pieturM cn h Jim At in rtiMinotiv lv1f )ir Ohnttma K ti - ortin bow t TOWNSKND STl IMOs. Barristers hold smoker tonight An exchange of gifts between law college students will be a fea ture of the Law association Christ mas celebration smoker Thursday night, Bob Simmons, association president, announced yesterday. L. T. Laase, acting chairman of the department of speech and dra matic art, will deliver the main ad dress. This will be the second smoker of the year. Two more are planned for next semester, as well as a lanquet in the spring. The smoker will t)e held in law auditorium. liarton spoaks before Presbyterian mlenls Rev. Thomas Barton, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, will speak at the regular Wednes day luncheon of Presbyterian Stu d e n t Fellowship. Reservations must be made for the luncheon Littler to race 440 specialty Bowl in Sugar EUGENE UTTLEB Journal. Ka(MM IJUkw. Ed Weir, will be ULinor mntinn TkirtllPAJ nf the New ...;.w t- r ij t, ct.ui '"""'i f - - uu r.. j ... Year's game in Pasadena between Center. The group will sing carols. Nebraska and Stanford. Also In connection with winter sports on Nebraska campus is the race that Eugene "Red" Littler will run in the Sugar Bowl car nival at New Orleans over the Christmas vacation. The Redhead will run in a special quarter mile event on Sunday, Dec. 29, in conjunc tion with the program over the h o I i d a ys and the Sugar Bowl tussle be tween Tennes see and Boston College on New Year's day. Littler will make the trip u n accompanied by Cornhusker coaches as head track mentor, Phyllis Boyes, Iniise Gill, Mar guerite Harvey. Pearl Janda, Id Schwieger, Edith Sic, and Sylvia Zocholl. Dr. C. C. Wiggans, professor of horticulture, presented the winners of the special Sears Roebuck scholarships. One of these scholar ships, amounting to the sum of $200, is awarded to the most out standing freshman man; Philip Miller received this honor. A Jiuu scholarship, also for an outstand ing freshman man, was awarded to Francis Haskins. The senior scholarship, amount ing to 5500, was awarded to Elton Newman. Newman, winner of the local competition in a former year, competed in Chicago with sixteen other men, who had won similar scholarships; this is the first time that the honor of winning the larger scholarship has come to Nebraska. The Charles Stewart graduate scholarship was awarded to Har old Schudel, who is continuing his . work now at the university. Convocation committee con sisted of C. C. Minteer, chairman, and Miss Bess Steele. Businessmen of Fremont, Neb., raised $3,500 for Midland college in a Midland Emphasis week. Plans for a $230,000 college .if religion building have been ap proved at Butler college. Ag college fetes scholars at annual convo (Continued from Page 1.) EWvtion the unanimous changed, and the freshman worn- approval of the advisory council an ranking highest now has the and of faculty members of the honor of having: her name placed 1 society on the Honor Roll, which is dis played in the home economics buiiding. Mary Ulrich was award ed this honor for the year 1939-49. Milo Tesar, chancellor of Alpha Zota, presented the new members of that organization. To be eligible for Alpha Zeta, national honorary agricultural fraternity, men must be majors in the College of Agri Townc ("lub plans post Xinas party x. Twit Christmas Tartv i planned for the active members culture, muM have completed at of Towne Club by the alumnae least one and one-half academic f or December 27, at the Y. W. 1 years, must rank in the upper two C A., according to Dorothy Max- j fifths of the class scholastically. well, alum preident. Bingo and 1 and must have demonstrated qual 01 her games will be played. j ities of leadership and character. A, Yov vJU. V Ope Evenings becinnmc Wednesday ( -V J ITCne UJsauaseal in CltlsSmas New members. New members elected in the spring of 1940 are: James Allen, Daniel Atkinson, Leroy Barta, John Beckwith, Thomas Brinegar, A mold Detmer, Keith Gil more, Raymond Heller, Charlea Huen feld, E. Klostermeyer, Theodore Johnston, Louis Knoflicek. Andrew Monson. Elton Newman. Floyd Ol son, Howard Paulsen, Walter Pe terson, Enoch Rasmussen, Ganis Richmond, Harry Uhrenholdt, Carol Voss, and Arlo Wirth. Members elected last week and a.s yet not initiated are: Harold Bacon, Don W. Baird, Dwight Cfcerry, Warren Gabelman, John Han way, Lemoyne Johnson, Rob ert Lamb. Frank Messersniith, Alan D. Mulhken, Eugene Mun dorff, Glenn Walsh, and Dale Weibel. Also presented at this time wu ; the Alpha Zeta medal, a gold medal which is given annually to the ! highest ranking freshman in the sg college. This year's medal was : a warded to Francis Haskins. I Dorctta Sehlaphoff, president of Phi Upsilon Omitron, national pro j fessional home economics organ- itation, presented the new mem 1 hers of this gToup. To be eligible, ! studer.U must be in the upper ; iw-fifths of their class, or must carry an 80 average; must be sec J .nd-scmester sop!. omores or it .-'Vfc, ! and must be outstanding in j scholarship, leadership, character, and professional leadership. A unanimous vote of the active chap ; with tbe approval of the fac ulty council U required for elec tion. The girls selected are: Carol B-iggi. Phyllis Soyes. Maxim Oopsey! Ben Alice Day. Mary Elizabeth Gill. Florence Htmer, Marguerite Harvey. Frances M: Henry, lx.a Mae Peterson, Betty ant SpaWinir. Dorothy Whitr, Mi-d Winilr?d White. New members of Omicron Nu, nit)fii.i home economics honorary, were presented by Carol Briggs. president of the lcal chapter. Not more than one-fifth of the stu dents who are within three se mesters of graduation are elected. They must have attained or ex ceeded an average of 85, but promise of leadership is also con sidered. Members are nominated by the faculty; election is by vole of the society in which the faculty votes have a weight of two-thirds of all votes cast. Girls achieving" tihs honor are; Mildred Bauder. ELGIN AND HAMILTON WATCHES Sbeaffer Pens and Pencils Telechron and Westclox Clocks Court S. Mullen Jeweler 111 N. 13th Phone 2-75S1 r.r.r.:2Er.n:!H? test proves nia zen: nienvs spotiessi Atway cWa mmi h f k. CUIUhbi kit W- UWtWkli- WM 1 CO, MP fi ncsi mtta uisu tun ictnm 1 1 Btiim 1 y 1 I" 1 FOR M FAMILY Special tftincs fr lather, mnther, brother, sister, son, daurhter and all other mem bers 01 the family. FOR SWEETHEART A lai ce velection with wnti ments that werthearU will be pleaded U receive. SPECIAL CARDS YOU'LL NEED FOR DEMIST, DOCTOR. M'RSE. EMPIiOYtR, PASTOR, BOSS. CHUM. SECRET PAL. SCOTCH FRIEND. NEIGHBOR. TEC'HER, CONVALESCENT. BIRlllDAY ON CHRIST MAS, APPRECIATION, ACROSS THE MILES. ACROSS THE SEA. NEWLY WEDS, NICE COl'PLE, SYMPATHY. DANDY FAMILY. BOX ASSORTMENTS Maaf kind f box menU from which to chooae to CARDS IK PACKETS Twelve attractive card and envelopes in cellophane en velope 18c Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. rer tec each beamie? Henry Dreyfus, world fmmoat designer created thi sosoocb-wridag team! Press the magic button of the Eerharp Repeating Pencil with yocr thnotb and click! It feeds new points like machine gun! Tbe Everiharp Pen with its new "Magic Feed" nods pea tnessinesa prevents looding even abSM 12.000 foot ahitadct! Writes Cleaner faster easier? 0r$ SMJ Up ItftYD JFWEIRY ! 12 ond 0 St. I Mhk GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 No. 12 mi O Street, IJw.U i