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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1940)
DAILY TORASKAN" Tuesday, Decemb'er 3,: 1940 We' But fcdiiohml - - QommsmL - - (Bidlsdhh too! re happy m m m We always knew there was a school spirit at Nebraska, but we never thought it was what it is! Since midnight Sunday horns have been tootinp, drums beating, mobs running, classes dismissing, and lungs bellowing the cheer and enthusiasm that celebrate the accepttance of the bid to play Stan ford's undefeated Indians in the Rose Bowl. But, don't let a good thing go too far! Doan Thompson appealed to stu dents in social sciences yesterday, but retired after the enthusiastic audience three-cheered him. . .and after his words bounced off their skulls like so many golf balls. Sure! "We're all glad that Xew Year's will be spent in California. We're all proud of a football team that earned such a glorious reward. But lot's not forget that this hysteria must be short-lived; let's not forget that this school is still an educational institution, dedicated to the development of mind and intellect, to the task of turning out leaders among the citizenry, to turning out capable ana skiiiea capiams m '"""ji v" "u"u"'B m- Mate and its youth. This university is an institution that will live long after its 3940 football team has been forgotten because it has something more than football to sustain it. We urge, that all of yon reflect for a moment and resolve that ycur enthusiasm won't go too far. Remember, this school cannot remain great because of its football team, proud as we are of it. The football players themselves know that. Classes yesterday were dismissed more often than they were held. To day, there should be none of that, or tomorrow or the next day. Yesterday was rally day. It was inevitable. Today, we go to school. Again, we're as happy about the whole thing as any of you. To play in the Rose Bowl is a distinct honor and the sophisticated attitude of those wh' would say we are foolish to accept such a bid is wrong... if we remember that football is secondary to anything concerning the academic makeup oE Nebraska University. So long as we realize what makes this university great, we can howl down the sophisticates. Once we get to thinking that football makes it tick, we lose our argument ... and deserve to lose it. Regents name Stack radio instructor Trumble, Mercer also receive appointments al Saturday meeting At a meeting of the board of regents Saturday, Ray J. Stack was appointed instructor of speech in charge of radio work. Stack will serve from Dec. 1, 1940 to Aug. 31, 1941. He replaces Theo dore Diers and Marvin Fink who resigned. A script writer, announcer, and producer at station WHA at the University of Wisconsin, Stack re ceived his A.B. degree from there in 1939 and a master of philosophy degree in 1940. While in school, Stack took part in University Theater and did radio announcing. He did newspaper work and was a member of the all-male dramatic organization. He is unmarried. Other appointments. Other appointments made by the regents Saturday included Dr. Thomas A. Trumble who was ap pointed to assume charge of lab oratory work in the department of Dr. A. H. Schmidt who was p ranted a leave of absence for a year. John Mercer was appointed to the museum staff for four months. A gift of $1,350 from a pharma ceutical house of Omaha was re ceived by the board. The money will be used for research in bac teriology at the college of medi cine. Other leaves of absence ap proved were those of T. M. Stout and Frank J. Bell, who will teach in the geology department. Harvard law school has estab lished an Oliver Wendell Holmes lectureship, provided through a be quest by the late supreme court justice. -HBy Chris Petersen - OKAY M'LEMORE. Henry McLemore, writer of some fame who has long been the bug in the intment of sincerity on sundry sport pages, is in town. But he's busy. He would like to, but he just wouldn't see how he would have time to write a guest column for this sheet. "Go ahead and write it for me," he said. So like a hat, we're going on a head. By Henry McLemore. (via Spirit Writer Petersen). Shakespeare, Tony G a 1 e n t o, Iicnry McLemore or some soul in that category once said, "It takes sports, the love of knowing the in side about the outside, that brings the man out in a man." I have serious doubt of such a statement, especially if it was McLemore who uttered same, because of one case which I have in mind. I have a relative, a chump whose ancestors came over on the May flower (that was before HTe im migration laws became strict) who could be called a male but cer tainly not a man. He was the type of a chap who wouldn't look for a collar button because it gave him the creeps, who tf sit ting in an audience would sing if the organist asked him to, who was so conceited that if he was half the man he thought he was he would be twins. Besides that, you couldn't go near him. So I decided to take him sport ing, hunting, to bring out the man in him. So we shouldered our trusty duck rifles, which weren't so trusty because we had whittled them out of old railroad spikes, and went hunting. It was cold sitting out there in the blind, and the man without me began to retire. This sport was driving the man back into me in- Congratulations and Best of Luck Congratulations to a Super Football Tean From The Super Cleaning System L-t m renew your Tux or Formal for the Military Ball. The best in finish workmanship to match our Per fect Cleaning System. Guaranteed No Odor or Shrinkage. Repairing', Alterations and Inweaving. 15 men try for Long debate cup Frosh argue on jury system for forensic honor Thursday night Eight affirmative and seven negative speakers will try out for the Long cup, trophy for fresh men debaters, Thursday night at 7:30. The question for debate is "Resolved: that our jury system is the best means for guaranteeing justice to the individual." Each speech will be eight min utes long and will be given in one block, with the exception of the first affirmative speaker who will open the debate with a five min ute talk, then give a four minute refuttal after two negative speak ers have spoken. The order of speaking is to be drawn by lot and will be announced just be fore the debate opens. Team members Members of the affirmative are George Hodges, Frank Mattoon, Yale Gotsdiner, William Rist, Rob art Schaufelberger, Robert Cham bers, Walter Greenberg, and John Campbell. On the opposition are Robert Dewey, Robert Passer, Lawrence Kusek, Morton Zubcr, Brooks Potter, Arthur Rivin and Leonard Lewis. Professor H. A. White, in charge of the debates, urged that "If, for some reason, you have signed up to debate and cannot appear, let me know about it before Thurs day night," stead of leaving it out. And the relative wasn't improving. Be sides that, there was only one duck and he was so old that Joe Penner had retired him on social security, three years hence. I knew then that I was a The Daily Mraskan rOKTTITH TEAK. Mbwripttaa Kaim ara ll.M Per gaama Iw II.H (r U OaiUwa Yfmr. St.M fmmrt. Ktaufe aaay, ( Unto. Kmtmt mm nwrt-Aii matter mt ta postorrira la I aria, Xntnuka, aaaer AM 1 Cum rnaw, March I, 17, aaa at anarlal rata af awtatra ararUM for la ftaettna 11M, ara at oetoarr 3, ill 7. AHtBorUea ttea- aa, iwz. Congratulations to the Football Team Maison Lorenzo Vf'Uhet you continued turret i at the Rot Howl Maison Lorenzo Beauty Solon Gold fir Co. sucker. But that isn't the worst of it. Now I, too, wont look for a collar button; I, too, now stand to sing when the organist asks me; and I, too, am a boresome egotist, for the man has been driven back into me. Now I can't even be rated as a special delivery male. Shakespeare, Tony Galento, Henry McLemore, or whoever it was that uttered above, holds a damp spot in my perspective. One that is all wet liks a street sprinkler in Venice. Truck loses its cargo: students get new spirit During the rally yesterday morning, about a dozen cheerful students clambered aboard the back of an open beer truck. Pun was at fever-pitch. The driver of the truck later discovered that several half-gallon bottles of his cargo had disappeared. News flash About a dozen students yesterday were reported to be en joying the rally just slightly more than the rest of the crowd. We're mighty proud of you, earn: r T lm EHQS8 liU 0 1 ynm flfl 99 H D ISffl) if Ttet Book. i Bond Box Cleaners 126 So.J7 2-4003 -MB) WW 9 i