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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1940)
Tuesday, December 3, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 13 A Drama o.xcito.mont not in I STANFORD-NEBRASKA RECORDS ! l T I P. journal rooms aner game BY JIM EVINGER. For sheer drama and excitement, one should have been down at the State Journal editorial rooms last Saturday night.. . .For that was the night following the game between Nebraska and Kansas State.. . . All evening long, telephone calls buzzed into the Journal offices asking about confirmation of this or that concerning Rose bowl talk. ...Along about midnight the fun began.... During the course of events, there were four gentlemen calling and saying they were "Dean Thompson". . .And each time these 'Deans' kept informing the desk that they were announcing the University of Nebraska's sanction to go to the Rose bowl on New Year's.. . . Such phone calls got so wild that an Associated Press reporter called Dean Thompson to verify a couple of questions and check on the other erroneous calls The Dean's answer was that he had never called before. . . . Another call had some man say ing he was "Charles W. Bryan, former mayor of Lincoln and ex- governor of the state of Ne braska and he was wishing to make som. statement in response to Nebraska's "acceptance' of the Rose Bowl "bid.". . . Still another 'phone call that yours truly answered had a cer tain fraternity on this campus in quiring of one of its "brother's" who is a local sports editor, and asking for verification of a report that they had heard over the radio The report these boys said they heard was that WLW (Cincinnati) said that Pennsylvania had ac cepted the Rose Bowl invitation .Rumors were flying thick and fast and hundreds of calls came in all night long asking for the latest developments.. . . Yes, last Saturday night was certainly a busy night for report ers.. . .Besides writing stories of their own and carrying out their jobs, they had to answer a myriad of quizzing phone calls as to the "latest developments. . . . And all along these reporters didn't know any more about the real truth than most of us They had no definite word one way or another Saturday night and oculd only reply that no definite action would be admitted until later.... Stanford Opp. Stanford 27, San Francisco U. 0 Stanford 13, Oregon U 0 Stanford 7, Santa Clara .... 6 Stanford 26, Washing. State.. 14 Stanford 21, South. California. 7 Stanford 20, U. C. L. A 14 Stanford 20, Washington U. ..10 Stanford 28, Oregon State ...14 Stanford 13, California U 7 Totals Stanford 185, Opponents 62 It's the trtith . . . Doc selects an All-American to end All-American teams By George Abbott. The All-American to end all All Amerieans! Dr. Sleezy Zxcstphhht, famous figure analyst, sports writer and commentator, in a letter to the Assassinated press today pre sented his choice for an Ali-Amer-ican football team which he hopes will bring an end to all AU-Amer-ican teams. "In every ease with which I have come into contact, the sports writers, coaches and groups of players throughout the country who imagine that they are select ing their Ail-American teams on a scientific basis are totally mis taken. "They fail to realize that these selections are delicate work, so last year 1 retired to my labora tory at Jkktlz, Werncvotz (that's a small island in northern Siberia), and through a relatively simple system, I selected a team which I defy anybody to match." To Quote. After this interesting commen tary by the noted analyst, the doe tor presented the team as follows: Impeciatoprohorichagusiewiczzdro- dowskizdanevichfrketichprovilaitis- toczylowskekmetoviclutryskowski smith. Dr. Zxcstphhht explained that it was in a composite form and includes the names of all of the players he selected. Deciphered, the team line-up would read as follows: Player. LK lmpeciato ..Maryland 1,T PriihnrU'h Villanova Ui AfiisiowiiZ Coot-Re Washlncton C Zdrodownki Manhattan Collcce Rr Ztlancvirh Lo"R Island V. HT Krkotlrh Penn State RK Provllaltlg Temple QH Torzvlowske Boston Coll. KB l.iilryskowski Army Ul Kmrtovlc Stanford KH Smith Minnesota Difficult as it is to believe that any of these players actually ex ist, the readers are invited to A t jr 1' "" . " fell) "Delicious and refresh ing," ice-cold Coca-Cola never loses the freshness of appeal that first charmed you. Its clean taste is ex hilarating and a refreshed feeling follows. Thirst asks nothing more; 'Muse that refreshes Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Co. bf check the line-ups of the teams which they represent, and this publication guarantees that the facts will be found as stated. Doctor Zxcstphhht, famous for his work as an Assassinated Press correspondent during the Whirled War, is scheduled to arrive in Lin coln on April 23, 1978, on his bi centennial tour of the nation. LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Congratulations Best of Luck at the "Bowl" Nebraska Opp. Nebraska 7, Minnesota 13 Nebraska 13, Indiana 7 Nebraska 53, Kansas U 2 Nebraska 20, Missouri 7 Nebraska 13, Oklahoma 0 Nebraska 14, Iowa U 6 Nebraska 9, Pittsburgh 7 Nebraska 21, Iowa State 12 Nebraska 20, Kansas State... 0 Totals Nebraska 170, Opponents 54 The University of Illinois physics laboratory has a mass spectograph, which in effect "weighs" atoms. The Association of College and Reference Librarians has named a committee of six to study and organize services of university and reference libraries for national defense. CORSAGES for The Military Ball Smartly designed Carefully arranged Reasonably Priced. Phone 2-3285 120 No. 10 The s T A E MARKET 1429 O 2-6565 Congratulations Huskers! THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. Milk Ice Cream Butter Phone 6-2326 Of oing West Young MAN ... and WOMAN It'S a question everyone is asking everyone else holiday plans changed overnight when Nebraska was named to the Uose Howl! The air's full of talk of tickets, of fares, of seeing dad and mom ahou! extra money! Here ore Christmas gift suggestions for lucky fans who are Rose Bowl-Bound! for her WOMAN'S FITTED CASK Of alligator grained leather, $ with l toilet fittings 8 ?14 WOMAN'S It O V K K TKAV 1XUKK Carries 6 to ft dresses on individual hangers; room for shoes, lingerie, etc. UiNDKKAKM HAG Generous sie, with convenient pockets. Two zippers. Seal grained goat skin or alligator grained calf. IMack or hrown. Kadi for him .... MAN'S FITTED CASE Of shark grain cowhide, fitted with seven handy $C toilet items J MAN'S TKAVELUKE Two suit er case in which suits arrive shoes, ?20 unwrm kled. pace for so, shirts, etc. Shark grain fahrikoid 95 PYJAMA and ROIIK IJLE Matching robe jamas in rayon C95 print t0 M 1 KNSKM and py- 95 MAN'S 15UXTON IJILLFOLD Morocco grain leather, gold or black. Zipper closed. Name $0 gold stamped. Each LINED KOIiES Rayons and stripes and silks in plains, brocades to 17 10$1250 $15$20 PAiRE 3W0. p. t.. j JPh, 2-5357 A k ft 1 6 i