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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1940)
12 DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, December 3, 1940 Bulletin BARB IN ION. All Barb Union ntrniiwrg are to iwvl at Ihr rumpus studio Tuesday at 7:30 p. ni. lo have their Cornhusker picture titkeii. TRK-SOCIAL-WORK MAJORS. I're-soolal-work major will hold thi'lr monthly luncheon Tuesday at noon In par lorn X and Y of the I'nion. Miss Klliabeth Dewell will be the wnt speaker, and will discuss some phase of child welfare In Ne braska. BARB I'NION. All Barb Vnlon members are to meet at the campus studio Tuesday at 7:30 P. m. to have their C'ornhusker picture taken. THETA SIGMA 1'HI. Theta Slirma l'hl will meet In Kllen Smith hull at S p. m. today. 1'lans for a matrix table will be discussed. NEWMAN CM B. Newman club will hold discussion group today from 4 to 8 p. m. and from 7 to 8 l. m. In room S1A of the I nlon. A special discussion group will be held at Ive ball at 7:30 p. m. Fares- (Continued from Page 1.) from Pasadena, you can get by on a one way ticket costing $26.30. Twenty-five or more persons can charter a special bus to the game for about $32 apiece. And if you have $151.50, you can spend New Year's eve in Omaha and fly to the game. Thte includes return passage. One way costs $84.20, but you must catch all planes for the coast in Omaha. According to the most recent re ports, there is still no charge if you want to hitch-hike. Fordham university, celebrating its centennial year, has initiated a centenary fund drive for $1,360,-000. A For the . MILITARY BALL Beautiful Corsages Gardenias Roses Swansonia Carnation Sweet Peas Violets Your Choice of Flowers Delivered Free Place Your Order Today S. S. KRESGE CO. Phone 2-4134 J u It's here again SEE, in the new DECEMBER issue- 0 Beautiful Girls. Movie of the Month. Why Students go to Iowa U. 9 Politics Again Campus Quips. Hot Flashes On sale in Sosh and Ag hall Wednesday, Dec. 4 Eye It Buy It Awgwan FLASH Broadway Collegian I By Joe Whitley jj New Yotk City, Dec. 3. At least two attendants at the River Mouse, Manhattan refuge for Charlie Chaplin, have decided to stop reading stories about how Hitler and Stalin are sneaking all kinds' of ungentle folk into this country. The other night they saw a be whiskered man come stalking into the lobby, carrying a small black bag and looking as if he might be straight from the steppes. He planted himself in one of the up holstered chairs and announced that he was waiting for Mr. Chap lin, not that it was any of their business. His name? That didn't matter. While one of them tried to lure him into a discussion of Karl Marx, the other sneaked out and trotted in two gendarmes. Just as they were about to hustle him off to the bastile, Chap lin rushed up and identified him as Al Ilirschfeld, an old frienu. The two attendants have been given a copy each of Dale Carne gie's "How to Win Friends, etc.," courtesy of the management. POSTLUDE. There has been a sharp demand for bouncers since the recent Cornell-Dartmouth affair. You all know, of course, how the Cornell fathers gallantly re turned that extra down as well as the seven points that had been responsible for their brief 7-3 vic tory. For that they have been hailed as great sportsmen, but the local bookmakers who lay the green on the line, are unimpressed. Hence the upturn in the bouncer pro fession. The other night we were stand ing in one of these places of evil, wondering how the heck we ever happened to bet on Army to beat Pennsylvania, when in rushed a florid gentleman who had laid two quid on Dartmouth. "Cornell gave Dartmouth the game," he announced. Then he de manded his gold. The bookie suggested that he get it from Cornell. Then came the deluge. - The florid one wasted a per fectly good bottle of Scotch by heaving it. He, in turn, was flung into the street by the two hired muscle men. As they hurtled out of the door they stumbled into a colored citi zen carrying a bass violin. The four bumped a great fat woman who was walking past in the rain and she took her um brella and boffed them all about, finally sending the quartet scurry ing. Kibitzers swore that it was bet ter than the disputed game. WITH DIGNITY DEPARTMENT. A French professor from NYU was standing on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 58th Street the other night, swinging his cane and waiting for a green light. Came the go signal and he stepped off the curb, only to hop back like Tom Harmon dodging a tackier as a taxi came roar ing around the corner and stopped at the hack stand with a great screeching of brakes. And a large grin by the driver. The professor bowed gravely, stepped in front of the taxi and smashed both headlights with his cane, bowed again, and walked away into the night. Congratulations To a Truly Great Team! DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE " Cood Teacher Agency1 1918 1940 COME IN AND SEE US 643 Stuart Building 'ft 03CT3KH Ag students sweep top honors in Chicago livestock exposition Students representing Nebraska at the International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago swept top honors in one division, and fourth place in team competition. In the dividual scoring competition the Nebraskans gained places in three divisions. In the white oorn competition for region six Nebraskaans won honors by sweeping first, second and third places. John Ballweg of Spalding was first; Helen Mc Manaman, also of Spalding, se cond, and W. K. Brady of Cham pion, placed third. High honors. According to a telegram re- cieved today from Prof. M. A. Al exander, coach, the university's live stock judging team in com petition with 31 other teams won a fourth place. In individual scoring in the team competition, Marvin Kruse, Ne braska team member from Lo rctto, placed ninth; Don Baird, Wayne, placed eighth in hog judg ing, and Oscar Tegtmeier, Bu chard, was tenth in judging sheep. Other team members are Milan Ross, Lyons, and Arthur Trimble, Gothenburg. The Nebraska team was also ranked fourth in judging sheep and fifth in the cattle and horse divisions. Congratulations Nebraska We Know You Will Win Here's a Suggestion for Those Who WillGoioSceYouDolt... Take a Kodak or Cine Kodak with You and Bring Home (in stills or movies) a Picture Story of the Victory. The Parade of Roses will he a gorgeous display to take in natural colors. Kodaks as Low as $3.95 Cine Kodaks $29.50 up Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 1221 0 Street JX, nas jitl from .... ' r'gfi ' .Mil i ) i Ififlanqet J 2 1 ' yy yy xywss it 0 , ill .'' C XJf 1 j III X ' .iff I : ' 1 mwm I 1225 "0" ijj " Paj annas Gowns Robes k Hose All mmlentlr priced Just Say ' CHARGE IT" 4 ii! ii Hi