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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1940)
t Sunday, December 1, 194 0 DAILY NEBRASKAN Smell the roses? "With the radio report that Tennessee and Boston College would he prob able Sugar Bowl opponents on New Year's day, Nebraska followers took up the sticks and began beating the drums for a Nebraska Kose Bowl trip last night, after the no-statement and tongue-in-cheek attitude of university spokesmen had created a wonderment. With only Minnesota and Michigan left as perhaps better choices for the bid, Nebraska fans anxiously await word from the coast Bowl choice, and after that, from the university speakers who have the final say. Nebraska students and fans want the bid. Of that, there is not even a shadow of a doubt. What university administrative officials think about thti post season possibility, we don't know. We do know Nebraska is football conscious and we believe a bid to the Kose Bowl will help this university immeasurably in many ways . . . one of those ways being to build up prestige and interest in the school in 1 he minds of thousands of alumni residing in all parts of the country who, until now, had almost forgotten that there was a university of Nebraska. U Bob Aldrick G-g-great football game, wasn't it? Pardon us, but that sound you hear isn't Spanish castanets. It's our teeth still chattering from a thill afternoon in the stands. It was so cold three Eskimos sitting behind us froze to death. A fellow sitting, next to us kept rubbing his hands on a cake of ice to keep them warm. A girl wearing a sealskin coat found it missing after the half - the seal thought he was at the north pole and went off to look for his mate. Seriously, though, we did see three fellows building a fire out of colored cards, candy bar wrap pers, and other odd materials. Yes. it was cold. The only time we got warm all afternoon was when we yelled to a girl we thought we knew and slapped her on the back. It turned out to be somebody else and the stare we got made the weather seem positively stifling. The only guys who really kept warm were the cheer leaders and some of them weren't so hot We were grateful tor the yell squad, though. Every time the cold started getting us and blackness began closing over us they'd make us yell again and our single red corpuscle would creep through cur veins. A row of fellows sittin next to us kept singing, "California Here We Come." That's counting your chickens before they're hatched, crossing your bridges before you get to them, and renting your full dress suit before you get an invi tation to the party. Who wants to go to California, anyway? What have they got out there - besides beautiful scenery, sunshine, the Pacific ocean, Is Angeles, and Carole Lombard? McLe Continued from page 1.) calls they evade the truth. Yeah, they're a bunch of bush-beaters." Jesse Owens greatest athlete When asked who, in his opinion, was the greatest all-time athlete, MeLemore stated that he believed Jesse Owens, famous Negro run ner and jumper was probably the "truest champion" of all time. "At his peak Owens was never believed by any of the sports writ ers to be defeatable by the great est athletes in his field." The ambition of the likeable lit tle columnist is to "never again write a single word. I'd like to go where there was no telephone, find myself a rocking-chair eight feet deep and just sit," he stated. As proof of his success in the field of sports writing, are the seven or eight hundred newspapers which carry his columns daily. Although he does not have the absolute choice of what events he must cover, it is more or less up to him what his beat shall be. "If I did have the choice as to where I should go to write my columns, you'd find me either at Bermuda or at Honolulu on the beach," he declared, "writing about the things that are Hawaiian." Asked how he dreamed up the unique ideas which he presents in his articles, he stated that "you have to just sit down and think m up. Xbe chubby scribe is known to eight Initiation of eight new members of the Theta Nu, honorary medical society, will take place following a dinner at the University Club on Dec. 12. according to Elbert Phelps, .secretary of the organiza tion. Void writes new book ease Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star, LAWRENCE VOLD. Prof. Lawrence Void of the col lege of law has completed and sent the manuscript for "Void's Cases on Sales" to the West Pub lishing company of St Paul, Minn , publishers of a set of university law school case books entitled the American Cosebook series. This new casebook will replace Profes sor Void's former work in the third edition of "Woodward's Cases on Sales" in the set The publish ers expect to have it available for use in law schools throughout the country during the second semes ter of the present school year. his friends as "Mack" or "Hank" or just plain Henry: his wife calls him by "a thousand names which are purely private," he stated with a broad smile. For the fame which he has achieved, McLemore is unusually democratic, putting at ease imme diately any stranger who ap proaches him. "Mack" and his pretty wife are making a leisurely jaunt across the continent having left New York in October. In the past five weeks he has seen five major foot ball games, including yesterday's game. He will speak at the athletic banquet in Lincoln Monday night and will then continue his journey westward. Present plans indicate that he will stay over in California to see the Pose Bowl game, cover the Santa Anita Handicap in the early spring, and return to Florida in April to take in spring baseball training. Bowl- (Continued from page 1.) Coach "EifP Jones to go on to the athletic board of control, then to the chancellor and the faculty and perhaps to the subject to the approval of the board of regents. The obstacles lying In Nebras ka's path and the disadvantages were known only vaguely. One of them is Big Six opposition to bowl bids. This has been waived in the case of Oklahoma and Missouri, both of whom went to the Orange bowl at Miami. The present stand of the Big: Six on a Rose bowl bid that Nebraska would not consider any bowl but the one out west, and Theta Nu initiates ""v w , f . ' ' ) J : ? i k ! I Lj-iiit j ) y Bulletin DANCING 1.KSSONS. The M rlnb for wonwn will lvt danrinl rmm m at ecllvlltei aaM Mon day niikU from 1 ta ! m- M " lor r. HARK 1MOX. All Rarh I nlnn members are to meet at the raniMi otadt Tneila al :!(! I. m. ta have their Crhnlor ltare lake. THE GAIL. The Gaul will h''d a himlneM roeellnt; Monriay al p. m. In the I nlaa. me-soiu.-woRK majors. rrr-rlal-wrk major a III hold their monthly Innrhnin Tnrwlay al noon In par lor Xand V of the In Ion. Mi Kllrahrili Deaell he he rnent speaker, and a III dlrn dome phase af ehlld welfare In .Ne braska. ltI HI. l-ri CM will meet Monday la aortal artenre. Or. l-aaae IH P-ak on "Mudi on Vaiee tjaallty." no official yesterday felt in a po sition to venture an opinion on that one. Another obstacle expressed was the team's own natural weariness after months of grueling football. Acceptance would mean extension of training another month. The administration's view as to the effects of an acceptance on scholarship must also be consid ered. Rjff Jones has a contract for coaching the West team in the East-West game. Whether this contract would be a certain bar rier to his coaching a Rose bowl game was not known. Jones has coached the East-West game every year since he came to Nebraska. It was only rumor, of course, but it was reported in the press last night that the Stanford coach and team had voted for Nebraska as its Rose bowl opponent They do define newspapers . Can you define a newspaper? If you have trouble, don't worry. Oth ers find it difficult, too. Forty-two of the 43 states in the United States have legal defini tions, and only two of them agree. The other six states don't even try to define. Dr. Otto Groth. famous German editor, wrote a 69-page definition. His work was accepted by some as the real McCoy, but others found several things that he had omitted from his definition! These are a few of the attempts at defining a newspaper. And to think the circulation figures of the world's newspapers fill books! Just one of those common things, or is it? "Alma Mater (Latin for Be loved Mother' I" came into collegi ate use because a statue of Mary, Mother of Christ, is placed over the entrance of Bonn university, Germany. Only colleges in the country ante-dating the University of Pennsylvania are the College of William and Mary and Harvard and Yale universities. Chimpanzee couples differ little from human things in their do mestic relationships, Yale's Dr. Robert M. Yerkes reveals. Syracuse athletes are barred from competition if they marry during the school year, unless the ceremony takes place during a holiday, such as Easter or Christ mas. Sinus sufferers are receiving marked benefits from artificial "airplane rides" in an atmospheric pressure tank at Northwestern university medical school. University of Detroit footballer scheduled games on both coasts with Manhattan in New York and 1 Gonzaga in Spokane, Wash. That Nebraska's football record is the higgest thing tins school has to boast of will not be the long run result of a Bowl bid acceptance. We're inclined to think the heightened spirit and pride in this institution will give all those men and women, who have almost forgotten it, an opening into the realm of things good that really make up the educational element of this school. We're of the opinion that this is one time when football s.iccess will do the university as a whole a wealth of good. With the clean record of non subsidization that Nebraska enjoys, the taunts and accusations that usually accompany praise of a football team will be nil as far as Nebraska football is concerned. There is no need for investigation and probing here. Kose Bowl or not, however (by the time this is read the verdict one way or the other may have been announced), Nebraska is proud of its foot ball learn. As individuals and as a team, it represents a healthy and vigorous condition that applies to the whole Nebraska educational setup. Wher, we arc proud of our football players, we are really proud of our school. If we didn't have the kind of school we have, we wouldn't have the football team that represents it. yfa DailyIIMebmskan CHieial Newspaper Of More Than 7.000 SrucaWi FORTIETH YEAR. Subscription Rates lire $1.00 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year. $2.5(1 Mailed. .Single ropy. 5 Cents. Enter.-il as .seroiiil -class matter at 1 tie post office in Lincoln, Nebraska, umior AM of Congress. March 3, 17i. mid piee ial rat of postage provided for in Section llu3, Avt o October 3, H17. Autho rized September 30. 1!22. Offices t'nion Building Day 2-71S1. Night 2 -713. Journal J-3333. Member Associated Collegiate Tress. liM0-41. Member Nebraska Press Assoc iation. 1M0-41. tramtalea' far National Advertising bv NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE. INC 4'. Madisaa Arc, Nrw York, N. Y. Caitafa Battaa Las Angrlta San I'ranci&ra raklisar4 Daily daring tat trfcaal yrar tirrpl Mondavi aad Saturday. aa tiaaa. aad rxaaiiaatioa prriodt y Stadrats ot the I'liivrrslty of Nebraska ander ta taptrvuioa of (he Pabliratiaao Board. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Business Manager Ed Seprist Assistant Business Managers Fn Novk-off. BurU-n Thiel EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Norman Hams Managing Editors Clyde Martx. Lucile Thomas News Editors Robert Aldrich. Mary Kerrigan Morton Margolin, Chris Petersen, Paul Svoboda Sports Editor Jim Evintrer Crowe talks to dairymen Prof. L. K. Crowe of the dairy department recently addressed the annual conference of dairy manu facturers at Michigan State col lege in East Lansing, Mich. He spoke on the program twice con cerning homogenized milk and re cent research in ice cream manu facture. University of Minnesota employ ment bureau received 3.500 appli cations for part time jobs this fall. LEARN TO DANCE Be prepared for the Military Ball Dec. 6 Learn the New La Conga IRVING 1210 P Shu ShiqA. IKRA Co$fsm I KFAB-8:00 A. M. ? ' Seagoing birds sometimes accu- mulate barnacles as do ships, it is , revealed by the University of Cali fornia 7.oology department. DICKINSON TKo SrWol af IsdhWaaJ laolrwttoa a BCflNESS rRJF.CT DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Mt-tll IJaeaka IJfe. IJ Bld(. I I 111 (Jaot North af Girid'oi KUKLIN 2-1616 1! LAS E (pot 9mv MON. Thru EL