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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1940)
V V McLemore picks greatest athlete; talks on writers9 life By George Abbott. A genial toutherner, red-haired, stocky, with a smile that be speaks a pleasing personality, a wit which is typical of the style which he follows in his column, and a philosophy which is entirely original, Henry McLemore arrived in Lincoln Friday. McLemor", United Press staff correspondent, evaded the question of Rose Bowl possibilities for Nebraska by stating, "Coaches and offi cials when questioned about any bowl game are the greatest bunch of bush-beaters in the world. When you approach them to get a little information on possibilities, they never tell the truth, they evade the question. The whole world knows the truth just as soon as any of the PDorts scribes. Even if there are (See MLEMORE, page 2.) L 1 AILY P MeBMSKAN 2408 Vol. 40 No. 49 Wright shows war films today Veteran news photographer hrings movie 'Poland's Last Days, Blitzkrieg' subject of film in Union at 4 p. m. Russell Wright, veteran photographer and reporter news who recently returned to America from the scenes of the second W orld War, will lecture at 4 p. m. today in the Union ballroom. The main feature of Wright's lecture will be the showing of his film, "Poland's Last Days and the Blitzkrieg1 documentary motion picture show ing life and conditions in Poland and Danzig before and during Hitler's onslaught. Wright took these pictures while he was roving news photographer for Universal Newsreel, carrying out his specialty of being on the spot before the news happens. His itinerary as a photographer has taken him to scenes of the nazi blood purge, the Dollfuss revolu tion in Austria, the Spanish civil war, and Sweden. At the beginning of his career, Wright traveled as a free lance reporter and photographer, and later became associated with the Associated Press, London Daily Telegraph. Look, European Pic ture Service, and finally Universal Newsreel. Between news experi ences in the paM several yars, he has been in the United States on lecture tours. Peace leader will speak here Sd auicKer three group to address s this Keek "Shall We Quit Working for Peace?" will be the topic on which Don Schmucker, midwest secre tary of the Fellowship Reconcilia tion, will speak tomorrow at 7:30 p. m., before a meeting sponsored by the Lincoln chapter. Schmucker was one of the leaders at the YW YM student conference at Estes Park last June. Tuesday at 5 p. m., he will speak at the university Vesper service on the subject, "The Value of Per sonal Commitment." That evening he will address a joint YM-YW meeting in room 306 ag hall. There will be a discussion afterward on the problems of conscience and war. All these meetings are open to the public and students are urged to attend as many aa possible. rumors of long distance telephone Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Lincoln, Nebraska I , J v r .-v ;s :v. : y t - i' A 1 ' ' - I v i ' I x -A Russell Wright . shows war films. Talk slang on wins girl first prize m test Elsie Kaminsky's affirmative answer to the question, "Slang, a Necessity?" won her first place in the 15th annual James H. Hooper Oratorical contest spon sored by the Palladian Gavil club last night before assembled Pal ladians, alumni and guests. Second place went to Edwin C. Carraher, who 6poke on the sub ject, "Utopia for the Plain Man": and third place to Monetha N. Newman, whose topic was "What, I Cheat? Never!" Explains slang In her speech, Miss Kaminskv said that "slang is the result of ingenious people. Slang is a neces sity because we're a creative na tion. It adds spice. It has qualities which are definitely lacking in our native language, although Webster terms it vulgar.'J That democracy CBn be a Utopia was the main idea stressed in Car raher's lecture. "Inherent idea of Utopia is based upon the outlook of the people," he explained. Miss Newman's oration told of the difference between pranks (See PALLADIAN, page 6.) UN agronomy ton honors in For the fourth straight year, agronomy students from Ne braska carried off top honors in the national crops essay contest when they won four of the first five places. In first place was John Lonnquist of Waverly; sec ond Milo Tesar of Tobias; third Theodore Jonston of Lincoln; fourth, a student from the Uni versity of Illinois, and in fifth place, Will Pitner of Stratton. News of the weep of the top honor was received by Dr. F. D. t-H r .- nit- V" JL . i f i ! w Journal and Star. Students Sunday, December 1, 1940 John A. Wilson speaks on third convocation Oriental Institute head to talk on areheological work in modern Egypt Dr. John A. Wilson, University of Chicago's director of the Ori ental Institute, will speak at the third university convocation Dec. 12, on "Modern Spades in Ancient Egypt." Subject of the convocation, to be held in the union ballroom, will be based on work of the Oriental Institute. Main object of the in stitute is to uncover the gap be tween the researches of paleontol ogists whose interest is in the stone age man, and those of the historians, who deal with the ca reer of civilized man. At the con vocation, Wilson will use lantern slides to illustrate his lecture. Egyptian specialist. From 1926 to 1931, Dr. Wilson (See CONVO, page 5.) Bowl enthusiasm climaxes KU game as UN chances unknown Officials keep their silence U. P. reports Nehraska choice Late last night the United Press reported unofficially that it had heard from "usually reliable sources" that Nebraska had been chosen to play Stanford in the Rose bowl. Still no official confirmation of the news was given. Thousands of rumors abounded, but the United Press report was the closest thing to a proven tact that anyone could dig up. Who'll be at the Rose bowl? At the hour this is written, no one knows. The "We want Nebraska in the Rose bowl" chant swelled to a constant cry last night as a lowl-thirsty Husker eleven t romped the Wildcat mercilessly yesterday in their last scheduled game. During the giid battle the cheering section went wild on "Let's west" a number of times and unorganized yells for a Rose bowl go game were prominent. Following the game the band marched thru downtown streets playing "Califor nia, here we come" and followed by happily cheering students take essay contest Keim in a telegram from the American Society of Agronomy. Medals will be presented to the top three men at the society's an nual dinner in Chicago, Dec. 5, along with cash awards of $10. Studio wants miniature If the valuable miniature of a Borority girl in medallion frame taken from Townsend studio is returned Immediately there will be no questions asked, find the matter will be dropped. , Hlaaslleirs toeatKO: 2- Son Basil gamine Team claims Big Six crown after eighth straight win BY JIM EVINGER. The big curtain was finally pulled down Saturday afternoon, con cluding what has now been proven as Nebraska's greatest football season in recent Girnhusker history. ' Climaxing the Huskers' big show, the Scarlet-shirted griddera urged on to a 20-0 conquest of Auto collision injures lour In a three car colision on South 14th street near the Penitentiary at 10:30 last night, four university students suffered injuries. Most serious were those of Belldora Cochran and Evelyn Leavitt who were taken to Lincoln General hospital. Leavitt had scalp injuries and a concussion while Miss Cochran was suffering from a back injury. Accompanying the girls were Sam Pollard and Kenneth Sim mons who received only minor cuts and were released following examination. Kirsch tours eastern galleries enroute to alumni banquet Philadelphia cluh gels charter " " '"mum y - ....: t i? ' " ft i V ' - ' '., ft :, 'Wniv H Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star. Dwight Kirsch . . . speaks to alumni. students. Rumors flew thick and fast. From the dressing rooms came a report that a bid might arrive anytime. Obstacles remain. The mystery revolves around the obstacles yet to be hurdled. Everything seems to be pretty well decided on the west coast. As the International News Service put it yesterday, "Nebraska is the 99-1 favorite as the team to buck the Stanford Indians, come this New Year's afternoon." University officials maintained silence on Rose bowl possibilities. Generally they stated that no one person in any office can give a definite answer for an acceptance to such a bid would involve the approval of a number of different offices and persons. It wa one official's opinion that such a bid would first come to (See BOWL, page 2.) Kansas State in Memorial stadium. In addition to ringing down the curtain, the Huskers added the Big Six grid crown to their mantle for the first time since the 1937 season. Eight straight. victory also marked the consecutive win for the The eighth What a record: NVhrsnk 7, Mlnnfwit IS. Nrbraoka IS. Indiana T. Npbraftka AS, Kannai I', S. Nrnranka JO. MUnonri 1. Nbrmka IS, Oklahoma . Nrbraaka 14. lows V. . Nrhranka . Plttnborh 7. Nrbranka 21, lnwa Mat It. Nrhraxka SO. Kannai Mat . Tolsl Nebraska 110, Tol OppoaraU M. Scarlet since the season opener at Minneapolis when Nebraska lost to (See GAME, page 6.) Dwight Kirsch, director of uni versity art galleries, went east Thursday to present an illustrated lecture on "Nebraska Scenes at the Philadelphia Alumni club ban quet Dec. 5. The club will qualify for charter membership in the University National Alumni asso ciation at that time. Mrs. Kirsch accompanied her husband on the ten-day trip. Five other clubs located at Cleveland, Huston, Cincinnati, Pittsburg and Washington, D. C. will soon qualify for charter ac cording to Elsworth Du Teau, alumni secretary. To qualify a club must have its constitution ap proved and agree to hold at least one general meeting a year to cele brate the university Charter Day. Prof. Kirsch stopped in Chicago Friday to visit the annual Art In stitute show in which his painting (See KIRSCH. page 5.) Horticulturist to speak before science group Werner Mill describe UN potato research at Sterna Xi meeting Dr. H. C. Werner, professor of horticulture, will speak on "Re search and the Nebraska Potato Crop" before a Sigma Xi gather ing at 7:30 p. m. Monday in Mor rill hall. The meeting is open to the public. Research woik carried on by the agricultural experiment station 8t the college of agriculture has been responsible for the success of potato-growing in central and northwestern counties. Nebraska grown Triumph potatoes have out sold all other potatoes in city markets during the last year, ac cording to Dr. Werner. Barh husiness filings manager close tomorrow Filings close Monday at 5 for the business manager's post on "The Earb" vacated last week be cause of the ineligibility of Bill Dafoe. As a transfer student from Wesleyan, Dafoe didn't have the requisite number of 27 hours for participation in extra-curricular activities. Any barb student meeting the athletic eligibility requirements of 12 hours in good standing last se mester and a total of 27 hours during the last two semesters may file for the position. Action by the Barb Council, meeting Monday evening will fill the vacancy from those who have filed.