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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1940)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 17, 1340 ! ! V Sodality r i , I'D : I Jo Duree UJ j" ! SEALS The Kosmet Klub show's over, we're practically munching tur key, which means that we'll soon be reminiscing about the Military Ball . . . well, Merry Christmas to you all. . . . Ripht in the spirit of the CHRISTMAS ming weie " ATO's . . . their closed house party was quite fine according to rumors . . . sev e r a 1 couplings are staying pop ular if we can believe .our ears . . . Beth How- jey ana uic u . . Stasnev, Prince ' Kosmet. Ralph Yr ? Worden. and Al- Tibwvlout pha Phi Pat Herminghaus . . . and Bob Sandburg with Pi Phi Betty Baker ... in fact the party was definitely fine plus a ru mored kissing bar ... we don't know what that means but it sounds like fun. . . . The Phi Gams and the Sig Eps had happy times . . . their house parties were both slightly costume affairs. . . . Fiji's went Dogpatch and the Sig Eps barn -da need . . . wonder if many of the dates lueed home Dumkins big real pumkins like Doris Halstead and Mildred Gorton did . . . classically different momentos. . . . Betty Schmidt will be initiated Chi O this afternoon. . . . Kosmet Klub was packed to the swinging doors with ljttle huddles of people who brought portable radios along and spent a portion of yesterday afternoon listening to the Pitt game and watching the KK show . . . their cheers for UN didn't quite fit the skit dialog but everybody was happy. . . . Alpha Xi's initiated at one this morning and breakfasted the new initiates after the ceremony. . . . Delta Sigs initiate today and are having an initiation banquet with their province director, Henry Lucas, at the Union . . . means more of those Delta Sig pins around. . . . Ball- (Continued from Page 1.) been selected to play at the ball, which is the traditional opening of the formal season, has had recent engagements at Chicago's Chez Paree and F r an k Dailey's Meadowbrook in New Jersey. Breese was booked for one held over for nine with three coast to coast airings weekly. Breese's boys were featured at the New York world's fair in an official "Lou Breese Day." The only other band to get that honor prior to that was Rudy Valle and his Con necticut Yankees. will be held in the law auditorium. "The five girl students of law college will present a skit," Sim mons said. Other entertainment and refreshments will be furnished by tbe association. Dr. Froelich G. Rainey of the University of Alaska has discov ered a town site indicating a non Eskimo race lived 100 miles above the Arctic circle thousands of years ago. KING'S Proudly Present$ HAL LEONARD rrr-r v X m .'V DAWN DANCE Dancinr 9 to 3 Home ec group will honor founder Dinner in honor of Elien H. Richards,, founder of the Home Economics association, will be held on Tuesday. Nov. 19, at 5:30 p. m., in the eg campus activities build ing. The program, of which Dora Baisinger is chairman, will con sist of the following: Invocation. Mim Oatlund. Tribute to Kllen H. Richards, Lou Ham- Ciarinet olo. Marj Brioo Horn Economic! In Syria, Bojia Wakim. Vocal aok Mary Buck. Group singing. Rhoda Chealty. leader Chairman of the ticket sales is Melva Meierhenry; tickets, which are on sale all this week, are priced at 50 cents a person. Russell to address teaehers grad club Prof. R. W. Russell of the uni versity psychology department will be the main speaker at the initial meeting of the Teachers College Graduate club. The meeting will be held in Ellen Smith hall on No vember 18, 8 p. m. Miss Janice Feltsauser, secretary of the club, invites all graduate students, faculty members and their wives to attend. Newly elected club officers are: president, James Taylor; vice president, Myrian Canon and secretary-treasurer, Janice Felt hauser. Law association to hear Peterson Main address of the evening for the Law association smoker Tues rtav will he piven bv C. Petrus Pe terson Lincoln attorney recently elected to the state legislature. Bob Simmons, association presiaeni, announced yesterday. The smoker 0.00. Pur;' An hell Sfl",n..B even"."? pin $5.00 . cflsne" ..AAin . i peon . ..-Vc O yo;Sim",otca jet..-" Two Trw. de UV witn ' . 1 g nAPM" fT-nS w- Dress Mm f i i i nr at a -rje. On--- J NeT ' .-A Wi" ... Tr mm in. Ve,Y ii'iantlT. j. .-fl - I KIni ,i'ia ' . .ne. Rhine' . Ble I formance. Uroide' j Style' '' j Cref A . -nl BK"14" J form"1 f,..iorV - II - "Mil" Form . H( " ' lSliPTiAhUe.- by jearw- roriri rtooB I W 7 i; lii I ml ' - t kf4i pi & A:mm - 1 " II I III II .MMM-in'-Mj In Person With Hi World Famous TRUMPET TRIO WED. Thanktaivlng E Celebration No Advance In Prices s though your very et tranc wa a command per-