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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1940)
I HAVE flVKD. F.1 note: Since the writer of 1M eoliiinn had part of his life history re . viewed In a letter from the V.MCA boyi to the editor whirh aarrd In thin pa per yesterday, he ban been persuaded to rontinne the riwcti of how 19 years can be Hent but shouldn't be spent on this earth. I was delivered on the 13th of December since the stork who brought me was a firm believer in doing things early to avoid the Christmas rush. It was quite a notorious birth for at that time, the population of Blair jumped from 2,709 to 2,710 and every time the population passes another tenth mark, a pur ple turtle is added to the zoo. And there is nothing more gratifying than seeing purple turtles at the I was qiuckly weaned to a diet of Ratum Wheetums so I could grow up and come down to "state" to hunt scalps of barbs, as my YM friends claim. I went to school and was beat out in the kidergarten presiden tial race because my paper cut outs wertn't as good as those of my competitor. And besides he could eat more paste than I could I finally made it into high school. There I stood around for four years and let other people niake'hav out of the grass that grew under my feet. I got out of luh school thru dirty politics be cause father was elected to the school board thru votes from a rotten borough. Then I lived in the YMCA for a semester. I was very much afraid of the world. A shrinking violet so to speak for I had once been scared by one. In fact my case was so bad that when I talked my voice blushed. But the "Y" made a man out of me. It was there that I learned the only way to get ahead in this world was to get a good graft for it i very apparent that the only way to live on the fat of the land it to become a girdle manufacturer. It was there that I also learned thit I should never be beaten to the punch especially if it is spiked. And then an advisor registered me for' Greek. I decided the best way to learn the language was to join a Greek house. I Joined. And it was then that I sunk into the depths of degraduation. I had a conviction in this election. I felt a political party had violated the election rules. And on that be lief I became one of the five sign ers to a petition asking that all ag votes be stricken from the elec tion. Now I am a (fill in ac cording to how you feel) because I uphil l my opinion. My party had nothing to gain thru the con viction that I held and advocated. Now I stand on that conviction to be condemned by a few of the barbs beeaurc I believe In my opinions. Then to top off my jvoes, my friends in the "Y" no longer like me. and the corner grocery has stopped sellir.g Eatum Wheetums. Swcethcart- ( Continued from page 1.) its act to the stage and to ask questions concerning props, light ing, and the general effct of the number. Rehearsal must be on time. Dress rehearsal must go on schedule, according to Carl Harns berger, business manager for the Klub. If any group is not on hand at its appointed time, it will be minus a rehearsal since no other time to practice can be given. Promptness is essential. Delta Gammas will lead off the show Saturday afternoon followed by AGR, Sigma Chi, and Women's Residence Halls. Next in order are Gamma Phi Beta, Sig Alph, and Alpha Phi. Delta Tau Delta, Phi Psi, Theta, and Chi Omega are followed by ATO, Kappa, Alpha Sig and the Beta number which closes the show. Dress rehearsal schedule does not follow the same order as the show: It is: gipma Chi 8:'Xi. Alpha Phi- 8.1ft. Helta Gamma-S 30. Women's Kesidem-e H.ills- 3:45. Alpha Gamma Rho-9:i)). Chi Omena 9:15. Kappa Alpha Theia 9:3d. I'M Kappa Psi -9:4 V Beta Theta Pi--lrt:M. Delta Tan Pelts- 10:15. Gamma Phi Beta H ::!. Kappa Kappa G.imma til 15 Sirms Alpha Kpsilm U.)0. Alpha Sinma rtii - U I.Y Alpha Tau Omea -11:3d. ALL MAKES Of TYPEWRITE FOR SALE OR RENT KEEL NFKJTER CO. 1W Na. IK I-Z1S7 wTONiGmr SATurhav a ftiiunav rralj rmnli iua i wit JJSM..' - f ' 4 V A. M. Chickering. Albion col lege biologist, reports that in Pan ama there are small spiders that seek security from the world's dangers by taking up resilience in the webs of larger spiders. DAILY NEBRASKAN Churches- (Continued from page 4.) The Lutheran Student associa tion meets at 5:30 p. m. Sunday in Parlor X of the Union for a fel lowship luncheon and conserva tional period. The Lutheran group will hold its regular worship service in Parlors X and Y, Union, at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. The Rev. H. Erck of the Missouri Synod will be in charge. His sermon is to be entitled "Sow ing: and Reaping in the Kingdom of God." The student choir is to rehearse at 4 Saturday afternoon in the Beta Sigma Psi house, 1325 R. The voung peple's group of the First Presbyterian church, 17th and F, will meet at 6 p. m. Sunday for a tea hour. Dr. Geo. W. Rosl'n lof is to speak at 7. Youth Fellowship of the Second Presbyterian church, 26th and P, is to have a worship service and "Officer's Panel Discussion" at 7 p. m. Subject of the discussion will be "Youth at Work." A Turk ish aviation student, Chalan. Ca prillion, will give several violin numbers in the hour of games and entertainment following the meet ing. Westminster Presbyterian Church of Youth is sponsoring a ping pong tournament during the recreation period beginning at 5:30 Sunday evening at the church, Sheridan and South. Betty Krause will sing at the 6:30 fellowship supper. Doctor Mondale, psychologist and Unitarian minister from Chi cago, will deliver the sermon Sun day at 11 a. m. in the Unitarian church. 12th and H. He will speak to the Fireside Group following the church services. Prof. Sher- f Jr. t iffi ' B I . . your surety of GOOD business training Fully accredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. LINCOLN SCHOOL OF-COMMERCE 209 N.I4- SHEET-VAJIOUMS WES.- lZZtu- 5 tMeimii TaDemit Ami TIM Bn or a THOI s Fiafnl X Waa m 8 EXCELLENT PERFORMERS PRIZES GIVEN BY APPLAUSEMETER 4:00, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Added Attraction THRONE OF THE GODS" Thrilling Movie of Ascent of the Himalyas Ba!!irinfii YOU PICK THE WINNERS! lock B. Gass ia to speak to the Young People's Religious Union Friday, November 15, 1940 after its meeting and supper in the church at 5 p. m. F ADM g SATURDAY NITE AND HIS W.O.W. ORCHESTRA with Singers and Entertainers 'OMAHA'S FAVORITE DANCE BAND" You hear them on the air . . . come, see and hear them in person. .Before 9:30. . .30c. After 9:30. . . Ladiea 30c, Men 45c MEW"- mmmmaemaBamamtasss .v V TRICES N ' C MATINEE EVENING V L 10c 28 10c-2c44c 'MLl ititSLP ""Jiil (m(Q) L . (eh What a grand opportunity! Tuxedo Outfits all items were bought separately the outfit would cost 23.60 . . . now 95 o Bay NOW with Gold Budget Books . . . Take Months to pay I Here's what you get: 18.50 Tuxedo Suit 2.50 Dress Shirt .55 Dress Tie 1.00 Stud and Links .39 Black Hose .50 Suspenders .25 Wing Collar 23.69 Total Price o o o o mm4 Wl W T H-H t fcaar. 0 M. 1Mb T VtMar Itoni. Cy "- trk "T Hmtrt sf Wester HaS. Z llrfrvtt 7 tm xmc tssMt m Cmm Tm If is IB W Sale price 1 1 "Trs Ttomt HrMIn m. tv Km., TM rMsMsasBBsssMsssaasi