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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1940)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 6, 1940 Barb council plans budget revision, winter parlies Committees for the barb winter party, discussion of a method of improving the music presented at the barb dances, and a revision of the Barb council budget were the items of business taken up at the meeting of the Barb council last night. Budget revision was necessary due to the sale of activities tick ets which did not bring in enough money to meet the budget planned last year. Party committees are: Bob Sim mons, Dorothy White, Tim Hig gins. Bill Green, publicity; Vernon Wiebusch, Blaine Sloan, Jean Ech tenkamp, Marilyn Barr, program committee; George Gostas, Harold Alexis. Gilbert Heuftle, ticket committee; Betty Hutchinson, Louise VVocrner, decorations com mittee. Others are Ida Schweiger, Janet S wens on and Ruth Grosvenor. Puncb- (Continued from page 3.) occasion requires can carry that old pigskin. Passes fail. Special work on the opponent's passing game has netted the Huskers profits this year. All teams that have boasted outstand ing passing games thus far have been held practically helpless in the season's play. Missouri, In diana. Kansas, Oklahoma and even Minnesota had their passers and all but Minnesota were sound ly thumped by the Huskers. Also Nebraska has developed a formid able passing game of its own. It looks like another case of Ne braska against a team that is hot after its skin and also has a good chance of realizing its objective. Starts Today! til JtTM I "THE SECR1T SEVEN" v. I I 7V I lmlUmi rUrnrt I tail II Caaotaa Socially. SpsaMnq. By Jo Duree. This social life is getting two faced these days... we welcome one lad who seems quite capable at keeping tab on the times when he sees the world through only one orb. . .it shore looks like some cruel soul stepped in Bub Bur russ' puss... Right face, readers ...we give you the writings of Robert. . . On Harold Howell, of the Beta Howells, we'll mention that he's interested currently in little KKG Zimmer. . .quite interested broth ers' comments of Sunday form fit basis for such a supposition On that lengthening list of steadygoers there's the addition of Tlieta Dorothy Chase and Phi Sigh Carl Harnsberger. . . The Sigma Nu's were really out Monday night... Jim Jones and Jim Roberts were quite out in the cold with very little raiment and an awful lot of water... The brothers craved cigars. . .and come to think of it we can't blame them must have been chilly out seranading. . .the Delta Upsilons would know about that, too . . . real good senanades. Different with a couple of cap ital D's are the invites which the Beta Sigs have involved to an nounce their Husker party at the Comhusker, Nov. 9 . . . real husking mitts. More different parties would be a boon. . .how about a Sadie Haw kins party if spring comes back again this fall. . . The Ohio's and the Tri Delts must've gotten together and planned their house-parties. . .in vitations are big black notes mu sical notes and they look so much alike they might have been cut with the same pair of shears. The Sig Chi'a are coming forth Friday night with a closed party ...a pledge affair that goes com pletely "Nuts"... you tell us what a nut party is. . . In the Tri Delt house on Dor othy Kunkel, pledge, is a Delta Chi pin... from Stanford... Plenty intrigued by Frankie Ha berman. Alpha Chi, is the pledge prexy of the Fiji's... Ray Treinen fits the rescription. . . Dick Hitchcock and Verne Inga ham are going to be with the Clark twins this week-end ... Sat urday night will be that double date. . .sort of a Kappa Sig-Kappa combination. .Maybe friend Hitch cock found that dating girls with DU pins less than fine . . . Council- (Continued from page 1.) students will choose Koa met who presents Nebraska's Sweetheart at the Kosmet Klub Revue. AU students may vote Tuesday in the basement of the Union. Council members are meeting in the west stadium where Com husker pictures will be taken today. M ! Stam THURSDAY! By Bob Burruss. Readers of this column will now be able to appreciate Jo Duree's magic touch; so after today any one wishing to slug me will please refrain from mutilating my al ready blacken ed left eye. Slights and im pressions of col lege life at Ne braska ... all "eligible males" on the campus with their hun gry fangs drip ping, eyeing Theta Klopp's new convertable which is now being body- guarded by i SAE Leonard J a c obsen .... While on the BOB Kl KKl SS Lincoln Journal. subject of Thcta we might say that Tish Trester thinks that Wen dell Bayse is cute and very smart, but she is keeping one on Bob Sconce of Omaha... Don Fitz and Marie Anderson studying (?) at the library Monday night. Week end notes Post-post graduate We'o Mills was making the rounds last Saturday evening shaking hands. . .might ask George Gostas who that smooth bonde is that he is keeping to himself... Jack Hitchcock, KFOR announcer, was swinging out at the pike Sun day with ATO Bob Leadly's sister, Betty Jo. (smoothie too) . . . Toddy and Lud also there eating pop corn . . . Paul Amen and Florence Moll dreamily dancing into a cor ner... It appeared that Kappa Sig Bob Sinky was enjoying himself at the house party Saturday right ...Oh yes Kappa Sigs, how about those cartoons on the walls? At Oklahoma we saw Nancy Halligan with someone else. . .In Lincoln we saw Tom Woods with Marg Jones ...Wow! The SAE's are having one of their fall brawls this Saturday night. . .understand that Dick Her man and Al Randall are anxiously awaiting next Friday November 15th. . .Duschenne formal at the Fontenelle in Omaha... Dow Wil son returns for the game Satur day to gladden the heart of Betty Hillyer, KAT. (It couldn't happen) Monk Meyer staying home one night, or even studying. . .Has anyone seen Jean Woods' glasses? Marion Bowers and Bob Luther "yum yuming" Monday noon... That down slip we all got, was sure a blow. Workers report on 'Y' campaign at drive dinner About thirty workers attending the first report dinner of the uni versity YMCA student campaign for funds on the city campus last night reported $135 collected or pledged to date. The dinner was held at the city YMCA cafeteria at 6. Contributions from students at Pioneer Co-op house totaled $26 50, the largest sum received from any one group. A partial repo.t from Acacia placed that house at the top of the list of fra ternities with $11.50 reported to date. Organized barb houses gave $55 to the fund, while fraternities con tributed $27. $53 was collected from unaffiliated men not living in regular barb houses. Ray Mur ray and Ralph Schroader were most successful in soliciting this gToup, each turning in $10.50 in money and pledges. The campaign will be continued until Friday, for the benefit of those who have not as yet made complete reports. Union vill liow game movies in ballroom at 7; Foot hall movies of the Oklahoma-Nebraska eame will he held tonight at 7 p. m. in the Union ballroom. Stuocnts must present their identification cards for ad mission. Admission will be charged at the showing at 8:15 p m. which will be open to the public. f if V RENT CARS Lowest Prices and Good Cart Always Open and "Nj Red Tape" Ectabliahed 22 Year noTonouTCo. iia p st. Pn t-lt fee Ba ryaUam Double Door' ... Cast set for Theatre's second production; to open Nov. 13 . . in Temple "Double Door," second Univer sity Theater production opening Nov. 13, is "rapidly whipping into shape," Armand Hunter, play di rector, declared yesterday. Hunter explained that the play started out with a double cast, us- Lawyers plan holiday smoker Law association sets celebration for Nov. 28 A Thanksgiving celebration smoker will be held by the student law association in law building au ditorium Nov. 28. Robert Sim mons, president of the association, announced yesterday. Committee in charge of the smoker consists of Simmons, Ed Kirby and Victor Eitel. Program for the event, Sim mons said, will include a talk by some speaker not yet selected, and entertainment furnished by asso ciation members. The smoker, and another one to be held as a Christ mas celebration Dec. 19, were ar ranged for at an association meet ing yesterday afternoon. THE KOSMET KLUB PRESENTS ITS FALL REVIEW 5 Sorority Acts 5 Fraternity Acts 5 Curtain Acts Student Elected Nebraska Sweetheart Prince Kosmet Tickets Sale Wednesday, Nor. t from any Worker or at Kosmet Klab Office. Stadent Unioa -m m This milk tastes so Axxl I umiK il eveiy aay. jx sets f a good example lor tlielx)y" 5V FAIRMONT'S ing the same theory that Biff Jones does, but added that "be cause of lack of coaches he was unable to handle two casts in the rehearsal process." "I cannot de vote enough time to obtain the best results with each," he de clared. Consequently, Hunter has se lected one cast with several dou bles, which "is being groomed this final week for the production." In this show the part of Louise the Maid will be played by Betty Waite and Dorothy Filley on al ternate nights. Show strong in atmosphere. Turning to the show, HunterJ stated that the play, a mystery melodrama, is strong in atmos phere and is in direct contrast to the opening production. The set is being constructed of solid wood, a new and experi mental process in st construction, on the Nebraska campus and one calculated to give the necessary weight and oppressive quality needed to develop the atmosphere of the play. "Costumes depict the year 1910, and," says Hunter, "every attempt is being made to render the play authentic in every detail. It should be one of the outstanding; theatrical events of the year on this campus." Nothing better (or child or adult, than fresh, pure, pasteur ized milk . . . Fair mont's Milk.