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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1940)
V .'.-5' SparfA. Jim Evinger According to the Azzi-Ratem system, Nebraska rate 14th in this week's national standings of the college football teams.. . .The Huskers are also rated 7 points better than the Sooners in the Sat urday clash by the same system... Add tales about Missouri's Paul Christman: During the heat cf the Titts-burgh-Missourl football pame, Capt. Ed Konetsky of the Panth ers broke through and smeared Christman after he let loose one of his precision passes. Christman looked down and Jested, "Is that any way to treat a Kappa Sig brother?" "It's what the doctor ordered," the Pitt leader retorted. "What a sense of humor he must have," the conversation con tinued. By that time play was ready to resume, and after helping each other up, Konestky called back over his shoulder as he trotted back into position, "Don't forget to stop by the house tonight." Little Jack Welsh is ene of Penn's star backs yet he weighs only 147 pounds. .. Nick Loncarlc and Franklin Yoder are the prom ising frosh athletes at Gonzaga. ...Both are grads of Boys Tdwn of Omaha.. . . There has not been a major un defeated, untied, unscored-on eleven in the nation since 1933 when DePauw so honored itself. . . In 1917 and 1919, Coach Dana Bible, then with Texas A. & M., sent his Aggies thru UUU years. ...This also happened to be con secutive as Bible did not coach in 1918.... Logan Ware, first string half back for TCU, played only five minutes with freshmen team In 1937 He failed to win his frosh numeral, but this fall he will win his third varsity "T".... Choice for Ail-American substi tute: Johnny Butler, second string quarterback for Tennessee, should hold this title. . . . He'd probably be the number one signal caller on any other college eleven.... In 1939, Butler subbed for a sub against Alabama and set the Vols going with a 47 yard touchdown sprint.... In the same game this year and still a sub, Butler made dashes of 50 and 67 yards and threw a scoring pass. . . . "Funny people, these football wolves.. . .When Clark Shaugh nessy came to Stanford last win ter from Chicago, there were many disgruntled remarks from the In dian grade.. ..New, that Stanford Is flying high, wide and handsome toward the Rose Bowt, doesnt hear those caustic remark any more. After three fames this fall, Stanford was the only unbeaten r untied coast conference school:.. . The Indiana were victorious only once In 1939.... When the Indians defeated the Santa Clara Broncos, it was the first win in five years over the Claras for Stanford in five years.. . . Ycarhook- ( Continued from Page 1) Chi Omega sorority is leading with a 9 percent average. Other results are as follows: Kappa Kappa Gamma. 2 percent Delta Gamma 0 percent Delta Delta Delta (percent In order to have their pictures taken immediately, the Townsend Btiidio advises students to come to the studio during the mornings. Other sororities and fraternities, who are not scheduled lov this 1 Don't Torment Your Roommate for his copy "On Your Own" STUDENT DIRECTORY On Sole ft! Campu IluiWngs and Book Stores Big line fronts for speeding Sooner backs The Okies from Oklahoma are big. Thus is the theme of all dis patches from Soonerland. Blessed with the heftiest squad east of the Southern California campus. Sta- dium Stidham seems prone to , quite repeated- s f ly wish for I more speed. J Again as in l the past, the Huskers will be out - weighed. The Sooner line will tip the scales at a mere 205 aver- s age and the j. backs weigh in at 180. On the face Of things Johnay Martla. Nebraska will be right at home against a team on the heavier side of things. Point for 1941? Rumor has it that Tom Stidham Is preparing for next season and is merely using this season as a sounding board for his freshmen. Using a big line in front of his speedy secondary is ravin d1" dends, however. Speediest of the backfield speed sters is Orvie Mathews. Hampered by injuries the past few games, Mathews is once again in the groove and is gunning for action. Along with him we find John Martin. Martin is the pace set ter for the con ference scorers thus far and will be after an increase on his side of the col umn Saturday. Up front do ing the block ing for these backs of course will be jolting Orviiie Math w. Harold Lahar. Lahar thrives on destruction and will be teaming with other s in the Sooner line against the Huskers. Chief of the headaches for the Ne braskans will be Cliff Speegle at center, Bill Jennings, last years halfback and now end, and tackles Teeter and Eason. Speegle is the only "Old Timer" from the champs of two years back and has lost none of his cun ning. Eason and Teeter at tackles are intent on jamming the opposi tion's plays. Jennings, converted into an end this year to bolster those ranks, has proved to be as adapt at this work as he was at lugging the ball in the backfield last term. He loves the game and intends to keep the end sweeps in check Saturday. A big line and speedy backfield will be the problem for considera tion by the Huskers this weekend. Ag WAA elects soccer team Election of varsity team mem bers for the soccer baseball learn tnnir rartf t the acr WAA meet ing Tuesday night The team is scheduled to play me cuy varsity team next Tuesday at 5 p. m. on the g campus field. The varsity team includes: Ruth riirUv rurohne Paulev. Lucille Wolford, Jean Humphrey, Ruth Ann Frame ana eeveny rvumifc. Barbara Koutsky, Mary Dennis, Eleanor Jacka, Carol Kltzinger. Justine Sutton, and Ida Mae SrhnpAflock. Members of the honorary team are Marguerite UpscomD, tiazei Sautter. Betty June Koutsky, Bar bara Falrley, Jeanette Hubbard, and Mary Jean Jones. Maxine O RHon Dorothv Anderson. Edith Sic. Pat Preston, Norma Rup- precht, Ruth rresion, ana ixjio Riggs. contest, may begin at any time to work for the 100 percent average for their free Cornhuskers. I -civ Jh Brain truster . Tom Stidham. Above is Coach Tom "Stadium" Stidham of the Oklahoma Sooners. He directed his Oil State boys to a Big Six conference champion ship in 1938 and has hopes of re peating such a performance this fall. That game with the Huskers Saturday should settle the confer ence question for 1940 as both are undefeated in their Big Six starts. AU-Americaii . . Pete Smith. Back in 1938, Oklahoma had an all-American end. Above is Pete Smith who gained such national recognition. Pete is now end coach of the Sooners under the coach of his playing days Tom Stidham. Classy flankmen on the 1940 era are: Bill Jennings, re formed halfback, Louis "Tree- top" Sharpe, and Lyle Smith. UN band receives praise; will play at David City Friday Numerous letters flowed into Don A. Lentz's office after the Nebraska-Kansas game compli menting and praising the varsity band for Its outstanding perform ance at Lawrence. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce also wrote Lentz commending the band on its early fall achievements. Ac cording to the director the 1940 band seems to have more volume and ability than any previous UN marching band. Dick Paytinger, president of the band committee, announced that the band would make a trip to David City Friday. Only sopho mores and above will make the trip. They will present maneuvers at the "hair of the David City football game and play music dur ing the game. All engible bandmen who will not be able to make the trip are urged to see Lentz im mediately. Schools will hear Hosp Miss Helen Hosp, dean of wom en, wiU speak on "The Develop ment of Cordial Inter-American Relationships" before a Lincoln high school convocation Thursday at 9:40 a. m. and before a Jack son high school convocation on Friday at 11 a. m. in First Meth odist church. Mrs. Ellas Compton. selected as one of the 10 outstanding -women if 1939, is the only woman ever to receive an honorary LL.D. degree for motherhoood. She is the moth erhood. She is the mother of three famous men. RENT CARS Lowest Prices and Good Cars Aiwava Giwi d "No Rd Tap" Established 22 Years MOTOR OUT CO. 1120 P 8t. " Phona 2-6819 for Reservation ( x Sooners have been eyeing UN all year Coach Tom "Stadium" Stidham is ready to shoot the works against the Huskers, Saturday, at Norman, when his Sooner boys play host to the Cornhuskers. According to a report by Bus Ham, Oklahoman sports editor, the first question that was asked by the Sooners arriving in the dressing room following their 20-7 conquest over Iowa State was this: "How did Nebraska come out?" Since the Texas U game early this fall, the Sooners have been pointing for the clash with Ne braska. They have been playing their games with one thought about beating the Huskers and a general thought of winning the game in which they were partici pating. Record crowd? Norman is expecting the Ne braska game to be the year's highlight of the Sooner season. Al ready, the crowd attendance is expected to toy all former records. The record for Owen field is Z8.091 set two years ago when Nebraska played there. Thusly, the Nebraskans have work cut out for them as they are marked men. Oklahoma and Nebraska are the only ones in the Big Six race without a scar on their records placed there by a conference opponent. Tha general belief is that the winner of the Husker-Sooner clash will be the ultimate champion in the Big Six for 1940. Therefore, it will be a tooth and nail game down there at Norman on Satur day. Monday night the squad looked at slow motion pictures of the Missouri game and had a' skull session. Tuesday afternoon, the squad was sent thru more passing drills both on the offense and defense. The Scout Club ran Oklahoma plays against the seconds, while the firsts ran Husker plays on the frosh. Hermie Rohrig was out for practice but failed to take part in the actual contact work. His ailing arm is still not completely o. k. A newcomer to squad again is Burdette Wertman, sophomore end, who has been out since the Minnesota game with an injury. Kosmet Klub- ( Continued from Page 1) hear that song again? Do that dance routine again," were in structions that put would-be re viewers in misery. The answer was always, the more we do it the worse it gets." Other questions. Other questions, this is a ques tion and answer contest, went "Do the lights come up then or is it still dark? How much room will the props and set use?" Enough to put any skit master In a padded cell. (It will always come out in the end. On Saturday, Nov. 16, at. the Nebraska theater will be the real test There will be a vast audience to judge them. This is simple.) After much head nodding and shaking the group finally gets the cue to leave. Filing out in the same solemn manner they usually leave thla remark. "It always i i Columbia and Okeh , 50c 35c S for 1 ; OUR LOVE AFFAIR Dick Jurgens : r : , ' rERRYBOAT ' t S SERENADE V - Frankie Matter V A MILLION DREAMS I'., AGO f ( IIUT IIHIHt kVl 49 v ' I CANT RESIST jf M f Benny Benny Goodman i TKiausisriifi r i I-M chairmen All fraternities who partici pated in Intramural football this fall are urged to send in their choices for an. all-opponent team. This team Is to be made up of teams in the fraternity's own league and can not Include their members. This list must be turned In by the middle of this week to the Daily Nebras kan where the votes will be tabulated. The deadline will positively be Friday. Members, remind your ath letic chairman to determine this list as cooperation will be appreciated. Kent State has lunch classes in bus org Lunching at an off -campus res taurant with guest sales manager of Ohio industries, students of the college of business administration at Kent State university get an education with their food under a program of noontime classes in in dustrial marketing. looks rough on tryout night." Encouraging! , Incidentally the tryouts end to night. The schedule: 1:00 Alpha Phi. T:i0 Ali'lia Onilrron PI. 7:40 Kappa Alpha Thrta. ft:Ofl Alpha Slrma Phi. 8:20 Delia I iilin. 8:40 Alpha Kuinn lthe. 9:00 Kappa NlKnia. Until Friday Night for the BIG Party! KfiRLOFfA. "Son of Frankenstein" with Ba6il Rathbope and a Boogey Cast! DOORS OPEN 11:15 p. m. TICKETS NOW ON SALE... Only Hoax Capacity will be Soldi REGULAR PRICES 25c ..a 40c l) DEATH Ji f -iOSVi what r y?, I I -v J r rj. t Win m