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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
Friday, October 25, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN Pop group heads speak Gerald Spahn, and Marge Krauae pave talks af the fresh man AWS meeting yesterday. Spahn described the Cobs as a service organization. He urged all students to cooperate with them by taking part in the rallies. Miss Krause mentioned the presentation of the pep queen at the homecom ing game as one of the activities of the Tassels. She praised the ex cellent school spirit shown by the freshman class. WELCOME MIZZOU HOWDY ALUMS CL Ifloisu ... friends and old As usual-yen J ar.d yourself. toack to Lincoln. q pcHlMMKU Mgr. HOTEL CORNHUSKER VDER SI 7JWMFf. DIRECTION -i""" """ -Co-eds- Full length photographs in formals reflect unique charm and personality. See our Pari panel offer. By Jo Duree The AOPi chapter demonstrated that their talents are varied when they copped the football that had J"th7s"coupon fir 5?x I Good for One Watch Crystal, y . Main Sprint or Cleaning $1.50 . LOWELL'S i I Fine Wtch Brpair Service 113 Sa 12 1923 O 3 u. 750 J STUDIO 226 So. 11th POl.TTIOAI. APVETtTTREMKNT POLITICAL APVFRTISEMENT ft 'J Nebrasko Knows Him.. Nebraska Needs Him Miss Agnes Beaute Shoppe Apne F. Schmitt Hotel C.ornhusker Shampoo and finger wave $1.00 Manicures 50c Haircuts 50c Permanents. . .$5.00 and up Telephones: 2-3122 2-6971 DWIGHT GRISWOLD Republican FOR GOVERNOR Qualified by Experience and Personal Contacts to Serve Nebraska DWIGHT GRISWOLD DECCA RECORDS 15C 3.rl.(!0 Wabash Blues Louis Panico We Three Ink Spot Our Love Affair Langfo-d 4. Martin 5 O'Clock Whistle Ella Fitzgerald SchnoIlerS Mueller 1 1212 O 2 6724 I II WELCOME GRADS I H ello Grads! I Cs good to see yon again . . The week-end each year to which all Lincoln looks forward is that in lqte October, Homecoming at Ne braska U. The old "Well, hi, Helen . . . Bert, you old , . . . Jim, it's been years! ..." are the best sound we've heard in a year. Stop in at the Chamber of Com merce during your stay in Lincoln. We shall be glad to see you again, to show you around. It's your party and we're glad you're back. Bring back the old days with tunes such as NOTRE DAME MEDLEY AU. AMERICAN GIRL Cur Lombard o Dick Roberton RM BEING WRECK YOU GOTTA BE A FROM GA. TECH FOOTBAIA. HERO Dick Powell Dick Robertton Alien DECCA RECORDS Brown ( ) Holy Cross ( ) the added atti action of entitling all members to see a cinema .... Something new in promotion. More and more go the dates for that pep frolic of Saturday night DG's will be there in full force and among their numbers are Eloise Hainline with Larry Hu waldt, Beta; Flo Scott with George McMurtrey; Jane Baird with ATO John Dean Amonir the rather laree num bers the Kappa Sig boys antici pate welcoming home will be Brother Christman, me loqua cious lad who wants to find a Wa terloo for Lincoln, Saturday. . . . There are iroing to be gobs of people what we mean .... and Fri day Greek row will Iook quue au- ferent what witn an inose decora tions which are a greeting in themselves .... Coinciding with other Saturday nip-ht revelrv. etc.. will be that traditional party that the Farm House tosses. . . .me uornnusKer s the place AOPi's are house-partying Fri day and among the lads and lasses having fun might be Lorraine Chant with Jack Castle, Sig Chi; Janet Shaw with Phi 0am Dick Miller; Edna Siggins with ATO Don Sherwood. . .then Jayne Lynn will be with John Kerl, Phi Gam . . . .which reminds among those dates it seems sort of like they've just asked the Phi Gam chapter over. . .while we re cnauing aoout pretty girl fcxi uJonneii imauy earned confidence enougn 10 as for a date things are getting along superbly for it s a deal from noon, thru the game and Saturday evening. . . . Ruth Yourd, AOPi, is two pins richer this week than she was last. After she agreed to wear Hal Schneider's Sig Chi pin, she re marked that it would look rather lonelv as she had lost her Alpha O pin so big-hearted Hal has ordered her an AOPi pin to Keep his company. The Chi Phi s ana rm mus ex changed dinner. ... Colorful surprise came out on the cnmrnis. . . .from the KKG house for all unbeknownst to each other around 15 of the sisters blos somed out in crimson, .pretty. . . . More people who will be around at that Corn Cob-Tassel ditty might well be Paul Toren, Sig CJii, with Bethel Cambridge, Chi O pledge Alpha Phi Sarah Bane with Bob Smith Harold Hunt with Alpha Chi June Stover And don't think that the Ak deal isn't going to take some from Lincoln scenes. . .among them per haps, Leonard Dunker, DU, with Beth Hanish, Alpha Phi; Sig Chi Allen Leffendink with Jane Pratt; Beta pledge Jack Latenser with Mary Helen Farrar, Theta pledge; Phi Delt Bob Poe with Mary Mc Carthy. . . . See" you at the Ball, the game, the Corn Cob-Tassel party.... in fact, see you .... mm & fcnn mi 'mi Bill li tiMim ii ih-iii iiiwJ I Michigan ( ) Pennsylvania ( ) The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce R. D. 114., PrrifV.t Harry Kms CwrI Mmnager Printing Photo-Li thog raphy Fraternity anl Sorority Stationery TRY THE LIBERTY BARBER SHOP 123 No. lSih ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT KEBR. TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th 2 21b7 Baylor ( ) Texas A. & M. ( ) Party Bids WE HAVE YOUR CREST Iravcs Printing Co. 312 No. 12th 2-2957 SpeciaVutt in University Printing DICKINSON The School of IndKMnl Inrtraetkaa A I. I. M'MNEHS fUTUETO DICKINSON SECRETARIAL. SCHOOL Z02-ZI8 IJnroln Mb. IJfe RMf. t-tll Jui North of Ooid') Sll 1 Coffee Shop FINE FOODS LOW PRICES Op-n All Aijrfcl Phone 2-7749 140 North ICth Street I