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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
Friday, October 25, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN , aesign I ASCE on maps various means or mapping Dy use of aerial photographs were discussed Wednesday evening by Prof. D. H. Harkness of the civil engineering department at the reg Coeds, this is really the big weekend what with homecom ing, the football game, open house at several sorority houses, dances and house parties. Among the sororities holding open house after the game will be the Alpha Thi's, Tri Delt's. A. O. Pi's, and the Theta's. To be seen at the A. O. Pi house narty Friday night Janet Shaw and Dick Miller, Margaret Hoppert and Harvey Lauor, and Bunny Chapline and Charles Shubert. You will have to be properly dressed for these occasions hence some tips. Miami Mms sport or dress wear, you will like the tailored Bessie Blithe blouses at Ben Simon's. They are striped, with long sleeves. Colors are black, wine, and green priced at ?3.95. The "Swissie" cardigan I sweaters, with either long or short sleeves, are featured at mon's also. Colors included are white, black, and red with yarn flowers knitted in clever designs on the front. Prices are $2.95. For lounging or study, you will really like the Kamore chenille housecoats at Simon's. They are fitted at the waist, and form a design in the back, which flows full skirt. Colors are blue, white, and rose priced at J Another 400 SS I Pairs ... of Sf LINCOLN'S MOST POPULAR SHOE! STROLLERS $395 "Muit havesl" AN TIQUE TAN Calf casuals with flat leather heel and del Choose your I ular meeting of the student chap ter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Professor Hark ness gave an illustrated lecture on "Photogrammetry" which is the work of obtaining surveys by means of photography. He stated that the use of photogrammetry is increasing in the engineering field. i T'rz for sports and dress are featured at the Nancee Hat Shop. The Sorority may be worn in two smart ways off the face or as a Poke. The Pork -pie and Judy are also a "must -have" on a coed's list. Both of these hats come in corduroy and in all colors priced at $1.00. One of Nancee's specialties is the vari ety of fur-trim hats to match chibbies or fur coats. See the fine selection of evening bags and angora mittens all colors priced from $1.00 to $1.95 at the Nancee Hat Shop. Look for the "Nancee" sign 133 So. ISth St. Phone i-3033. Is really a personality shop. Mr. Ben gives you tips as to you' individualistic hair style needs and Miss Glad ys, the cosmetic consult ant. gives you tips as to the make up which will best suit your personality. Go in for a consul tation now, and find out all the newest ideas on highlighting, shadowing, and correct coloring. She will help you decide how to bring out your best features, and how to detract from your bad features. Find out the colors best suited to you in clothes, as well as in make-up at Ben Your Hair dresser's.- - - SARAH BANE. IP! Genuine Ring LitTtt with Suede $4 Flattering! root-Shortening I The "BOOMPS TOE" "PYRAMID HEEL" PUMP you lovel BLACK or BROWN I Church Notes Roger Williams club, The Roger Williams club, Bap tist student organization, will start its regular Sunday meeting at the Baptist student house, 1440 Q, with a game period from 5 to- 6 p. m. This will be followed by re freshments at 6 and a formal meeting at 6:30. The worship service will be conducted by Ken neth Covey with Mary Miller pre siding. The guest speaker will be Mr. Robert Van Pelt, prominent Lincoln lawyer, who will speak on "A Lawyer Appraises the Ethics of His Profession and Christian Ideals." Newman club. The Newman club, Catholic stu dent organization, will hold its monthly social hour from 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. Sunday in parlors of the Union. All Catholic students are cordially invited to attend. Uni Episcopal. The University Episcopal church at 13th and R will hold services at 8:30 and 11 a. m. Sunday. There will be a choral evensong at 6 p. m., followed by a dinner at 6:30. The Rev. Walworth Tyng of Changsha, China, will deliver an address at 7:30 oh the Sino Japanese political situation today. The public is cordially invited to attend the lecture. Evangelical class. Miss Edna Zamzow will conduct the Evangelical young people's class for those of college age at 9:45 a. m. Sunday in the Evan gelical church at 33rd and Starr. Lutheran group. The Lutheran group .will again have its Sunday worship service in parlors Y and Z, Union, with the Rev. H. Erck, of the Missuri synod, university student pastor, in charge. Since Sunday is Re formation Sunday, the sermon will deal with the blessings of the Re formation 400 years ago. Rev. Erck has noted a growing student interest in these Sunday services. All Lutheran students are in vited to participate in the services of the following churches: 'First Lutheran, American Lutheran, Our Savior Lutheran, Grace, St. James, Friedens and St. Johns. Presbyterian. The college class of the First Presbyterian church will meet at 9:30 a. m. Sunday with Mr. D. B. Marti as teacher. Miss Agnes Snively of New York will speak at the 6 p. m. tea, and Mr. Marti will lead the discussion for uni versity students following the tea. Second Presbyterian church, 26th and P, will hold its regular student fellowship at 7 p. m. De votional will be lead by George Hawkes, and Mr. Nathan Gold will speak on "God and Commu nity Life." Dr. Albert Fenn, Chinese stu dent from Omaha, will lead a dis cussion for all young people at 5:30 p. m. Sunday in the West minster Presbyterian church, at Sheridan and South streets. Dr. Kenn also will entertain at the tables during dinner at 6:30 with HEAR WELLES in person Friday, Oct 25 8 P.M. Colioeyiii STUDENT TICKET 25c Limited Number Available at STUDENT UNION OFFICE Available to Undergraduates only. Chinese magic -and sleight-of-hand tricks. An organ recital at 7:30 will feature Donald Kettring, and following the recital there will be an informal social period in the Scout lodge. Dr. Fenn will lead the group in playing Chinese games. Cars will leave the Stu dent center, 333 No. 14, at 5:15 and 6 p. m. for those wishing transportation to Westminster. Short Order Special 25c from 5-9 at the HAMBURGER INN Sandwiches at All Times .118 No. 12th "Just South of Temple" --- - ---. j lit tiij hm v pi'- ;tH 4fi I Superb Qualify at a modesi price in Warwick Worsted Suits With 2 Trousers AH wool materials with high quality, skillful and enduring workmanship! In becotninr styles, tailored to fit correctly to wear well and five perfect satisfac tion. COLD'S. .Mea's Sor. B You get so much 1 SIS00 r Sml ihsL (anwuA. mahju HsAsl! McGregor Gantner Barcloy Puritan Coat styles with zipper or button fronts . . . also slipovers with crew or V necks, in a host of beautiful colors. Sweaters for business, sport or school wear. Priced at 1.95 to 5.00 GOLD'S ..Men's .lllh Sk RENT CARS Lowest Prices and Good Cars Alwayi Open and "No Red Tape" Established 22 Years MOTOR OUT CO. 1.120 P St. Phone 2-6619 for Reservations ( Combine Style with Comfort in a Clothcroft Topcoat In newest colon The popular single breasted topcoat with set in sleeves. Extremely smart for street and campus wear. Your choice of several durable fabrics. GOLD'S. .Men's for so little in a STEVENS Hot for men Step in and try on one of the new styles and new colors! You'll acree that the Stevens is the hat for you! Sizes 6si to 1. GOLD'S. . .Mea's Store. 1W 295