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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
feu nag By Chris Petersen. With power vested in them by the university, members of Inno cents society announced today that they will begin their drive to clear campus parking spaces for stu dents this coming week when they will circulate petitions over the campus calling for a system of stickers for student cars. With the parking situation be coming more and more acute since parking meters in the downtown area have caused Lincoln shoppers and businessmen to park their cars on and near the campus, the sys tem will entail the issuing of stick ers at a minimum cost to all stu dents driving cars. These stickers will allow students to park their cars anywhere on the campus other than those areas set aside for the faculty. Cars without stick ers will first be given warning tickets and then tickets carrying a fine. The university, thru its power to regulate university grounds, also has the power to regulate and restrict parking as it sees fit. This power has been vested in the In nocents in order that they may at tempt to clear up the parking con gestion problem. Petitions will go out to the stu dents this coming week to enlist them in the movement. Heretofore, lack of student interest in such a project has not warranted a change. However, according to Robert Aden, president, if the stu dent body will back tlie men's honorary in its efforts and assure it full cooperation, the plan will go into effect soon after the petitions are signed. Investigations on the part of the campus police force have revealed, according to Sergeant Regler, that a great number of cars which be long in downtown parking areas are parked on the campus. The head of the campus police force pointed out the fact that the num ber of cars parked on and around the campus on Saturdays is the best indication of the situation as it stands. The first step in the direction of clearing up the campus parking situation has already been taken for members of the faculty in that they have special license plates which entitle them to park in that area north of social sciences which is reserved solely for that pur pose. According to Aden, if the plan of student stickers is put into force, faculty members will be given tickets for parking in areas other than those set aside for them. Muzzle v lYilizzou Vol. 40 No. 27. Coeds to choose Prince Kosinet at fall election Men select Nebraska Sweetheart Prince Kosinet, attendant to the Nebraska Sweetheart at the Kos met Klub fall review, will be se lected by the coeds of the cam pus this year instead of by the Kosmet Klub as in former years. There will be no filing for the post of Prince Kosmet, and no qualifrcations except that he can not be a member of Kosmet Klub. Prince Kosmet will present the Nebraska Sweetheart, to be elected by the men of the campus, at the annual Kosmet Klub fall review which will be held at the Nebraska theater, Saturday after noon, November 16. Any coed who has attended the university for at least two se- Junior C of C plans special to Oklahoma Sponsors to distribute 130 train ami football tickets to first conjers First come, first served will be the rule for the distribution of 150 special train and football tickets to the Nebraska-Oklahoma foot ball game, Lincoln Junior Cham ber of Commerce officials, spon sors of the special train, an nounced this week. Tickets will be $15 complete. Complete transportation from the Lincoln station to within a block of the stadium in Norman will lx furnished by the Missouri Pacific lines, according to plans virtually completed. Schedule. Here is the present schedule re- leased by chamber officials. The W"pe(.ifil will leave Lincoln 6 p. m. Friday, arriving in Oklahoma City Saturday at 7:45 a. m. Leaving Oklahoma City at 1 p. m. Satur day, the special will arrive in Nor man at 1 :45, 30 minutes before game time. The special will return to Okla homa City immediately following the game. Leaving Oklahoma City at 10 p. m. Saturday the spe cial will return to Lincoln at 2:30 p. m. Sunday after an hour's stopover in Kansas City Sunday morning. To make reservations or get information see Ed Segrist in the DAILY office. Wc arc sorry, too many ads! Due to a huge volume of ad vertising in today's paper and an almost impossible printing situation which prevents the DAILY from going to 16 pages today, many news items and feature items must be withheld from publication. As the DAILY is under contract obligation to most advertisers and as omis sion of requested advertising would harm future publications, the DAILY cannot omit advertising. Th 1 AILY 111 MeBMSKAN 2-408 mesters with not less than 27 hours credit is eligible to file for Sweetheart. All women interested should file with Leo Cooksley or Carl Hamsberger in the Kosmet Klub office, or at the Union some time next week. Prince Kosmet and the Nebras ka Sweetheart will both be elected at the fall election Nov. 12. 29 year old celebration begins today First event of weekend festivities is Corn Cob homeeoming luncheon Students and alumni will stage the largest homecoming celebra tion in the history of the 29 year old tradition this weekend as thousands return to the university campus for the Missouri-Husker football game. Amid the color of traditional decorations of frater nity and sorority houses, numerous luncheons, banquets, dances and reunions will be held along with the mammoth bonfire rally to night Activities will get officially un derway this noon with a rally luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce sponsored by Corn Cobs, men's pep club. Speakers at the luncheon will be John Bentlcy, sports editor of the Lincoln Jour nal; A. J. Lewandowski, Husker (See HOMECOMING, page 2.) Homecoming displays near completion Will announce w inners at Cob-Tassel dance tomorrow night With homecoming decorations entries of all the sororities and residence halls and 16 fraternities nearing completion, the campus will blaze with lights and color tonight. Judging in the Innocent-sponsored contest will begin at 7 this evening. Delta Gamma ana Sig ma Alpha Epsilon, holders of the awards for last year, may have stiff competition for this year's cup as leaders of many organized houses predict the largest and most unusual displays ever used on thia campus. Announcement of the winners will be made at the Corn Cob-Tassel dance Saturday evening. The judges are Terry Townsend, Rev. Harold Gosnell, R. J. Ernesti of Miller and Paine and Joe Miller of the Andrew-Newens advertising agency. Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Students Lincoln, Nebraska Limelighting homecoming I iii - 4 Louis Panico ...trumpets for victory Students, alums stage 11 . T? largest Tiger fray may settle conference Mizzou's Chrislnian is most highly touted player of panic By Jim Evinger. It looks like it's going to be an early Christmas this year. Yes, for homecoming, all of you patient and redhot football fans will get to watch the Huskers take on the Missouri Tigers. Prize package in this early bun dle of "good cheer" is a prese -of dynamite Jn the form of one Paul Christmsn. a'his little feller, (See page 11, col. 1). Kosmet Klub skit Iryouls scheduled The first group of fraternity, sorority, and organization skits for the Kosmet Klub Revue will be judged Tuesday evening. All houses are urged to be ready when the committee arrives. There will be no elimination on the first judging. Skits to be received Tuesday evening are: 7:00 Alpha Chi Omega. 7:20 Kappa Kappa Gamma. 7:40 Carrie Bell Raymond. 8:00 Chi Omega.. 8:20 Pi beta Phi. 8:40 Gamma Phi Beta. 9:00 Beta Theta Pi. 9:20 Alpha Tau Omega. 9:40 Delta Tau Delta. 10:00 Zeta Beta Tau. Paul Chnstman . . .triple threat man iMomecomiii! Co-captains X :' t " hi BOB III Kill ss Jmirnnl nnd S' ua pkts:h Panico, pep queen climax annual dance Pep&ters, honoraries, band in parade to introduce Bettv (TShea Climax of the weekend home coming activities will be the an nual Corn Cob-Tassel dance in the coliseum tomorrow night, with music by Louis Panico and his or chestra and election and presenta tion of the 1940 Pep queen. Before the battle with the Mis (See PARTY, page 10.) DAILY NEBRASKAN sub scriptions may be secured after the game at the DAILY office in the basement of the Student Union. $2.50 for the entire year mailed anywhere in the U. S. TAjuzzle IvJjizzou Friday, October 25, 1940 weekend Link Lyman . . .keynotes rally Pep will hit high point at rally tonight Frosh, ophs to hold annual tug of war; H inkers w ill down Tiger With the cry of "Muzzle Mis sou" on their lips, thousands of students will flock to the mall be tween social sciences and An drews tonight to a gigantic bon fire rally topped off by the burn ing of the Missouri Tiger and the annual frosh-sophomore tug of war. In the biggest rally of the year, (See RALLY, page 10.) Coach White issues call for debate squad Men students try out for collegiate contests Nov. 1 3 ; file next week Annual intercollegiate debate squad tryouts for men above freshman standing will be held Nov. 13 at 7:30 p. m. in university hall 106, announced Prof. H. A. White, debate coach. All students who wish to compete are in structed to file with White by Fri day, Nov. 1. The subject for debate is "Re (See DEBAViS, page 10.) r i f v A I