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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1940)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, Odob'er 73, 1940 Political speech shifts news time one night only Due to a last minute change in the radio schedule of KFAB last night, a political speech was broadcast at 7:15 Instead of the usual DAILY radio program. However, the program did come on the air at 6:30 p. m. Tonight the program will be restored to its regular time. Chuck Chancy will be announcing and Mary Jean Mc Carthy will present society now. Socially p&alihu By Jo Durce People are waking up in classes now before the bell rings and peo ple are beginning to look like they were really back for an education and all that sort of thing... con cent a ting on next week-end now, you know. . .people are going to come home and there's a football game. . . It really should be a hearty week-end . . . Corn Cobs will lunch business men Friday. Saturday Louis PaonDC and his Laughing Trumpet at Hie Corn Cob -Tassel Kleeceinnioinig 'arty OCTOBER 26 COLISEUM Adronce tickets $1.10 per couple from any Com Cob or Tossel CiWiariivsL dioASL , . need not be expensive? 4ft ft 1 L .L J .vs.' wfa ilk Hose rtiat combine beauty with stamina, FIRST at the QUALITY, rc low price of PWr 2 Pairs, 135 M4JORKTTR FOURS, the -four thread rhif fon weifiht for active wear, such s daaliing lo and from classes. "High riding, fashion able sole, supported with fine mercerised lin ing for longer wear! MAJORKTTE THREES, the three thread chiffon weight for evening and dress up wear. Smart hccl-within-a-hecl, and an almost invis ible plaiting in the toe, to give extra strength where needed. HMierf Street Fleer. Leukemia is being treated with an orange juice cocktail spiked with radio-active phosphorus de veloped in the University of Cali fornia's 200-ton atom smasher. Dean Ernst Bessey of the grad- there will be various festivities like campus honoraries eating with their alums before the fray which gobs of old and not so old grads won't bo, missing either. . . That night should be fine . . . Corn Cob-Tassel party, traditional affair for a good time and seeing who's Pep Queen... nice flock of young women filed for that honor ...possibly around to cast a vote for the right girl might, among everybody, be Thi Dolt pladges Bob Stone with Kappa pledge Page Sitnrall of Missouri Uni., Steve Devoe with Chio pledge Jean Cowdcn, Mary Belle Hitchcock,' Theta, with Phi Psi Jim Selzer, then DG pledge Betty Lou Waech ter with Beta pledge Gordon Bryant ... Amonf the lads lately pledged are Bill Zinn, to Phi Gam, and Bob Black, Bill Barrett, Bill Reisen berg and Paul Toren to Sig Chi . . .felicitations, all. . .and while we mention Paul Toren it would seem a time o note that he, after con fertng with the rest of the lads Joyce Jungc, Pi Phi pledge, had batted in her league, has appar ently checked out to find the little Tri Delt pledge, Mary Helen Diet rich. . . Phi Gam pledges hare elected Ray Treinen their president and the secretary-treasurer is Ai Art man ... Theta Xt'i per custom, had the Alpha Phi's over to eat venison, with Fred Klug the host. . . Speaking of food the Phi Psi's and KKG's are going to hold forth at an exchange dinner tonight... ought to be ducedly nice for peo ple like Leslie Boslaugh. . .who by the way, might possibly have his pin over there if the radio waves aren't erroneous . . . and it'll be an other chance for Helen Coyne and Homer Rodgers to get together. . . they've been seeing an awful lot of each other for a spell now... That KU jaunt certainly didn't dim the friendship of Phi Gam Al O'Conner and Mary Larkin... Lowell Michael must have been serious when he said he was going to get interested in pretty Peggy Halstead, Alpha Phi. . . In farewell, we wonder if you don't crave to see that black list, called rat list, that the Alpha Chi's have whipped up . . . seems some of the stellar men figure. Hour features wind instruments Continuing the program of illus trating one group of instruments each week, Harmony Hour will feature recordings demonstrating woodwind instruments Thursday. Program notes will be read by Keith Sturdevant. This musical hour held every Thursday at 4 p. m. in the Union is open to any one who is interested in music. Musical instruments to be illus trated are: Clarinet: "Quintet in B Minor, Opus 115," Brahms. Oboe: "Jesu, Joy of Man's De siring," Bach. English horn: "William Tell Overture," Rossini. Flute, piccalo and bassoon: "Dance of the Reed Flutes" and "Chinese Dance," from the Nut cracker Suite by Tschaikowsky. Yearbook pictures taken Reports from the studio last night showed Alpha Phi still in the lead by a large margin In percentage of pictures taken for the 3841 Comhusker. The tabulations are: Juniors ....12 Seniors ....20 Sororities: Alpha Phi 84 Kappa Alpha Theta . . . 2 PI Beta Phi 0 Fraternities: Zeta Beta Tau 56 Alpha Sigma Phi 13 Phi Delta Theta 9 Sigma Chi 8 Sigma Alpha Mu 3 Acacia 0 South Dakota state university has an 82-voire a capclla choir. The library at the University of Texas now houses C39.732 volumes, an increase of 26,117 over last year. RENT CARS Lowest Price and Good Cars Alwaya Open and "No Red Tape" Ettablished 22 Yeare MOTOR OUT CO. iito et. ' Pfcoe 1-08 It far ReeervaUeeM uate school at Michigan State col lege nas rciurnea ironi Haws with 600 species of fungi. rnc nonors uni at ine univer sity of Michigan reached 8S1 nt a recent convocation. V. OF N. SUES ST FIRST! STARTING TOMORROW F A You'll arret with IloUrwood Variety which calls TOO MANY I GIRLS "the fastest stepping and I most exuberant nmsioal r t -w turned off the tmrtenV lill V) rSlCAl CG.71DY lliT Thrtilingfy F3ad, wS LUCILLE BALL RICHARD CARLSON ANN MILLER EDDIE BRACKEN FRANCES LANGFORD DESI ARNAZ HAL LeROY With the Most Klswible (oeds . . . Football Hrroea . . . Fun, Sonira and Romance Ever Packed In One Show! No Adronct In Prices!! Varsity (i Iff!. iLifiS g IMS!!)! 1