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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1940)
Brian Aliernc to take lead in radio version of Broadway hit Acclaimed by critics as one of the ifnest motion pictures of the season, "Longe Voyage Home" will be presented in radio form as the dramatic portion of Columbia network's "Kate Smith Hour" to morrow on KFAB at 7 p. m. Brian Aherne, who has starred in such Hollywood successes as "Merrily We Live,'' "Juarez," and "Captain Fury," and Henry Hull, one of the stage and screen's most versatile actors, will have starring roles in the radio adaptation of "Long Voyage Home," re-creating the parts played in the film by Ian Hunter and Thomas Mitchell. The origyial material for "Long Voyage Home" was contained in four short sea stories by Eugene O'Neill. It was written for the screen by Dudley Nichols and adapted for radio by Jean Hollo way. The story concerns, chiefly, four men an Englishman, an American, an Irishman and a Swede all members of the crew of a tramp steamer carrying mu nitions from Baltimore to Britain. Hull portrays the part of the rTJ5 J I Twistings I By Morion Margolin Irishman, played by Thomas Mit chell on the screen, while Aherne takes the role of the young Eng lishman. For the musical and comedy portion, Kate presents her own songs, Willie Howard, Henry Youngman, The Mullins Sisters, Smart Set Quartet, Ted Straeter's Chorus, r.nd Jack Miller's orches-. tra. Youngman's appearance on the broadcast was originally sched uled for last week but was post poned until this Friday. DAILY NEBRASKAN 'Honey Chile9 4-VV BLACKOUT. Capitalizing on the unbroken spirit of the people of London, CBS tend NBC will cooperate to bring what may be one of the most thrilling broadcasts of the war to morrow between 5:15 and 5.25 p. m. when they give listeners a first hand picture of life in a Lon don air raid shelter. Since night raids lately have been almost continuous, chances are, that the broadcast will be on during a raid. It will be about mid night in the British capital when the trans-oceanic broadcast gets under way. British censors, of course, will not permit disclosure of the exact location of the air raid shelter which is to be the scene of the 'Cowboy i I V fi J I tt- , I fc. AwiiMMWWiiwiMiferiii'anar - nl, u' It H CBS tenor star, Lanny Ross, made the swank patrons of Manhattan'; East 57th street art and fashion shops raise their eyebrows and lower their lorg nettes last week at the sight of the singer driving a dilapidated truck with a black-and-white calf in back. Lanny, who Just completed his first year on the air for his present sponsor, bought the calf at the Borden's exhibit at the N. Y. World's Fair and was driving it to his Mil ford farm. The calf has been named Marianna Annabella, after Lanny's latest song. He is heard on his 'Memory Lane' pro gram over KFAB at 6:15 Mon days through Fridays. 3 J f ,..,. XT- I Y .4 1 .i rip T..t hAiriburper shops on we University of Minnesota campus served up 542,000 hamburgers last year. Poetry Society of America has presented 75 volumes of contem- Friday, October 18, 1940 porary poetry to City college of New York. The world's highest astronom ical observatory will be built this summer by Harvard university in. the Colorado Rocky mountains. Margaret "Honey Chile" John son is one of the guest singers on the CBS folksong program, "Back Where I Come From." She is a native of Dallas, Texas, where she developed one of those smooth flowing accents that goes so well with folk songs. If her face looks familiar, you may have seen it on a magazine ad, for she's also a professional model. broadcast. Many of the occupants of the shelter will be interviewed. The program will be aired by KFAB. HIGHLIGHTS. Radio highlights for today and tomorrow include: Friday. The Johnny Presents program at 8 p. m. over KFAB, will offer an other perfect crime from the pen of Max Marcin under tne title 01 "Murder Fee." Marcin has been doing the weekly mysteries for some time. Johnny Green's orches tra will supply the music as usual. Bob Ripley, the Believe-It-or-Not man, will feature some un usual exp'.oits of women, when he (See TWISTING, page 5.) Mlllllllilllillllillillllllilltlllllllffililiililllllilll Casual COAT If you like freedom and comfort in your coat . . , you'll enjoy the loose, roomy feel of these boxy styles . . . fleeces and tweeds are the fabric favorites . . . lovely values at these feature prices. $1595 $22 iiiiiiii Mm .d ZJ 1 jj J ; ft' J ; I 95 yy-y 1 1 We've planned carefully m to help you fit a 1 1 fSKH" FABRIC GLOVES Gauntlet ttylet In leather and fabric comblna- 1 ion 1 , . .lanorca - stylet . . . gloves . z S with outsldeCrcl stitching ... In 9 (1 r all fall costume II r S gloves of cape- mM . colors. FINE LEATHERS Soft, well tailored jm skin suede and M QC doeskin . . . per. i w fectly colored to I Match new clothes. to M.BO m a n . ' c a mar - n im m lH Avici: aj iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OS P A ft A DISE brings you r9t A Km Chuk with a fall failing for ell th important hours of your busy doyt. Flonnol with o flair, tailored with th workmanlik parfeclion fhot spalli Ktncwfttmaiuhip. Hip slimming skirt with Invsrtad box plaots oil oround, gothorod poclt with upstanding ftopi and Uothar ball . . . sirs 10 to 30 In pott 1 1 and deepar tonai ... About f 15.00 I the laoding storat throughout tha country. For tha Kn Clonici iters in your city, wrlfa Rill CUJSKJ, 1M Wast )b Jtratt Nw Tork A dress Tic styled with a medium heel J into YOUR budget! Special Values in Fur Trimmed Siiii'iraiiiisiiniiitiiiiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III THE JEAN Black Suede Rlack Calf $(S95 U. .is '"' -1 i. V . . 4 n.'i c Fur trimsjor that fabu leais look. Magical pelts that turn glorious wool fabrict into a vi sion of loveliness. You will find the season's masterpieces . . . Swag-' ger and fitted styles . . . done with a lavish hand on everything but your purse! 150 e THIP.0 FLOOR iiriitftififitiii. lilliniiiiiililiitk l,!!t!!!!!!!!!!lill!!!il!!!!l!!l!!!!!",,l!!IMI!t'!!!!'!!!,!!llll!!!l'i PARADISE SHOES are featured In Vogue, Harper' Ba zaar, Photoplay, Mademoiselle, and Ladies Home Jour nal. Sold in Lincoln only at Filled f A AGEE S MUST FLOOR X .ptminuMfmtitumwMfMMtfM i m reSs