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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1940)
.1 ". : I :! ( Candy went the rounds at the Alpha Chi house Monday evening when Ruth Conklin did the honors with Bob Denny, Phi Sig of a couple years ago. . . . And unhappy with John Miller are aU the Kappa Sigs for ad mittedly he didn't like dunkings . but he hasn't purchased cigars, either. . . . So, it was just another Monday ni Ajid the reason that all the little SDT pledges are no longer garbed in sweaters and skirts can be im mediately traced to the actives who lifted all the pledges' conven tional school wear... just to see thpv'rt look in dresses.. . . Phi Delt pledges sneaked and had such a lovely time that they think they'll do a repeat per- Mondav night. a a npflpe offeriner. it seems, the neophyte Phi Delts brought back porch furniture. . .trom umam luacn't it f AnH nriri social events: AOPi pledge tea Sunday and Kappa Delt houseparty Saturday night... and the KD's got quite cagey with their invites which are in the form of Circus circulars.. . .Then Sun day, again, the Tri Delts have in vited all the fraternities over to tea... then Saturday the football team is entertaining Indiana Phi Sigs sneaked. . .convention ally, with all the trimmings. . .the actives finally found some clothes to wear. . .which reminds us of Warren Schrocder's laudable am bition. . .he's taking a page out of Players- ( Continued from page 1.) sen proprietor, the firm eats well, tho they have no clients. Debts pile up. With debts piling: up and bank ruptcy around the corner, a mil lionaire playboy, Kooeri arnn, nlaved bv Glenn Nelson, becomes the firm's benefactor, offering the four lawvers (Morns benneerer acted bv Louis Meyer, entered the partnership later) $25,000 annually to defend him. Acclaimed to be one of the most hilarious scenes is the pseudo-psychopathic examination of the play boy, shown here. Armand Hunter, director of the theater, says that "the play is a hilarious comedy or me jacK-m the-box tvne. meant only for en tertainment, with no thought of teaching a moral lesson. Accora imr to Hunter, rehearsals went as scncduled, and the actors, prop crew, and student cureciors nave all rough snots ironed out and are ready for a "perfect first-night performance. ' The cast includes: jr rrankrl Jimrphlne G11H Arthur l :more Hick 4vsi-h O'K'rurke Walter Klerhel ITIrr Kuhu M VVh. tinker Morrill Nclineer.r Irvliif Wtno KyUonlu Tyler Mnryellen BuMmm Irvine I rmikel Robert (ieiwlck I hum ck Helling Mamie Kooenuiry Owens 'telephone llni-nmn Kuhnrt Hiark KoliiTt ( arUn Olefin Nelnon Irhi-ro kul.i lUiniulo Sudevllla ft. B. Jm:non rUn Klein -' eleriftiMi boy Howard l-orem Mioenliiiwi bo Kenneth Miller HlfiioMMii ji iTiir . .Mary Adelaide Hannen NteiioffNther Itrkce Hnld I'ullremM IN enle. Morrow tin I'rKlnv IImi eharmrter of Mnrrto pieluieerer will lie played by lul Meyer Coed Counselors hold hobby group meetings for frosh For all freshmen women inter ehted in hobby gro.ip-a (sponsored bv Coed Counselors, a meeting will be held today at 5 p. m. in Kllen Smith hall. Marv Bullock. Coed Counselor, urges all freshmen to attend and become acquainted with this part of activity life on the campus. The Counselors will offer three hobby groups this year: charm (school, lap dancing, and book re views. Buth Howlcy will sponsor charm school, and Marion Cramer will be the leader. The sponsor of tho tan dancing croup will be Har riet Talbot, and Jean Cowden, who hfs taken tap lessons in Chicago will be the instructor. Dorothy will sponsor the book re views, which will include the Union book reviews of last year DICeCiNSON Hie Krliiiot of lndlUtiikl lnlnir(l( KI SIMIMS Ht'njKt'TA DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL SOI tIS l lneoln Mb. l ife Bld. t -t 1 6 1 Hunt Nurlb of Gold Socially Spsjaldnq By Jo Duree date books of1:he past and now, we hear, wants to hit every sorority in Pan-Hellenic. . . . At the Alpha Chi's houseparty nothing new and different in the couplings seems evident ror June Stover will be witn Acacia fiarv Minnick, Kay Park with Allen Zik- mund . . . after having watched them lunch together ad infinitum, that doesn't seem unpredictable . . . then Betsy Wright will be around with her Sig Nu from worcnwesi ern . . . And the Phi Delts, who have ne glected to send out invitations and would like for everyone to know thpv're welcome Saturday night, will have among their number, be side all the people who always are with the same people, Dick Her man with a rirl from Omaha Du- r-hAsnp Ril9 Black with Chi Omega Bethel Cambridge, and Fred Craft with the Aloha Phi who wears' his pin, Betty Lou Wentz ... another y VX x, k 0 THE SATURDAY .AM'""-''''-"'" DAILY NEBRASKAN mnnl? who should be lightening Monday evenings with a candy passing. . . The Tri Delts playfully dam pened three of the sisters the other night, too... Betty Dunn got her curls all wet because she and Farm House Bob Wheeler have held off on the sweets and cigars . . . Maxine Taylor got ail wei De cause she and Sig Chi Don Marler refuse to pass the candy.. And the third Delta wt i is Arlin McCartne- " know ... RENT CARS Lowest Prices and Good Can Aiwys Open nd "No Red Tape" Established 22 Years MOTOR OUT CO. 1120 P St. Prions 2 6819 for Reservations How's "THEY DIDN'T HEED COACHING," by Dick Harloiv MEM ThT V 1 L Quinn to speak to Willkie-iles John B. Quinn, state president of the Nebraska Young Repub lican's club, will give a short talk on "What the Young People Can Do in This Election" at the Will kie club meeting in room 312 of THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE Prssenfs That Fast Moving; Modern Farce Comedy by Richard Maibaum and Harry uiorn. "SEE MY U October 9-11 Wednesday thronrh Friday TEMPLE THEATRE ltth and R Sts, 7:30 on "en,n Admission 50c Only Call 2-7181 ask for 792 ring MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW he found he'd he to betHarv could beat anybody ehe- , "... Vmr o. . .. is terrible. The stuaeni m , . practice. J-VU1 11 shook Head Coach thek . . insulted 1Urvud out f d sprint for a touch- Torby Macdonald into a IS JhohtoVe his leg! down..buiUateamarounda .o on some In this week's Post ""wk Jonthe Crimsoa sf Post this wcek T i r E A t I Wednesday, October 9, 1940 the Union at 7:30, tomorrow eve ning. The meeting has been called to discuss plans for the non-decision debate between university repub lican and democrat clubs to be held Sunday in the Union. Scientists at Kansas State col lege are raising cattle on a diet that substitutes powdered lime stone for alfalfa. DYER" u new team m Aat m map