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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1940)
It was just another day but a couple of sort of peculiar things transpired ... it seemed defi nitely odd to see Marjorie Adams and Ed Muir coking with dates, seated against opposite walls . . . it seems1 that the Union isn't the only thing that's come between them . . . The lads who returned Eleanor Watson's 19 lost dollars have nar rowed down to a couple of Sig Alph pledges . . . It's nice to know with Eleanor that there are a lot of good guys in the world . . . The Alpha Sigs have been smoking on Wendell Snocker . . . understand that the girl is in Denver . . . It didn't take Norm Vcta, Sam mie pledge, long to feel right at home at NU . . . perhaps the fact that he found one girl in the Sig ma Delta Tau house to date every Campus groups plan exhibits for AWS Mart Pictorial presentation of activities takes place at Ellen Smith Saturday Attempting to interest women students in ways to spend their leisure time, AWS, women's or ganization, this year is initialing a pictorial presentation of the various activities open to women in the form of an All-Activities Mart. This realistic drama will be presented Saturday from 1 to 4 p. m. in Ellon Smith hall. Every organization on the cam pus which is open to women will partic ipate. Leaders in the various groups will be on hand to describe their displays and to explain their organizations to the students. The purpose of the narrators is to tell women how they can get into ac tivities. AWS has arranged this unusual presentation not only for women interested in getting activity points, but for those who wish some beneficial way to spend leis ure time. It is not necessary to arrive at 1, for students may come at any time before 4 and look around at the various displays. Organizations participating are: YWCA, both ag and city campus groups AWS, the sponsors Tassels, women's pep organiza tion WAA, women's athletic associa tion. Council of Religious Welfare Coed Counselors Student Union Board Barb Council Barb Activities Board Towne Club Cornhusker THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Awgwan Prairie Schooner University Theater AIEE hears paper At the first fall meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in ME 106 last night, at 7:30, Don Thomas and J. R. Hazelton discussed Electrical Interconnections. Shampoo Manicure and finger 50c wave ...$1.00 Haircut ..50c 9LL CUpULL $&aidsL SfioftpSL Hotel 2-3122 Cornhuske- 2-6971 SEE Remington Rand FOR LOWEST RATES on RENTALS AKi PORTABLES 1223 P 8t Ph. 2-2852 By Jo Duree datable night hasn't made Norm any more homesick for Wyom ing .. . Back in school is Jack Scott, Sigma Nu, and back in school on Jack is the Sigma Nu pin Mary Lee Adams used to wear . . . with those people seeing each other does it mean the pin will be renting? Sept. 28, Barbara Rosewater, Alpha Xi Delt Mortar Board, is to be married . . . Elgin, HI., is her destination . . . Two of her sisters, who were married the past summer, were Irene Sellers and Eleanor Collier . . . There are rumors that Walt Rundin, SAE, is cutting in on his young roommate who has been dating Alpha Phi Virginia Cham bers . . . What happens when the three or four AOPi's get together and CoUIlcil- (Continued from page 1.) mittees, a resolution was offered and passed stating that ::'the Stu dent Council recommends to the men and women's point board that University Theater b represented on the point system." Two new holdover members were elected to take the place of Marian Bradstrect and Brandon Backlund who did not return to school. The new holdovers are Bob O'Connell and Betty Meyer. The most important committee in the Council is the judicial, whose duty is to enforce decisions made by the Council, to insure enforce ment of policies of other organis ations, and to make finals rulings in any matters brought before it. Members of this committee are: Marvin Kruse, chairman. John Mason. Lowell Michael. Tess Cassady. Ruth Clark. Members of other committees are: Election committee: Co-chairmen, Burton Theil, Dale Theobald. Lowell Michael. Ruth Ann Sheldon. Dorothy Jean Bryan. Committee on Point System. Chairman, Chris Petersen. Jean Humphrey. Fred Meier. Marvin Thompson. Migrations committee. Chairman, Miriam Rubnitz. Marian Cramer, Chris Petersen. Constitutions committee. Chairman, Marvin Thompson. Priscilla Chain. Mary Rosborough. Norma Jean Campbell. Student Activities Tickets. Chairman, Ruth Clark. Burton Thiel. Betty Meyer. Student Housing Facilities. Co-chairman, Ruth Ann Sheldon. Phil Weaver. Ray Murray. Dorothy Jean Bryan. Student Health Committee. Chairman, Jean HolU. Tess Cassady. Holly Shurtleff. ht BASKETBALL BASEBALL STUDE On Sale At Student Activities Office Monday, Sept. 30 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tuesdoy, Oct. 1 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. The tiudent tection if the mott detirable bloc of center teetion in the Emtt Stadium, CfMH wtakiiMr fca tmto Nrtliw w tfnt an rwMrntatW with rtatoM IdeattflcaUoa faro aaa mow. Ifwlf lor mU will he m4 a I r. M. TiMto, la tlw Htsaea AeUritlta Office by The fcdlUw at The Daily Nebraakaa DAILY NEBRASKAN compare the line that Phi Gam Al O'Conner must indubitably be putting out to each ... or per haps he has four differing ap proaches ? The Kappa Delts are tossing a closed party Saturday night and among those present for any fes tivities that might pop up are Steadies Jo Robeck and Delta Sig Bill Turney; Meg Mohrman with Acacia Dick Morse; and Jean Fer ris with Reuben Harmon, Farm house . . . Betu Sigs have pledged John Bauermeister and Floyd Stork . .' The younger generation Kappa Sigs huddled over a lone coke and the topic under discussion was the identity of Marge Stewart, Alpha Chi pledge ... To wit: Alpha Xi Delta Pris Campsey is wearing a diamond from Don Bower nat urally. Former ROTC head dies Col. Francis Jewett was uni commandant 1925-30 A former head of the ROTC at Nebraska, Col. Francis F. Jewett, died early Sunday morning at his home in Lakeland, Fla., following a heart attack. Colonel Jewett was commandant of the university regiment from 1925 to 1930. He received his B.A. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1901, and his com mission in the army in 1902. Dur ing the first World War he was a major, serving overseas in 1917-17. He was retired in 1936 from his post as colonel; then he moved to Lakeland. His wife, Clara, and three sons: Lt. Richard, West Point, Robert, and Charles, survive him. Colonel Jewett was buried in Arlington national cemetery, Washington, yesterday. Rifles- (Continued from page 1.) universities all over the nation. Lieutenant Pershing first organ ized the group when he selected the most proficient men in drill to form a crack drill squad that would be an example to the rest of the drill unit. The squad continued and was firs'; known as Varsity Rifles before assuming its present title. The Rifles is now made up of a crack squad, a rifle team, and a crack platoon, and has as its main objective the making of bet ter military men. Serving Pershing Rifles as offi cers this year are Captain Milek, 1st Lt. McPhaU, 2nd Lt. Ashton, and 2nd Lt. Cockle. Men selected in the try-outs must serve a pledgeship of a semester and one six weeks before initiation. All men in the unit drill each Tuesday and Thursday at 5 p. m. The actives of Pershing Rifles will hold their first meeting tick for ETS TRACK WRESTLING SWIMMING Thursday at 5 p. ra. Following la the list of actives returning; this year: Bert Allen, Donald Young, Aubrey PetUt, Dick Peters, Ed ward Milder, Marvin Murphy, Dwlght Moell, Dean Horn, Adrian Foe, Edward Danielson, Clyde Reed, William Brodbeck, Ralph Batty, Frank Brakel, Dick Bresee, and Francia Cox, NEW LOCATION of Lincoln's Loveliest, New Modern Priced Beauty Salon Hair Stylists MR. DON MR. NORMAN GIjDYS COR R ELL (FormaHy of OorreU'i Bcaatjr Shoa) MISS MILDRBD MISS LEOTA Open Every Thursday Evening Other Evrnlnn by Appointment TIIIPP IIKA1JTY SALON 237 South 14th St. Tele. 2-3653 Operated by Mi Tripp STARTING TODAY! 173 "rvlh A Great Novel Becomes A 'fill In IC 11 II Greater Motion Plcturel f V p)H II U 111 THE WIN" I ' r"Rtccronajy Mjul utile l,uuy dull Evening t Tb Time In IJaeata! 40c T I J MARCH Or TIMK Children 10o 1 & & nw JZZ " ' t V 5- ' : "Jobs or College Women' 9 practical u!k on the opportunities for rollrgo womrui in the buinr world. by Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg MacGtbbon (notrd author, roluinniht, lecturer, talW America's foremoftt authority on bimincM rtiquette.) FRIDAY, at 4 V. M. FRIDAY, "Appearance Your Greatest Asset" SATURDAY, UliJlhJLL M10E Thursday, September 26, I$P Democracy i The " Association for the Prevention of Taking Cft Hats In Elevatora" i a Washing ton, D. C, organization. It is dedi cated to the belief that removing hats promote class distinction because hats are removed for fe male passengers and not for the female elevaotor operator. Besides it's embarrassing to bald-headed men. KTTSi 11 ODAY (Thursday) at 4:30 in our 4th Floor Auditorium SATURDAY, at 10:30 A. M. "llou to Get Your h irst Job'1 NO CHARGE J r