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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1940)
i Thursday, September 26, 1940 1 1 i i . i i ocaiion- OM Ntwspappf Met TUi 7.000 Stud FOBT1ETH YEAR. S.b.eripti.. Bate, are $1.M Per Semester er ll.Se f.r the C.Hege Tear JtH M.i. Single -PT. Cents. Enter.. .. .e.nd-cl... h"U'''" U.cel., Nebraska. ..der Act .1 Congress, M.reh $. J ,.. pr.videe f.r i. .. Ad .f Oet.b.r . A-th.rL.d J.ry 20. 141 officei Unlan Beilding Day 1-7181. Night t-718S. JossnnJ l-SHS. Member Associated Csllegiate Press, W40-41. Member Nebraska Press Assoeiatien, 1946-41. Represented for National Advertislnt by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE. INC. 4S6 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Chicage Boston Los Angeles San Franeiseo P.blished Daily during the school .ear except Monday, and Saturdays, ae lion., and examination, periods by Student. ( the University of Nebraska under the anervisien of the Publication Board. Editor .. Business Manager .Norman Harris Ed Segrl.t Managing Editors News Editors Sports Editor tmi-nniAI. DEPARTMENT . Clvde Marti, I.neile Thomas Robert Aldrich, Mary Kerrigan Morton Margolin. ' chris Pe'ler'sen, Paul Syoboda r.lns.r arcivics ni. P RTM KNT Assistant Business Managers. ..Ben Harsh makes test analysis Psychologist to study classification tests Coming from Randolph Macon Women's College Dr. Charles M. Harsh, professor of psychology, is assisting in instructional research and is analysing the classification tests of the students in the Junior Division. rr Hopc.1i mnlored in Dhvsical J . - J ar chemistry and was graduated as the head of his class from the California Institute of Technology. In 1931 he was awarded six months of travel in Europe by that college. He received his master's degree from the University of California in 1935, and his Ph.D. a year later. From 1936 to 1939 he was an in structor and head tutor at Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges. Here Dr. Harsh will teach ele mentary psychology and psycho metric methods, having taught the latter at Harvard. The new as- Conv Noviceff, Barton Thiol Lentz selects members of varsity hand Three days' tryout nets 120 musicians Students to play in the varsity band this year have been selected and rehearsals are ready to start, Ek,n Lentz, new director of the group, announced yesterday. The musicians were chosen by Tints' after three davs of solo competition. Over 200 reported for positions, of which 120 were selected. Twirlers are still needed, Lenti reported, stating that any boys in terested should either come to band practice or get in toucn wun him at the school of music. As usual, the varsity band win play at all football games, me Military ball, and Commencement, besides holding several conceit during the year in the coliseum. Members or the cana inciuue. Adams. Charles At. s THIS bf HUTS J DECCA 35c 11.00 Nobody's Baby Judy Garland Ferryboat Serenade Andrews Sistert Fifteen Minute Intermission m a w 1 HI Never Smile TA eft' Again Alexander, (ieorge Alvard. Allan Anderson, Arthur Anderson. Val Andrew, Alan Alcher. Gerald Ardlssono, llebert Atkinson. Charles Austin, Arthur Rarbur, James Hnrns, Frank Barta, Dean Bauman, Herbert Berber, Howard Buminirham, James Blair. Berl Blind. Alfred Holtnn. Addison Boone, Harold Bornemeler, Wayne Bradley, John Rrammer. Robert Brandt, Stanley Bratt, Curtis Brooki.opp, William Drownson, James Brunson, Ward Bullenbert, Robert burtrh, Billle Campbell, La vera Capsoy, Norman Castle, Jack Chalaupka, Don irioin Erwin Klepplnfier. Val Kotipal, Richard Krejcl, Robert Kuska, Georxe Kuska, Norman Ijinspa, Norman Lsrmon, Harold Ijiughlln. Kdnar lx)W, William Lazere. Lester Lewton. Austin Lock, Harvey linden, Loyd LonKman, Denneth Ixiwe, Stanley Mcintosh, Charles MrKenzie, Duane Mcafferty, Fred Mathansen, EWion Menzer, Caiman Middleton, Archie Miller, Eroxel Miller, Phillip Miller, Robert Minthorn, Thomas Moeller, Duane Mueller, Eriitar Mum ford, Wilbur Myers, Leo Neal, Cordon OlderoR, Roland Pelcak, Erell Petersen, Byron Prokop, Leon rvwitiMuot frnm nnfe 1 . ") Vi iuji"" - i ry - ' TTtooitv rofita with its students. He also pointed out the debt of gratitude which students owe to the state of Nebraska. It is prin cipally tnrougn siaie nypiuyi lo tions that the University exists. Urging participation in extra curricular activities were Dean Helen Hosp and Mortar Board president, Pat Sternberg. Miss Hosp stated that charm and cor rect manners are essential for suc cess and that one of the best ways to obtain those attributes is to cn- tn opHvitips otner man aca demic work. Thruout both of these speeches, emphasis was placed on the value of meeting people. Dean of student affairs T. J. Thompson observed that this was an especially good year to enter Nebraska. Through the new Jun ior Division, students are given all possible assistance m mounting difficulties that may arise. Dean Thompson offered the services of all faculty members in helping freshmen. Promising that the traditional Bulletin S Palladia. Literary Society "will hold an open meeting Saturday at 9 p. m. in Palladian hall- on the third floor of the Temple. All in terested Barbs are . invited . to at tend. Phi Sigma lota, romance lan guage honorary, will meet Friday at 7 p. m. for the purpose of wtinr the new members to be initiated. The meeting win oe held in U hall 109. CherrinRlon. Max Church, John Clfiusen , Don Clements Keith Porter. WlnaM. CoiiUhanl, Bob Davis. I-eon nrummond. Thomas F.astlack. Ned Krkhoff. Mark Rdison. Edward Kkalad, Wt'Mam Favtlnrer. Richard Feeb.m, Bill Fork. Averv Erlcke. Roland r.elwlck. Robert Oenzllnirer, Cleve Gooddinp;, John Oorham, Calvin Oorham, Smiley Gregory. Albert Hall. Boh Hammond, Parrel Hancock, Leland Harlow. Loralne ,'lartman, Don Hurl man, Melvin Hasklns Harry Hauptman, Charles Hays, Preston Hermsmayer, Herr. Kay Hinds, James Hines, Leon Horner, George Hueftle, Gilbert HtieKel, Donald Huffman, William Hummel, Carlyle Jenkins, Earl Jensen, James Jensen, Omar Johnson, Ralph Jonas, J. Jones, Richard Jones, Warren Raasch, Richard Raw son, Norman Rice. Lawrence Richmond. Ganls Ro-fenbnrg. Euirene Rodman. Hubert Rourh, Robert Rounds, Ward Phldeler, Raymond Shoemaker, Robert Skrdla, Willis Slemmons. Robert Smith. Robert Smolik. F.mantiel Stoner, t Strahle. Ronald Sturdevant, Keith Stuthelt, Art Sullivan. Donald Sunderman. Ivan Swanson, Guy iwanson, Verlyn Thatcher. Robert Thorn, Paul Thompson. John Thornbunr, William Tomek, Rudolph Tookey. Louis Tool. Marcus Turpin, Dana Urbanek, noiano MelvfnVeach. Robert Verraw. William Veta, Norman uaiis Albert Webb, Donald Weeks, James Weekly, Warren Weekly, Robert Welshahn, Donald Welch, Arthur Welch, John Whitehead, Howard Whitney, Llovd Wicks, Emerson Wlfkana. Samuel Wllhelm. Leland Kaczmarek, Edward Wills, Charles Katelman, Milton Wolf. DeWayna Keast, Robert Wood, Robert Keisey, Paul Wooster, Raymond Kess, Clair Wright, Claud Kinsman, Davo Zleg, Robert LBAEKf TO EDANCE GUARANTEE inn TO DANCE IN IRIVATf l.KKfONg SPECIAL BATE TO STl nKNTS- IRVING KUKLIN '39 Phone 2-161 6 LINCOLN CRETE FRIDAY-7:45 Ada. 50c 22nd & J Bl New Oval Floor Open Every Wght Exeept Monday CAPITOL BEACH ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT REM. TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th 2 2157 FOR YOUR DANCES Bent a Public Address Hicks Radio Co. 2-6118 We Repair Radios H22 0 DICKINSON Xk akkai IndhMsuU Instruction AIX BCBrNESS scivrecTS DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Well! Only 1 Day remains to buy a University Theater (Vmrvttity Vlayrrt) Season Ticket for $2.00 5 Outstanding Productions See Any Tassel or Go to the Box Office, Main Floor, Temple athletic prowess of UN would con tinue this year was Lawrence "Biff" Jones, director of athletics. sistant professor has written num erous articles on psychology and is a member of both the American and Eastern Psychological Societies. f CLASSIFIED i I 10c Per Line LOST Golden brown lifetime Sheaffer. Reward. Call nuo carver, I I I i m n n TaarM linrm in, -- i viii y . .1,. v.Kr..k t . saBaBaBaBaBMaaaaHBissssssssss i j ii .... i "iiiiiiiiij jy f i i j C. A I For Fun For Health ja22s J a- -1 lent condition. Brown field boots, sire 9-B. Wniprora oreecneu, Phone S-9328. LOST TrlanKUlar rhnped 'blue leather mirw t:all Beiiv reiuy KOR SALE Man's tuxedo. In excellent condition. Call 3-fi:im. m Am I fintertalnlnt 1 V 1 and J I W Versatile JU 4 Friday Sept. 27 On Nlrht Oolr HAL uUtrombla - A His Golden Toned rt TRUMPET ) s r W m , ORCHESTRA BILLIE HALL WANTKD Two fellows"to share expense . . iTrLiov hone or Minnesina inn nri 2-lt7. . ill 'IV7 rrv."'l . wO Adm. 40 Ta. Tax raid Hey, Fellows Look at the Money I've Saved I GOT MY FREE COPY OF "HOW TO CHOOSE A SLIDE RULE" Then I Bought a K. & E. Slide Rule sl S n Text Book Student Supplie r - l The Department Store of Student ISecds Vo you tpke this Sfeklftp H ?ip iiwif lire r t9i BEFORE YOU TAKE THE TLUNGE READ rrs in honors . . IT'S nBLPFlJL.. IT'S FREE "How to Choose a Slide Mule" hr IH).N BEMOLa Qtxnt SM Rule ia a lot like letting tnarru J, Ikcsum oa are foing to bae it f long, long time, 'lint's hj you just must read this mwterful boA bj that old slide role sliders Loa Herold. It it written la simple, salty guage and prf(uelf illustrated bf the master bimsrlf. It the mystery eat of slide ro'rs for all time. "How to Choose a Slide Pole" is free if T get jours before the first (dittos runs out. see your rampus K & E dealer at Ooce. car. laev KEUFFEL ESS EST CO. SISrW TOH-MOBOBH, M. J, chi cam srr. Louis .oeAMesua Densorr isorrsi ...