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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1940)
I 4 Sunday, September 22, 1 940 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Record Rinkles . By llol l'hillips . Thin mliinin In an Inovntion for thp JIAILV JXKHKANKAIN, and In In k--liiK with the Maff'n Idea f covi-rlnic the In tTFNtn of ramiMiH life. It will Rive a im liartlul a review of the latent releases, both awing and sweet, as Is possible tor a sln devotee to Hive. I know that I ran not aree with everone and I would be glad to receive any suggestions llial would improve this eolumn. This review will be divided into three sections, namely SWEET, SWING, and NOVELTY. In these three sections will be listed the best platters of the week. The record business has received n decided boost this summer with Victor records cominjr down in price and the innovation of the old Okeh label in place of Vocalion. The coming season, I believe will be the greatest in the history of the record busines. From Walt's collection we have tried to pick the best of the crop of the last two weeks recordings. Well, now for the first review of the season. SWING. 400 SWING MY POP GAVE ME A. N1CKLE HARLAN LEON ARD. . (Bluebird). This record is rated the best of the month by "Down Beat." It is done in a typical Kansas City rhythm which Harlan uses as his drawing card. This is the band, by the way which played here last year. The first side shines, with the solid drumming of Jesse Price, who is called the "world's flash iest drummer." There is also a good tenor sax solo. The other side is not very inspiring. DUSK BLUE GOOSE. SEPIA PANORAMA. HARLAN AIR-SHAFT. .DUKE ELLINGTON. . . . (Victor). These two records are samples of what all the bands will be play ing ten years from now, just as the records Duke did ten years ago are as modern as Miller and Dorsey are today. Listen for the five way sax spread in BLUE GOOSE where the whole register of a piano seems to be covered. CAN'T YOU TELL? ONCE MORE.. BENNY GOOD MAN (Columbia). THESE FOOLISH THINGS SDC APPEAL GOODMAN SEXTET.... (Columbia). The first side has a nice Good man solo. The second is a minor sort of number with a not-up-to-average Helen Forest vocal. "THBSE FOOLISH THINGS" is an old tune done over in the sextet style. It features Benny, Charlie Christian on guitar and Lionel Hampton on Vibes. It's a good ex ple of the sextet's work. SLX APPEAL although the label says so, is not a Goodman original. If you think so, listen to the old, old ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT NEBR. TYPEWRITER CO. No. 12th 2-2157 DICKINSON Hie School of Individual lantnirtlon A I.I. M SINKS SI BJKCTS DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL I0J-IIII Unroln IJb. I .Iff Hide. t-tll Hunt .North or old') Preserve Your College Days '41 Cornhusker More Pietitres A Higger & $2 00 $4 Down or Buy the '41 Cornh usher From Ed Calhoun, John Cochle, Hugh Wilhins or Come to the Cornhmher Office Liberty at any price . . . lmkt LA I ! If 'f yW 3 4 fa" f d) v njLi Kaarf.....u..slaaBMlt ....... l.J.Sf..i3KS:K';- mmjm Liberty at any price, even death, was the spirit of the revolutionary fathers which Columbia tried to standard "MY DADDY ROCKS ME." As to the rendition, a little too wild for my tastes. OTHER GOOD RECORDS Note: These are individual sides and not necessarily on the same record.) BENNY CARTER NIGHT HOP O. K. FOR BABY (Decca) JOHN KIRBY TEMPTATION (Okeh I JIMMIE LUNCEFORD CHOPIN'S PRELUDE OP. 7 ( Columbia i MONTONY IN FOUR FLATS (Columbia) SWEET. I FOUND A MILLION DOLLAR BABY CAN'T GET INDIANA OFF MY MIND .BING CROSBY ( Decca ) This is one of a fine bunch of records that Bing has turned out this summer. This record com bines a new tune with an oldie, both sung in the inimitable Crosby manner. YOUR FLAG AND MINE MY GREATEST MISTAKE . . . OP.RIN TUCKER. (Columbia i The first side is one of the best of the flock of flag waving. songs that have come out this summer. The "BODYGUARDS" are the highlight on this side and the band is better than usual. Can't say very much for the other side. I'LL NEVER SMILE AGAIN STAY IN' AT HOME FATS WALLER. . ( Bluebird ) Who ever expected to see the mighty Fats on this side of the fence? He does this record with out the band, just Fats and piann and a very subdued Fats at that. The record is fair, which is about all I can say for it. McFA R LAND'S BAND HOME McFARLAND TWIN.", (Okeh) This is the first record for a new More Color Hetler Hook 50 Full Poyment capture in "The Howards of Vir ginia" now showing at the Var sity. These stills from the picture Mo lock vie cioc Lincoln "I Want a Divorce," 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10. Nebraska: "The Saint Takes Over," 1, 3:42, 6:24, 9:06. "The Captain Is a Lady," 2:30, 5:02, 7:44, 10:26. Stuart: "Brigham Young," 1, 3:11, 5:22. 7:33. 9:44. Varsity: "Howards of Vir ginia," 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15. combination. Listen to Bert Ennis and the Glee Club. NOVELTY. THE WRONG IDEA CHARLIE BARNET FRIENDSHIP T. DORSEY FAMILY (the Mountain Branch Bluebird. I "Swing and Sweat with Chatliv Barnet." This piece is a caricature of all the corn bands you ever heard. Dorsoy's side is a direct slam at Kyser's "Friendship." If you ever heard of humor in music, this is it. Motion pictures are being taken of student orchestia conductors at Northwest Missouri State Teach ers college so that they may study their faults. Harvard and Williams rank first and second respectively in the per centage of living alumni listed in "Who's Who." UNIVERSITY TIMATEK Are Proud to Announce the Opening of Their 26TH SEASON of Consecutive Dramatic Productions Wirh Five Plays v si, if- show Washington's troops drilling before the governor's place in Wil liamsburg; Paul Kelly and Cary Grant, inset are two of his offi cers. Below Grant is shown with the Marquis de Lafayette, Wash ington, General Von Stuben and an aide-de-camp. Top right, Grant is shown riding to join the Colonial troops. Inset, lower right, Pat rick Henry is shown delivering his challenging "If this be treason make the most of it!" College men have better eliance for job Belter Job Sweepstake gives college trained engineer 10 to 1 odds AUSTIN, Tex. (ACP). Forty four to one odds were posted here today on the engineering college trained man against the non-college man in the Better Job Sweep stakes. W. R. Woolrich, University of Texas engineering dean, said the college-trained man is 18 times as likely to be president of an indus trial company as the non-collegian It's Everywhere . . . . . . is Omnipresent i Vrvthmvn l IT f 1 Y " V T If If Ui" H " ILli u ii ii '.i i -i The University of Nebraska OF THE BIGGEST AND NEWEST PLAYS AVAILABLE CHOSEN FROM See My Lawyer Suspect Post Mortem East Lynne Double Door School for Scandal Key Largo Seoson Ticket Campaign Opens TUESDAY Buy Your Ticket From a TASSEL $00 , Daily 1 li t Parade 1. I'll Never Smile Again. 2. Fifteen Minute Intermis sion. 3. Practice Makes Perfect. 4. Chopin's Prelude No. 7. 5. Ferry Boat Serenade. 6. Blueberry Hill. 7. Rug Cutter Swing. 8. Can't Get Indiana Off Mind. 9. I'm Nobody's Baby. 10. Stop Pretending. My Dorsey tune lops Daily Hit Parade Continuing a policy inaugurated last year, the DAILY will each week present its Hit Parade of popular hits as determined by the students who use the nickelodeon in the Corn Crib. A recording de vice attached to the "juke box" counts the number of times each lecord is played. Each week the machine is opened and the names of the ten highest ranking tunes will be published In the DAILY. Leader of the Hit Parade this week was Tommy Dorsey's "I'll N.wer Smile Again," a bit of sweet swing, which was followed in No. 2 spot by as hot a bit of swing as the management has to offer, the King sisters' "Fifteen Minute In termission." Surprise of the week was Jimmy t.nnrefords arrangement of Cho pin's "Prelude No. 7,'' which scored in fourth place with Bob Chester's rendition of "Practice Makes Per fect" in the spot above it. The Andrews sisters came in for their share of the nickles with the "Ferry Boat Serenade," which ended up in the No. 5 position. Other tunes from Nos. 6 to 10 are Glenn Millers "Blueberry Hill" and "Rug Cutter Swing';; Bing Crosby's "Can't Get Indiana Off My Mind"; Bei vain.s mi Nobody's Baby," and Bobby Bryne's "Stop Pretending." and has 12 to 18 times better chance at other offices. The engineering college product possesses almost as great an ad vantage over non-technical gradu ates. Dean Woolrich declared, cit ing statistics from industrial em ployment surveys. Industrial presidencies go 12 times to one to the technically trained graduate. 174 times to 1 for engineering jvoMtions. For all industrial offices lumped together, Dean Woolrich gave the engineer ing college graduate a 30-1 cance over the academic graduate. u ii v ii y n ii .1 ii w i ii ii i i tr ii v " 1 See A Tassel i A V V