DAILY NEBRASKAN September 16, 1940 20 Rag manager announces boom in Daily circulation Announcing the largest circula tion of the DAILY in the history of the paper, Ed Segrist, business manager of the Nebraskan, opens his 1940 sales drive this week with the distribution of 12,000 papers to the parents of all the enrolled students in the school as well as free copies to the men coming thru the registration lines. The purpose of sending the papers to the parents, Segrist ex plained, Is to show them the part the DAILY plays in reviewing day by day campus activities, so that they may keep in step with their sons and daughters in the prob lems and pastimes of university life. The drive was opened late last week with a canvass of the pro fessorial offices by DAILY solici tors, and by contact with incom ing freshmen at their convocation. "It is the aim of this semester's staff," Editor Norman Harris ex plained, "to present a colorful re sume of campus activities that will interest the alumni and parents to the same extent that it will stu dents." Subscription rates are J 1.30 per Daily sponsors bulletin service Last minute radio flashes oonoernlng the war develop ments will be compiled and posted in the Student Union lobby three times daily by DAILY NEBRASKAN staff members. First bulletins will be issued Thursday. Maps of the battle area and news flashes will be changed at 8 a. m., noon and 5:30 p. m. Robert Aldrich will edit the early morning news, Chris Pe tersen the noon flashes and Mary Kerrigan, Morton Margo lin and Paul Svoboda will alter nate on the 5:30 bulletin. Big Six- (Continued from page 19) ranks which will cause all enemies: to be on the alert. Coach Hobln Adams has 16 returning lettermen but the keynote of the success of the season will depend on the re serve power of the Wildcats. Iowa State is on the way back again and may surprise rivals by coming up with such an eleven as the 1938 team which rose to great heights. Yes, the Cyclones are definitely on the upgrade and may spring several grid upsets. Kansas university has a weak spot in its defense the line but is due to improve with a few pass ing Saturdays. The line will be the drawback but the back field can take care of itself. 51 sl year- (Continued from page 19) Longest winning streak, 1901 to 1804, 30 games. Longest losing streak, 1899, five games. Biggest winning score, 119 to 0, against Haskell, 1910. Worst defeat, 40 to 0, by Pitt in 1931. Biggest tie score, 20 to 20 with Kansas, 1920. Most games played, 44 with Kansas. When the Rush Week 1$ Over RUSH TO THE EVANS for that old reliable Laundry and Dry Cleaning SERVICE Thousands of students proclaim the dependability of our SERVICE over a period of many years Old and new, we WELCOME YOUI year when picked up at the stand in the hall of social sciences, and $2.50 per year distributed by mail. Segrist announced that semester subscriptions might be obtained for $1.00 at the stands, or $1.50 mail. Schultz explores cave fossil deposits in south C. Bertrand Schultz, assistant directer of the museum, returned to Lincoln after three weeks spent with a museum field party explor ing cave fossil deposits in Ar kansas and New Mexico. He re ported finding many new sites never before explored and stated that a considerable shipment of material is on its way to the museum. TRY ABLE CLEANERS for that "Personal Touch 223 No. 14th Phone 2-2772 Welcome Returning Huskers and Freshmen 4 INDIVIDUALIZED HAIRCUTS Service, Efficiency and Courteny NEW DEAL BARBER SHOP Virgil Franks, Mgr. 1306 O St. NORMAN HARRIS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDW. L. SECRIST BUSINESS MANAGER THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 7. 0 00 STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA e LINCOLN September 16 1940. Dear Parents: Introducing the DAILY NEBRASKAN, the official newspaper publication of the University of Nebraska. Five days a week throughout the school year The DAILY NEBRASKAN reports on all phases of student activity and administration policy as viewed by the stu dents themselves, since the DAILY NEBRASKAN is en tirely edited and managed by students. Let this issue speak for itself. It is truly "the student pulse." Sincerely, EDW. L. SEGRIST, '41 Business Manager. P. S.: To subscribe, simply send $2.50 for a full year's subscription or $1.50 for one semester, cash or check, to .ED. SEGRIST, The Daily Nebraskan, Student Union Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. HI ft! ; UMiAf:1Ili;t?J