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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1940)
THE NEBRASKA Thursday, Tune '20, 1940. 'Mellerdrammer' shows in Union Melodrama in an old silent film with Fatty Arbuckle and Mabel Norman in "Cast Adrift and How" will be included in a free movie program in the Union Ball room next Tuesday evening at 7:30. This old-fashioned thriller has been remade with a sound track in keeping with the comedy. Shorts to accompany the show are "Outboard Stunting," a picture of fast speedboats, and "How to Fly," a new film on lessons in aviation. Social life swelters swims; Union plans entertainment Books and Bridge Now! 25c to 2 35c to 6 Eve. 40c Joan CRAWFORD Fredric MARCH in "SUSAN and GOD" Plus! Short Unit mem Now! 25c to 6 Eve. 25c & 40c Thome ("Topper'" ) Smith' TURNABOUT" with Adolphe Menjou Carole Landis John Hubbard Now! Matinee 20c Eve. 20c A 25c 2 First R'jn Features 2 Lana TURNER Joan BLONDELL George MURPHY in "2 Girls on Broadway" Plus! "Renegade Trail" First of a series of Book Re views will begin today at 4:00 in the Union Book Nook, with Mrs. W. B. Romans giving a brief sur vey talk on recent Pulitzer prize winners and recent purchases of the Union for the Book Nook. Everyone is welcome. Some five Book Reviews will be given every Thursday at the same time during the short summer session. Students may register at the Union checkstand for Bridge Tournaments to be held Saturday evenings, June 28, July 13. and July 27. The first tournament will be at 7:30, June 28, in Parlors A and B. Students may register only in pairs. Prizes will be offered to the winning couple and runner up couple. THE NUT HOUSE (Orange anil !Sut Shoppe) "Nuts from ail over the world" Roasted and Salted In Our Shoppe Ilo( Buttered Redskins 10c 1 j Pound W e 4I Feature a Fresh Orange Juice Drink &-OZ. gilts Pint 1 Quail 2V 118 No. IJth St. By Yahudi's Yahudi. Come summer come summer school . . . these hot days are beginning to get the best of the campus caperers. . . . Treks to the beaches, golf courses, picnics, and in general out in the open any where seem to be the order of the day. ... SOUTH BEND has been the favorite of many a summer student these days. . . . Ask Mason Mitchell and Hy Mess more about the life down there. . . . Two days in a row for this pair is not an uncommon excur sion for these two. . . . Saturday was an outing for a carload of Kappa Sigs at the same swimming hole. . . . Kenny Anderson and Martha Beghtol, steady going Sig Olph and Thcta, were also sun ning themselves. . . . HAL KEMP held the fancy of many of the Kollitch Kids, last Friday night. . . . Seen there were Dorothy Askey and Averv Forke, Alpha Phi and D U, Sig Alph Butch Wettmann and D G Betty Hoiiorr, Phi Gam Joe Elliott and D G Mar- ; garet Ann Buttman, Coach and ! Mrs. A. J. Lewandowski and Jean ack ohn Wolf, Sig Nu, and Gamma ! Phi Ella Mae Kingdon. . . . ! MORTAR BOARD i member Mary Kline, a Delta : Gamma was announced as engaged i to Dr. Ben Kwing on June 12. and I sorority sisters have been giving Mary numerous fetes. PIN HANGINGS have hit the Kappa Sigs since the regular school year has closed. . . . John Miller hung his on Pete Osborn, Alpha Phi, and Hubert Ogden connected with Margaret Ann Osborn. . . . Another Crescent and Star is also in doubt. . . . Mary Black, Chi O. claims that Inhn Sullivan forgot and left his i before he returned to Indianap I olis. . . . AK-SAR-BEN i holds the eye of two Sig Nus. . . . Dick jurgens' band with 'versatile boys' plays here this weekend Dancers Despite the Heat will swing to Dick Jurgens this week end. He appears at the Turnpike out south on Sunday, featuring, as usual, his celeste and his double- talented orchestra men. Every man in the orchestra has the abil ity to double on some instrument other than that which he regularly plays. Jurgens and comany come here from Chicago engagements at the Trianon and Aragon and nightly broadcasts on MBS. The band has done the country's major enter tainment centers, including Los Angeles' Palomar, the Wrigley Casino on Catalina Island and Chi cago's Drake Hotel. Lutheran group picnics at Van Dorn tomorrow A picnic for all Lutheran stu dents will be held tomorrow night at Van Dorn park, according to Lutheran Student Pastor, Rev. H. Erck. Picnickers will meet at the Temple at 5:30. All those with cars available are asked to bring: them. Rev. and Mrs. Erck and Mrs. R. E. Rangeler will chaperon the group. The Lutheran student pastor will be available each forenoon durinfr the entire summer session in his office. Temple 102a, ami welcomes all Lutheran students. The call of the horse flesh has caught Bob Simmons and Bill Mowbray. . . . The former has been sticking by the number seven hoss in nearly every race. SWINGING OUT this weeknd will be Beth Merrick, DG gal of the smiling countenance behind the Grill cashier booth, and Harry Pitcaithley, he of the cage sport. . . . DANCE Every Tue., A Thur. ond Sat. Nite 0 in the open air at f Antelope Parkf $ Where it'i delightfully tool - Per DANCE or m fr OJ) Per Couple AH J) J V A Evening: A RUSSIAN TRIO Concert Musical Treat of the Season 8P.M.,Mon.,June 24 Union Ballroom Faculty-Student Adm. 10c General Admission 25c A STUDENT UNION PRESENTATION FUN for you enoy CYCLING Tfcrrt'i lot ot fun ttlng tx rrrtm riding bicyrlr. And our Kpei-inl hourly rat make It M inrxprnsivf plnnrf now! Renl-a-bike now ttt the rale of 2r lir. Cornhusker Rent-A-Bike Mmkr l'p k Party Knjoy thr Opn Air IMi K St. fhonc t-IB.Vt UJsdcamsL Summsik. SiiidmiA. KING'S BALLROOM Lincttln's only summer ballroom Dancing vvery nighl but Monday SATURDAY JUNE 22 HAL LEONARD in Person With His Famous Band Direct front tut extended engagement in Minnettptdis lii Before 9:30 ' After 9.30 :;; Adm. 25c - Gentlemen 40c Ladies 25c to dave mm AND HIS ORCHESTRA 9 to 12 SAT., JUNE 22 ioc : Per rson STUDENT union BALLROOM LEARN TO DANCE s Ballroom -Tap . . . Guaranteed To Teach You I Can Teach You To Dance in One Hour LUELLA WILLIAMS IMS No. lith SELECT STl'DIO S-I2.V! 1-KM V I I rtuiii rn rrurtfti cti i rr kiTC I RELAX AT THE BEACH i In ihp Rpfiutifiil Rait Water Pool n K ROLLER SKATE ON THE NEW OVAL RINK jjWH Y fX IDE DANCE PICNIC ' W I Enjoy the Outdoor $J j Th Berh It Your Summer Playground . J I . Sun., June, u .-" I W at the rilHWPBKE Advance Tickets 85c per person at Rosewell Floral Co., 124 So. 13th, and Unl Drug, 14th and S. Adm. at door $1.10 each. Dancing 8:30-12:30