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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1940)
n THE DAILY MFBRASKAM Tuesday, May 23, 1940 inquiring reporter finds . . . Students in fesyor of three day vacation before exams Council By R.ilph Cvdis. K.ini ai hods. t I , 1 1 1 ! 1 I Ml I 1 1 1' I collect IV.- fill in-! Vimi.s svsl ems. 'Clio tlllll' iContintiod Iron, page 1.1 lll.'lllhel S ViT'" 1100 loil I).' asked , j I h it lio ho oxi -used so ho ! i I'nul.i tound up moio council mom- I hots. I'pon a motion made hv Ma- , I son. the council adjourned 'hi ton IS 1 1 1 1 1 i' Said tho slinlotu.-.: I Willi eviins. as over. . point of ' ''y H.inley, teachers college xu''1' coiitroveisv "They should ho J freshman j 1 Quorum assembles. I fter tho ton niinuto recess, tho is it'liiUon willi oiio more ut ii'ini-i' ni'Miilior piosent than1 "h-oii. ! i. y show:,! not. . , think ,,-s ., Ul), j,!.,,, There's ,V;1S ,.,;l , v f, ;i qlum. Tho j "They ,u" mvaluahlo ;ii -.:Uun . much i.ervotis tension if wo lm.,.,j,, W;is 'started ..vol and tho sl "'" il;l1' n,"v "- , 'wv,' olassrs until tho last ,lay. an.!1 ,,.1:1.t o ,hl .,, election was loss wast os ot time an! '. niton ha vo to go to t he eam pa illy ,,.: ;u ,.,,,,,rvo. a move which ' W" "'V.oi.d 111,' J... II r.-l.i tho .,,.,,..,. ,. ; , , . , , , , , , . , , () , , , , , , , , ,, , , , . , , ' 1. ii in - r.ij.l tho walks 'I 1 '' m - ! i , "a.K:!." t.,',;'.-i ".'h.t .lo Lor; te.u.hers college ano install. , I tho n-w. 1 '' ' , , , freshman i Mism a n.otii ! ot Alpha I an ,,m,li; '-shman ,,.,,. ,, th- now v tUidml !". ,l;-v v',;',,",M '"' , 1 v " ;i ' a littu. .-st , , nU s, it.,v .,. l'l-? "'' "' ' :"' 1 . i ; 's on,- up. .-111,1 mils .01 in Lot- ,. ... .... ... i ii . ...i i I i r I I''-T!1 I 1 I I I , 111- IMU'.Hr'l -"'!'' ' l-i"' l"oo hoins ol m;, !,.,,.; ;,u,., ;l i,, (.tjlin x ''ii. nation. , ..,,.,.. ,., , .;,,.; .n,. an, I Stoolo. Alter Mi' ha I ni l Mason were t, on ed a n, i t a,' urn , -In ;ed I 'no Ian, I sl..(!:,. on hi-h ilf i -lot: I Ilk.- it. I In lavs with t! a of I'll' til I SI thi.-- ! t if a-n- " ' Mo- ' .".': oil i.-.i .1 v a nn. o . .-. i :li v.: . I ' '.- 01 l'l ' I .st i: : h. -1 is i ..mi I I;.. i.oe-t ill ' IM' ' ho , -1 ,, I in nn i 'union.- Piul C. Griffith, arts ami science: junior all that happened, ami all that had i hoon done hy factions:, and elect tho man whom they thought would host fill tho post. Tho vole was then taken anil Mason won by aj narrow margin. Mason took tho gavel an. I pre sided owr tho rest of the meeting. In his acceptance speech Mason explained tho "dirty politics" charge hv slating thai a group of the Barh-I.ilor:il.s and the "youn ger guard" of I ho Progressive fac tion i ho named Chris Peterson and Marvin Knise) had gotten to gether and agreed upon tho hallo! winch ho had disti ihuted to now momhois of the council earlier. Tho hallot had listed two Hit h'oi ds and two l'rogrorsivos for oitii os. .i tu. illy, one l!aih lih oral -itiil thioc progressives wont into hi I'i. o I t'oluinliia univcrsily is expand ing its i.-H 1 1 1 riietit of fhinoso and .rapaiuso. Y.ilo iiriv. isiiy h-'S received a priva'e grant of rate hooks da'- ENJOY THE FAMOUS SALT WATER POOL l.oll on the beach, en joy the open air. It's healthful and entertain ing. You'll find your T friends at Capitol ). Beach this summer. f '.OK llothlllg to do hut :i -iii.-ii. '.I1.1l 1 .-.hoii vacation I pnov mv.i'.M iM.' m pronai- ;IS" i-'itUm ",1 th" uiovil ihlo. i-,, 1 , s , th.. ! will; out f ; Hobert Gill, cnginecnng junior of Mi. ha-'l ii on'i-.n ...I his c.-ipahili- j 1 10s an,l 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i " 1 -1 1 1 s . and re view o. hi.- .1, ! p. it 1. otic las - d iv i'i I into i ; ; i a! I'M m tli ii.-vt , t 'a pi 1. 1 ', iliy ti.. tune lei i o-.,-- in !io w to 1 ial 1 i- a I'-! nn. .-1 , 1 in ! 'he STEP INTO A 3!G ?AY PROFESSSOH! l.cnin ihc ( nl'ii.'iii !i!r I iixiiuf ami l'rr-:n;tl I.Otiii liiisiri'ss ! h.i' t !) 1 la v v lea' ion ' . Sto. lo then look t!i" Moor. If t. il, ! I'.o gi ou;i h a a ; ; h . 1 i; 1 1 : .; Jo Dure'. aits and sciences,!'"!' bo'h ea , .. ii I a' md explain.-l , sophomoie , hi it h men v,-te woll iiiahfio. ,,. . . Tli. .,'t"l the po.-iotl. II-' thof. dig 1 esse. I I' I V.-fV Hoof ' e 1 J . o'll.t It ' , ' ,, , , , , . , , . ' llll ,1 HI O . l.l.-.oll ..lie,-; !l atld HI -ed ' '!' 'Hue would ho used lot mmuv- , , , , .that the no-v i o n 11 e 1 1 11. of, t 1 tt'tn 1 M !,!'.-1 - -1 1 who 1 o 1 1 1 -.- e 1 1 ' , -, 1 a V ui.iii J. McC.l'.ill'-y. fresh- ti.if.p w'li h had uistit'oi ni'i. h tnati of t he 1 1 . .1 1 1 i',e in pas! co. in. 1! I ,..,'. ., ,v Vn-.,!.n Hlee!itl,'S and wl'.i.ii "w inio-i t 1 ,,; . v ,,',;, 1.- 'he 1, .si' w,, udoi i-:l run things t,y -u, !i ei,.o',,.-. noli ! ii .'. .; '.iii! c , 1' I cm, 10 ' o this 1 a ill- ' f'S. ,e , I-'.'i-.' -illtd ' .1-. ' ., I ' -' i ' l'l 10 1 an I 5 staled t ! i . t ' Is t a ! , I ' i I i t V Ho 1 1 - In ou'- sp ,-e 1. it h-1"'.: S -j.i A' ull-y. hiad sophonni" n, - ...... -, no li.-lt.-; Cooi:let- Couie fljft . ) 1 i'i No'hing c.e;l-l , ,,.;. .,ir,. thin in M.,- onl I ne' ' r. Yn.i can't t.ik" an .-x mi ,., , h -'','.'!. - I i pioti -.. " r 1 nave a lair inane u you ,.,,,t t., (lie n -. n, e'lhes i.'-l u-' I had time -'nly. ;),.. win - ii idv" ,!--l li'iu II rilr fur In-.1 'or (' n' n . .. - . NI3RASKA FINANCE CO. Fed'MT.I Stcr.ritioi Bidq. . 17: 3ol) Irvin, huad sophomore It's 1 V.-I V go ) id" 1. We'd h ive 1 , I; u;, e to .to t no .in. I studv f-.i if ol ' ho i. ,,-t a pre ad -Ilt F.ti und temporises, f't.glutfi o:i( hided hv s ivi till' I lie now eon al l fotu-et Best Wishes to the Graduates May We Have Pleasant Contacts in the Future Seven Lnes of Iwice LiFr" - " - '" dj4c0 UU n ST. LINCOLN, HiQ. t rnj 1 1 v 1 r . St. it" ni"i i . r ihn 1 E:in i iiiiiint .Off'C" FlII-llUH! , Rlltltl'T St l!lll-i , C, 1 f t s F iviis , Butt m . 2 1 I j -i At S-i''.v fnrtots roadside restaurant in II hi. I in, lexis there lire MH Miuliiui iirU wdin fcrv? von in. I tliev will tell ynu tlut lii.'sK'riiel J is the ei:; netle that tiali!tic tliou- HIIUK III Cll.lst-tO-i tidsl . m 1 1 i s t . ; M fl tit JR-l ... . Zb)t -.fjy rfl - V. - J vy s: " - FOR COOL MILD GOOD SMOKING CHESTERFIELD IS "AT YOUR SERVICE" S&. '-Av .....O0mlloo9a" r O"-"0 . ....oeCtiO" , tV r4 ,o,...e.l"-10""' to' l'"e (P.clu ,ol..-- 0 TOBACCO! ll. - At!0.U , film pjt C-'-jl,! 1" 10. I mi J M.r.n. T-hh.'.i t Z Anywlierc ciarcltcs arc sold just say "Chesterfields please" and you're on your way to complete smoking pleasure . . . always at your service with the Right Combi nation of the worlJ's best ciga rette tobaccos. Chesterfield's blend and the way they burn, make Chesterfield Americas Busiest Cigarette. EM 7' fie llflftie.f ritllfgp Jl Iflf cut WHIie.' STUART 1 11 7 TOMORROW! v. 1