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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1940)
r: 10 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 28, 1940 Track team makes standout record; not one senior lost SEE II! By June Bierbower. Today comes our swan song (or, as Houdini would say, Swami song), for no longer shall vvc be rounding out sports copy in the basement regions of the Union. Paul Gallieo. when lie gave up sports writing, wrote a book nam ed "Farewell to Sport." We're not Paul Gallieo. as you may have de tected, so this will just be our "farewell to sports writing." We have come to the conclusion which most sports writers come to soon er or later, that you can't eat newspaper inches. That is, maybe. But the three semesters at the sports desk down here, and sev eral semesters of looking-on be fore that, have left us with far better reflections than our friend Mr. Gallioo. Maybe we're too young to g(t disillusioned yet. Take the Huskcr football teams. We've seen some good Nebraska teams, and one that wasn't so good. We've seen the Husker stars from Cardwtll and Sam Francis down to the present. . .we've seen such great football names as Ber wan;er, Widseth, Matisi, Kinnick, Goldberg, Huffman, Christman pass in review against fighting Husker teams... we won't be around to see the greatest team Nebraska ever put on a gridiron, but we'll be following the Huskers every minute of that 19 10 season. And we noticed in reading the Big Ten schedules for 1914 that the Huskers play Minnesota and In diana that year, but not Iowa... wonder if Notre Dame's schedule is full then. . .and we hope by then if the Huskers are traveling by air, it will be on peaceful missions. There have been lots of thrills New Classes Begin June 10 Add business training ti your academic work. It pays! Train this summer in air-conditioned classrooms. . .cool and comfortable. Study is made easy. In fact, it's a pleasure. College-grade courses, qualified instructors, complete machine department, employment serv ice for graduates. Write. . .Visit. . .or Call for Free Information LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE W. A. ROBBINS, Pres. 209 No. 14th St. 2-C774 J Beta Theta Pi wins Best trophy with 822 l-M points By Yahudi. Be a Theta Pi was named the 1939-40 winner of the Jack Best trophy, Monday, by nosing out Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the coveted prize with a total of 822 noints to 810 IMC UCiVllUlll 1IILI it IIllll til llliilll- pions ran neck and neck with the fl-. ,l : .. I t l ueias oown to tne very tinifin line ami looked like the victors, hut a photo finish and a recount of the points found the Betas hitting the wire in the lead. Show team was Delta Unsilon with 692 points. The next seven teams in the order of the finish to round out the ton ten are: Phi Delta Theta. Thi Gamma Delta. Alnha Tail Omeca. Kanria Sip ma. Sigma Nu. Farm House, and Alnha uanima Kho. Beta's win four crowns. The Betas won four team titles in all the sports. . .yes, the Husk ers had a fine basketball team three years ago. . .no one who saw it will ever forget the game in which the largest basketball crowd in Missouri Valley history saw the Husker cagers whip Kansas for a share in the Big Six championship ...and, on the humorous side, no one will ever forget the late-lamented apple core which was aimed at and struck Dr. Phog AI Ien of the Javhawks 11k nixl war ...and which, sad to say, incited his boys to rally for a victory over Nebraska. . .the team next year may pull some surprises. . .it would have this year, had a ma- jority of its members been able to steer clear of injuries and illness .. .yes, we've razzed our pal "Hon- dini" Fitz, but he can still play "i uui t: lie. aim Lne Big Six We've seen great Nebraska track teams, coached by that old immortal, Pa Scbulte and Ed Weir we followed a bandied-ahnut 1939 track team to Ames to watch them win a surprise outdoor con- ference championship. . .we saw a youthful bunch of kids win the hearts of Kansas City fans in tak- ing the Big Six indoor champion- ship down there this spring... there's not much to say that wouldn't be gilding the lily. Fred Ware said it Sunday when he hinted around about national championships a year or two hence. We're not too concerned about that, but with track what it is here today, Fred may not be far wrong. We've see nthe territory north of the coliseum change from a ramshackle, unsightly slum dis- trict to as fine a layout of ath- letic fields as you'd see anywhere . . .the Husker's baseball team has a home now, and some of these days they'll have a team of which the university will be proud... it mav ncf V.a fn. r .. .1 1 il . 1 " "".7 iai Ull, Wliut Wild LIlC looks of a freshman crew which was teaching the varsity a few uaseDau lessons this year. We've seen Husker swimming, golf, tennis and wrestling stars come and go. . .we've seen Charley Miller build gymnastics teams in a short space of time which do the Huskers proud... it's those so called "minor" sports, which the boys keep playing after they're out of school... and don't think they don't work on them out of school ...there could be other sports here, and some day there may be . . .who wouldn't like to see a good old sockin' Husker hockey team . . .or a polo squad? We've seen high school football games, track meets, and basket ball tournaments. . .we've seen Hermle Rohrig play for Lincoln high school, AI Randall for Omaha South, Roy Petsch for Scottsbluff, Red Littler for Mitchell, etc. ad in finitum... we remember reading about Bus Knight as Jackson high's star freshman fullback years and years ago, when our main sports activity was keeping as did the Sig Alphs. Farm House, Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Alpha m Lt, uuu i in vjummu ut'iua wti e the other winners of events. This year 25 fraternities partici pated in 12 sports. Last year there were 29 fraternities and 13 events. vr.. til i ti . 1 . . The closeness of competition this ' ' j.wv. vear ia shown by the points scored v lv llin"l miming uuiu to ninth. In this etohd. seven teams were within the range of 700 to GOO in final fraternity stand ings. Closest battles were for fourth and seventh places. Phi Delta Theta nosed out Phi Gamma Delta for fourth by a score of COS to 660. For seventh. Kanna Sicnia saueez- ed past Sigma Nu by a score of 626 to 625. Sports and winners: Touch font hall: Beta. Tennis: Heta. ColC: Hota. Bowling: Beta. Volleyball: S.A.K. Wnter Polo: S.A.K. "B" Raxkelhiill: S.A.E. PiiiK Pone: S.A.K "A" Ba.'Ketlmll: Karm Mouse. Track: Phi (Jam. Handball: S A M. Softball; A. U.K.. scrapbooks. Now some last words: To the coaching staff-to the Biffer, a grand guy; to Brownie; to Ed Weir, Wilbur Knight, Jerry Adam, Chariot 1itl,i I T.. : ttvi Npwkirk nnri nil Iho rt hor mahaa who have helped us along you've borne up well with a gal at the sports helm. To the local press: To editors John of the Lilliputs Bentley, Cy Sherman, Gregg McBride, Fred Ware, and all the other boys... you've been omre than swell in helping out and in being patient w ilh To the athletes: We've tried to be a good sports ed, and to do everybody justice... if there are good athletes to write about, an editor's job is twice as easv. . . you've filled the bill, altho maybe our press agentry at times hasn't been so hot... And to Theos Thompson you can still smack 'e"i down as hard as any 200 pounder. To our readers, whoever they may be. Sometimes we've won- dered if anybody reads this page, judging from some of the funny errors which aoDeared here this year, but which we've had to dis cover ourselves because no one squawked about them. Or maybe people have been too pice, or may be they've been afraid to squawk. Who knows? -" v v. acuicaicia, auu muse before that have been fun... those two Minnesota classics, that Pitt ame this year, the victory over Oklahoma last fall, won't be blurred out very soon... not much more needs to be said, except that we 11 make our last charge to the Husers: Remember, next year's Homecoming ia Tiger day... 27 to 12 Isn't vprv niA t rx v..- , ' J ilium auuui, is ily Well, some of these days we'll be seeing you. And take it easy over exams. J.M.B. COLUMBIA AND VOCALION 50c RECORDS 35c; 3 for 1.00 My Resistance Is Low Bonnie Baker Plucking The Bass Cab Calloway Pipe Dreams Tommy Reynolds Manhattan Traffic Gene Krupa top oLirjc! By Alex Mills. Saturday's victory over the Ok lahoma Aggie track squad con cluded one of the best seasons ever turned in by the Huskers and, es tablished the Nebraska team as one of the best In the entire mid west as they won the Big Six, in door and outdoor crowns, then turned around and virtually ran over the Missouri Valley Cham pions -the Oklahoma Aggies. inis year, iney were unueieaieo: in their dual meets, both durinir the indoor and outdoor season; in fact, in any meet in which the en tire team took part they emerged victorious. In the several contests in which a few representatives were en tered, or in which team totals were unofficial, the Huskers always put up fine performances. Littler Stars. For Instance. Gene Littler, sole man in the Cotton Carnival invita tional at Memphis, won the 410 and 220 against some of the best runners in the counlrv. The team's leaning penormers were ent to the Armour Tech and Illinois Re lays, in the indoor season, and per formed in great style. The team picked up no firsts at Drake or Kansas' Relays, but were very much in the running. Littler, Harold Brooks, Herb Grote. Fd Wibbels, Harold Hunt and Bill Smutz were among the best point winners. At Illinois Hunt finished in a three way tie 1 grandest foursome of fun- i ulL - zMr&r ,r,tvtr,0,nr'"ywrntartl ft. " tl U M Thou rousing...rollkktH...rambunctiou$...romantic days on the campm at food SHE from Ik famom Saturday Ertnint Poll "Siih' QUff norm it Ma i whqh il .1 . Mat. 25c . . . Eve. 25c and 40c HOUSE Ot ENTERTAINMENT Who made love to the judge's daughter . . , and then gol her tent to jail? BmJ:':vSv-.X4c.A wv ' for first in the pole vault, and Lit tler set American indoor record in winning the 300 yard dash. At Armour Tech, Brooks won the mile, Hunt tied for first in the pole vault, Littler won the 70 and 440 yard runs, and Smutz waa third in the hurdles. Big Six in door winners were Littler in the 60 and 440, Hunt in tho pole vault, and Smutz in the lew hurdles. Beat A and M. The team won victories over Ok lahoma, Kansas State, and Kan sas In indoor duals; outside they beat Kansas State, Iowa State and Oklahoma A. & M. Outdoor winners were Littler in the 410, Smutz in the highs, Wib bels in the discus, Grotc i; fie javelin, and Hunt, who tied '.'or first in the pole vault. Outstanding marks cam? as Wibbels came back to set a new discus mark of 160 feet, 5l inches, and as Herb Grote broke the existing javelin mark with a prodigious heave of 216 feet 4 inches. Ray Prochaska also bet tered the old discus record. No seniors. What with no seniors on the squad this year, and with a fine frosh squad coming up, prospects for next year are great. Next on the Husker calendar are the national intercollegiates in Minneapolis June i and 22; to be followed by the AAU meet in Fresno in July. Husker entries are not ceitain as yet, altho several men will be entered at both places. old Siwah...ytuirrtt. nation isughtni: TOMORROW! I1! Extra Special!! What bapprni when Hitler Mtackn? . . .See "SIEOE" Edfr Kennedy "Tlnl Lefal" "Aristocrat! of Fashion" STUM TOMORROW! ' i ft I i t I i - k ii i A J 'i i: Ml 4 t i i i i i i i i . .