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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1940)
8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, May 10, 1940 Laura McAlister wins fellowship for German study Miss Laura Winifred McAliater of Minatare, a university gradu ate, has been selected as first al ternate for the fellowship of the Germanistic Society of America for the study of German at an American university next year, and has also been awarded a grad uate assistantship in the depart ment of Germanic languages of Columbia university, according to W. K. Pfoiler, of the Nebraskan department of modern languages. The fellowship is for $700 and is the highest such award for schol arship in the United States on a nationwide competitive basis. Can didates were selected by the cal ibre of their master's thesis in the field of German literature or phi lology. Miss McAllister received her bachelor's degree from Nebraska in 1937 and her master's degree last year. High school offers summer schedule Students will have an oppor tunity to choose from 17 courses in the 1940 summer session of teachers college high school, ac cording to an advance bulletin is sued by Dr. W. H. Mortc., prin cipal and chairman of the univer sity ("epartment of secondary edu cation. Registration will be held June 13, and the classes will meet from June 14 to August 9. The high school faculty will con sist of W. B. Johns, Mary Mielenz, Minnie Sclilichting, Lotta Clark, Mark Dolzell and Eliza Gamble. Schedule. Courses offered this year in clude shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, commercial law, three courses in English, three in algebra. geometry, physiology, two in biology, modern European hi.-toiy. American history, and civic?. Dr. Morton expects another summer enrollment of 150 stu dents, many from outside the city. In commenting on the school, he said that "the school serves as a demonstration agency for teach ers college and is especially de signed for students who wish to shorten their regular four year course and for those who need several additional credits to com plete graduation requirements. Library purchases 16 new books for shelves Foreign affairs, geography, painting and economics are sub jects of new books which have been added at the library, accord ing to librarians. Including both fiction and non-fiction, the fol lowing are a few of the new ones. Vatican at a World I'or.t, by Jo rph Rrrnhart. Italy' r'orrUa and Colonial Policy, by M. H. H. Macartney. Franrr, by H. H. loiuh. l-anguaft aad KraHty, by W. M. I'rlian. Rodin, by Augaul Rodin. I rrnrh I'slutlng la the ill! It Onlury, b C hartra Terra. Horn lor tortlnia, by I., ('. Done I... On Rriradtnl Chaacrr, by H. R. 1'airh. !JI B. rlludlM bi ShcrliK-U llolmra, bv Inrrnt Marrrtl. Hirlh of China, by H. fi. f'm-l. ata of Amrrlraa Mortrly, by IHioa W'rtrr. Rrltaia and the RulcarUn Horror al 1H7S, by lavid HarrU. I'u.vallup-NlMiBally, by M. W. Smith. Arroltnratioa la Sevrn Amrrlraa Indian Trlhrw, by Rlh l.lntnn. (i-.ivrrnemriit de la Iranrr, by Jo rpl, Harthrlriny. y.rfMiirtitlr hroarafii for Amrrlritn lie nwirrnry, by arvta Harvard and lull tcinonitpt. we torn ihusker UNDER JCHimrrtEL DIRECTION 1 "si DELTA TAU OELTA BANQUET Saturday Night DELTA THETA PHI BANQUET Saturday Night SIGMA PHI EPSILON BANQUET Saturday Night IN MOVLAHD-SWAMSOM I Ainl here are four girls wlio have fouii'l Hovlaiul's California Shop a Mecca for picnic clothes Sport lo;;s with the "oomph" of Aim Sheridan with the practicability t play the game awl yes very inexpensive. Slacks 1.95 Shirts 1.95 Shorts 1.95 Skirts 2.95 Slack Suits 3.95 Jackets 2.95 Lorraine Chant wears a new Shortall, 1.95. Skirt 1.95. Kuth Brickcll chose a honev of a Slack Suit, 5.95. Maxine Fuller realy for a swim I'.cach Coat. 4.95. Catalina Swim Suit, 5.95. Uuth Iverson likes this Slack Suit "K-inenslev," 3.95. mm timnnn.niniiwlli.j,'! ,,aM.mfmkH-- "' ' "' ' '' ' ' ' ' ''" " 1 1 AT)t't:'1; THE WINNER of the SEASON SKIPPER AD-WRITING CONTEST Miss Virginia F. Hall Art and Science University of Nebraska 825 South 11th, Lincoln, Nebr. Our Sinrere Congratulations! y . fix , , .- It X ) i-N A ,.Sf - i iiiirni.Tirij-ii.,r. n.i. i i.i. . j, . -- 'tr.- y. . .. , ,. .j Whit tn I'd r jj I'll IC, nk. Prf while with A bl.ulc patent, oral itV ' llll4l( vl''' f J ln r J A) V-'i wl,,, ""' mn i Willi I ii n or JtxL SunwWL folkdwtt jrfL DEBUTANTES jll making (aaJiiott hhioit The solt of the seasonour beautiful, bright white shoes. Somehow more refreshing than ever before. Airy and buoyant as feathers. Delicate as daisies. Highlighted by their very whiteness and strong contrasts of color. We want you to have yours now, while our collection is wonder ously complete. blue calt g95 95 Wlillc mi'f Mltll tan calf. c v A Wlilto rbatl- V C cinl vi e (1 e X. i w I I It c r ' J ail.lUt, mm" 'ft o It I yviif hana- v'W V I L na or llalit VAA 1 1 11 blue kucdo. V- Pi f o r a d v.' ' 1 Whil Mara- VL vain Kid. HOME OP THE Trsty Pastry Shop