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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1940)
Friday, May 10, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Senator Norris . . . Cries G-Men are 'bullies'; Regler says 'No, gentlemen' Federal Bureau of Investigation ngents, according to Sergeant Regler, director of the university police, have always been gentle men, employed only legitimate tactics, and never resorted to any kind of third degree questioning in the police work he has done with them. Senator Norris of Nebraska charged before the senate Tues day, as reported in news stories from Washington, that police methods used by the FBI were a menace to democratic institutions. He charged among other things that the FBI had a regular "for mula for intimidation" of persons they arrested, and that they put prisoners thru third degree ques tioning. Don't raise voices. "In fact," said Regler, "I have even heard the Special Agents working on cases here caution po lice officers, who raised their voices while questioning suspects, to never do so under any cir cumstances." Norris had been condemning the G-Men for alleged mistreatment of suspected communists arrested in a raid in Detroit and charged with enlisting soldiers to fight for the loyalist army in the Spanish civil war. Protection first. Attorney General Jackson has defended the FBI, as did Senator Lee of Oklahoma Wednesday in the senate. Said Lee, "We must guard against infringement of our civil liberties, but at the same time, we must p otect our citizens against the activities of these for eign agents Regler has worked 'with the G Men on various occasions, includ ing the case last year when Ne braska hall was entered and an automatic pistol stolen. Home economics honorary initiates eight members Omicron Nu, national home eco nomics honorary sorority, initiated eight new members Wednesday evening. The new initiates are Carol Briggfl, Vivian Brown, Helen Elizabeth Clay ba ugh, Ethel Died rickson, Doris DeLong, Virginia Ostergard, Lila Meyerott, and Do retta Schlaphoff. These new members were an nounced at a tea sponsored jointly by Omicron Nu and Phi Upsilon Omicron, also a national home eco nomics sorority. All home eco nomics girls whose averages were above eighty were invited to at tend the tea, at which the new Advertising honorary pledges three women Gamma Alpha Chi, women's honorary advertising sorority, an nounces the pledging of Jean Hecker, Lucille Erickson. and Helen Amy. The meeting sched ule tor me organization has been changed from Wednesday at 5 p. m. to Tuesday at 5 p. m. in room 315 in the Union. Registration (Continued from Page 1.) found in the catalog for the first semester of 1939-40. Students must present their identification cards with picture at the registrar's of fice for their credit books. Ag college students may secure their credit books at Dean Burr's office. Students must fill out their ap plications for registration and leave them with a statement of outside activities with the dean of their college for approval. The dean of women may be consulted during registration, but her signa ture is not necessary. Fees are payable before Sept. 4, 1940; otherwise a late registra tion fee will be charged. A late fee for graduate students and Lin coln teachers will be charged after noon of September 28. Students will receive a statement of fees by August 17, and the office of the finance secretary must be notified if the statement is not received. Summer addresses of students should be left in the office of the finance secretary. New students will be registered Sept. 16, 17 and 18. Institute (Continued from Page 1.) lie welfare work, Kasius, who will lead the groups, was formerly field representative of the FERA and WPA. From this position he went to his present post with the Social Security board. He was general manager of the Provident association from 1932 to 1934 and director of the Community Coun cil and United Charities in 1935. Both of these associations are lo cated in St. Louis, Mo. A graduate of the University of Utah and Georgetown university. Kasius is also a member of the American Association of Social Workers. Phi Upsilon Omicron members were also announced. Officers In Omicron Nu elected for the coming year are: Carol Briggs, president; Vivian Brown, vice president; Helen Elizabeth Claybaugh, secretary; Lila Meyer ott, treasurer; and Ethel Diedrick son, editor. Haw You Heard About the New Sbirt with the Cooling System ? Our new Arrow Mesh shirts have cross-ventilation I Hundreds of tiny pores that you can't even see let out the warm air from your body , . . and let in cooling fresh airl Arrow Mesh has the handsome Arrow collar, the Mitopa better-fit. And it's Sanforized Shrunk! Drop in and see this cool summer shirt today... . $2 Men's Store iZZZyZ KZ3 XZ. X4 tm ' ' 11 mmmmjnmTSM J For a Cool Summer... These QohxA, (Djoi&otL Juniors .95 95 11 ifft95 U 95 1 Hi - LTlt iiMiMTTf r- i - i r- r" ' ' ' - .- jfi M I J i .v w' I Lt 1 k f'jp , fil hi "MERRY-GO-ROUND"... A V A fT""j 11 j.'' I'tlf Jacket dress wiih embroidered . " V , J II - 'I U A Black Linen jacket The drew : J . H I 11 '11 is oi GLAMOSHEER aceiale VC r.;''?ff f ? fff 1 and rayon. In cool summer " ."If 1 ;m;';v 'Sj-i colors ... Champaane, V-''!,3 ".:: fi '"' I "i Hialeah Pihk. Aqualon, and '-r I j Deb Blue. Sites 9 lo 17. , l f VI "POPPY". . . Pockels are I , I I 11 1 lealuied in this dress ol I Y i 11 washable LANRAY ravon. JW I ' " In Cameo Fink, While, Bey JJ V"v" ll ll Eiueor.dAqua.Sizeslliol? )f j I M i: will I ,., i I "ADORIANA" . . . 1 I . 11 TRAIL BLAZER I V 1 I I ir(M of Polka 1 11 f I Khlrt 'n Skirt 1 1 1 LH,f Kayon Crepe V ' I t I cf'cct. The blouse vl Vj in Row. nine and ' ' I m t t.. i . i l I ; Aqua, Sizes 11 U I 111 0 oman R'r'ped 1 1 ' 15. t ll rayon and tho 1 Jr J $7.95 l iklrt of ShurfcBkln lW V V V I ravon 1 W "BRENDA" ... 11 I 15 95 VW ?' lJrinted RayoU v U M I JliTrt.VT" V: -M. it -teTot-ii i