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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1940)
4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, April 23, 1940 Campus observers have . . . Great chance to see women with hair down--from rain By Agnes Wanek. "With the Wind and the .Rain in Your Hair" is just about the most appropriate song for this kind of weather, but the person who wrote it was definitely con fused about how romantic a girl looks with the wind and the rain in her hair. . .Seeking shelter from the downpour were Delts Jack Gates and Dick Gellatly. . .Pi Phi Virginia Haney and Phi Delt Al Ashworth coking while Harold Schiag waited three booths away and looked too, too impatient... And ZBT Irv Sherman and ATO Bob Leadley having a hasty break fast . . . If you go to Omaha, be careful or some bearded wonder will ask you what you call a "cold pygmy with a frozen finger'. . .don't be surprised when you hear it's a "frigid midget with a rigid digit" ... everyone in Omaha preparing for the second edition of Golden Spike Days. . .and everyone in Lin coln looking forward to Ozzie Nel son and other parties. . . WEEKENDS MAY COME and weekends may go. but it looks as if pin hangings and steady deals go on forever (but not for long). Big news in the realm pf pin hang ings are two that occurred Sun day. . .the lucky people are Sig Ep Clint Juigenson and Alpha Chi Fa ye Irwin and DU Joe Fraser and AOPi Mary Ellen Crites.. .An off again on again pin hanging is that of Eetty Dobbs, Pi Phi, an 1 DU Bob Evans... at present writ ing Betty still is wearing the pin. but you can look again tomorrow to see for sure. . . FOOD AND MORE FOOD was provided for the Sigma Kap pas Sunday when they were en tertained at breakfast at the home of Miss Luvicy Hill and Miss Ger trude Beers. KAPPA BETA PI international legal soronty. gave a dinner in honor of the national grand dear. Miss R. Reed of Wash ington, D. C. Following the din ner, Sarah Bonnie Miller was mi tiated. Today's convocation speak er. Judge Florence Allen U a mem ber of this organization. THERE'S A CROWD to the decision of ATO Clark Kup pir.ger and Kappa Oecile Mitchell and now they too have joined the rank? in the Steady Parade. PI PHIS came through with a candy pas sing last night when Betty Dolphin and Alpha Sis Geoige Graham pasfted the sweets. IT'S BEEN SO LONG but Beta Jack Stewart is still on the steady path. . .anyway three weeks is a long time IT HASNT BEEN SO LONG but Joe Dye, Sig Alph who once declared he wanted to stay clear of any entangling alliances, has hung his pin on Kappa Molly Woodward They started dating and often! two weeks ago, and started going steady a week ago. and now a pin hanging. SURPRISE CANDY PASSING at the Kappa Delta house occurred last right when Lillian Shinn an nounced her engagement and forthcoming maniage to Woodie Hamill. Miniature bn-ie and groom dolls decorated the box of sweets. They are to be married at the chapter house on June 9th. 'AS A MODEL of fraternalistic spirit." quoting di rectly from someone who ought to Union Harmony Hour will give Anton Dvorak's 'New World' symphony Anton Dvorak's Sympnony No. 5 In K minor, commonly known as the "New World" symphony, will be played during the Sinfonia har mony hour today at 4 p. m. In the Union faculty lounge. The sym phony is recorded by the Czech Philharmon.c orchestra, and was first performed in 1893. Since that time, it has been Included in the repertoire of every symphony or chestra as an Interpretation of the spirit of American music. A suit from Bizet's "Carmen," recorded by the London Philharmonic, will alio be played. know, Norman "Butch" Bordy re ceived a gold crested miniature paddle from the SAM initiates. And believe it or not, he is sup posed to have blushed with pride and modesty at the honor. . .Prac tically speechless, he was almost unable to express his appreciation . (still quoting). Colleges compete in bridge tourney Newest thing in intercollegiate competition is the first annual In tercollege Bridge Championship to be held next week-end at the Ritz Cai'lton hotel in New York. Teams from 12 schools will com pete in the tournament. The schools are: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Mount Holyoke, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Rad cliffe, Sarah Lawrence, Smith Wellesley and Yale. Andrews writes paper T. Gaylord Andrews of Minden, graduate assistant in psychology, has an article entitled "The Effect of Benzedrine Sulfate on Syllo gistic Reasoning" published in the current number of the Journal of Experimental Psychology. He was assisted in the study by Dr. H. G. Hoick of the department of phar macology, and by Dr. J. P. Guil ford of the department of psychology. Princeton university has a copy keep in touch with their campus by short wave radio. Geology honorary initiates eight Closing a week of trial, when pledges paid respect to actives in the form of sweets and smokes, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, national professional geology fraternity in itiated eight new members Friday night Initiates Include Elliot Bratt, Lyle Harvey, Guy Johnson, Jo seph Kenny, Harold Patterson. Wilbur Rogers, Carl Wahl, and Jerome Wright. the Bo inf&wtt Smokers are buying 'em "two packs at a time" because Chest erfields are DEFINITELY MILDER, COOLER SMOKING and BETTER-TASTING. Chesterfields are made from the world's finest cigarette tobaccos and they're made right. In size, in shape, in the way they burn . . . everything about Chesterfield is just right for your smoking pleasure. u BETTYMAE AND BEVERLY LKANt Tl'r Cl V s "'"TV I - vM y,, .... "--:N M. 4TTJ " ' I Y L'i Crr,tH IMO, Imam a Miw TofCO Co. You get twice the plea sure watching the CRANE TWINS in the Broadway Revue Hit "Hellzapop pin' because there are two of 'em... the busiest pair of dancing twins you ever saw. . . - ; A I v.. 4 a j nesienieiu J