Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1940)
1 f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, April 14, 1940 Today's the day . For gay young things to play and put all worries faraway By Mary Jean McCarthy. Today's the day that you should feel gal, cause you can dance to Herbie Kay of course, if it s warm enough you could amble down South Bend way or enjoy a perfect picnic day o. k. take it away. LIFE GOES FOR A RIDE and it really travels. Maybe you've seen the old model T that has been whizzing around ye olde campusee with most all of the LIFE magazine covers pasted on it. If you haven't, look for it for it's really sumpin'. LUCKY LUCKY US say the Chi Omegas for at their hour dance the other night they were honored by the presence of Don Rogers, the protege of the well known composer Jeffrey O'Hara, and the gals say they really had fun. puppy. Also seen, image snap ping were those "outdoor boys" the Sig Eps. CAN YOU IMAGINE Phi Psi George Seeman being afraid of a little, baby alligator? Well, he is. Seems like one of his feminine admirers in the Far Off East, namely Susie P.oeder, sent the adorable little pet to him and George just doesn't know what to do with it. Some of the brothers have taken charge though, and are proving to be excellent in the art of being nursemaid. HOUSE PARTIES were very popular last night and very informal too. The Tri Delts had a god old picnic with chap erones and the Kappas went na tive for their jungle party. They are just hoping now that no one wakes up with "jungle fever." riM most evervone is urettv much crippled up with "spring lever at present. ies: ; . LOOK AT THE BIRDIE THRILLED ISTHEWORD All for the jamboree .. v . r-y;-m ssvsw,iv;W : JV . ' J r; V . .::-? f, - - - ' - : ; vvn bill -t " ' s- Mli Journal anil Star. Bullock to give tests Aptitude tests used to aid in the selection of salesmen by one of the oldest insurance com panies in the country will be given in Professor Bullock's of fice, SS 306, during the coming week. Students interested must make arrangements to take these tests, during the forepart of the week. Group Games for AdulU and Children Party Plans (Steel Die) Monogram Stationery 25 Paper 25 Envelopes rr SI .00 An Unheard Value! .IM1EE4 OfrlCkl Favors Decorations Prises Use Our piannlnf Servlc for the picture taking epidemic has again sprung into popularity. DG Pat Reitz was posing very prettily yesterday for the ATO's and holding a very attractive chow for Alpha Phi Pat Wilson for last nieht she had a date with Delt Jack Gellatly she was mighty ex cited all day just waiting for the time to come to go. Ridiculous Book Sale MhM Clear Shelf Space 1,000 Reference Books All Subjects 25c 3,000 FICTION AND SETS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES JJul JoUduuL SpohtL ShbdL 0fi SanfohiyuL ShxunL ShoaxidolL tanforiced shrunk for permanent fit. Its custom tailoring makes a hit. IU stunning colors are all vat dyed. Its pearl hank button will be your pride. Fine with skirts, slacks and shorts. For town-about wear and active sports. Practical, too. You'H shout with glee wn you see how It washes in Ivory I This Week Only Two handsome Sew-On Initials in a Contrasting Color I loo GOLD'S Third FtoM. SO William Tempel, left, and Dr. A. E. Westbrook. head of the school of fine arts, have a first class headache pouring over just one' batch of the flood of ballots for favorite songs to be surg at the Musical Jubilee. A solid hour and a half of un broken melody is the treat that lies ahead for the music lovers ex pected to pack the coliseum Wed nesday night for the Musical Ju bilee. First event of its kind, arranged by the school of music and spon sored by the Lincoln newspapers, the Jubilee is expected to attract over 8.000. Over 300 students will participate. I The audience will sing ten of the most popular songs of yester day and today, unaer me direction of William Tempel who will also direct the men's glee club and the choir. Frank Cunkle will play the electric organ. Two bands, a four minute drill by the Pershing P.ifles. a three minute jam session with a trum pet trio will be features of the event. Tassels will distribute pro grams. Wednesday has been set aside as an "open night" so that students may attend. NBC editor to speak here Chicago's Ken Robinson closes vocational series Ken Robinson, continuity editor , of the central division of MJC in Chicago, will be the final speaker on the Vocational Information ser ies of talks sponsored by the office of the dean of women and the AWS board Thursday at 4 p. m. Believing that men students will be as Interested in the subject of radio as women the sponsors are inviting men to attend the lecture as well &s to hold individual con ferences in order to get vocational advice pertaining to radio work. Opportunities. "Diversified Opportunities in Radio" will be the subject of the talk and will be of interest not only to those studying in fields generally associated with radio, namely dramatics, music, and speech, but also to those Inter ested In writing, engineering, cor poration law, and business. Conferences can be arranged in advance in the office of the dean ! of women in person or by tele phone. The conferences will be held in the Faculty lounge of the Union, and the speech in parlors X, Y and Z. Dentistry library gets $160 gift for new books A gift of $160 from the Lincoln District Dental society which will j be used to buy new books for the dental college library was an nounced Friday by Dean B. L. Hooper. "We arc particularly happy to receive this kind of contribution because it will enable us to add many desirable volumes to our current dental literature collec tion," Dr. Hooper said. Members of the faculty are now surveying the field preparatory to making purchase recommendations. f Dr. Hooper also announced that Dr. C. A. Anderson of Beatrice re cently gave the dental library 25 volumes of the Journal of Dental Research. These Issues fill in most of the missing back number of the library's collection. Enjoy tk Outdoor Season More in Casual, comfortable clothes espe cially designed for carefree hours! Flattering styles for everyone . . . and for every hour of the day. Select one or several while stocks arc especially interesting. From spun rayon to wool flannel . . . these comfort able two-piece suits are demanded by smart women everywhere. Inner-or-outer shirts. Slacks with pleated fronts, zipper side fastener. Alluring colors In toft or high shades. Sizes 12 to 20. GOLD'S... Third Floor. I rZV i ,p" thi,pinK' mnd X."- J aflfrniHtn ocmiiant tool w2nSjfiyF a ready-for-fun - or faihlon VbiH' V 6WX J costume! One-piece ihort- Ci'fjfl h,rt ""' with fu" ,k,rt W2 NfaRB-l which button on to trant- ViovS fX ,orm 11 into " ,,at,erin0 Vv(2l2jur frocK! Of cotton or rayon vWaRSvjf 1 fabrxi . . . aolid colort and IJk Slack MfMll Sua- wStvMX 2 III f correct from flfjn ili M morn to night! ItI If ri 7:'l! .,if If Si ill Kill g8. G O I LID) t& Tv i win 'J m wmr . N