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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1940)
t Sunday, April It, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Yales whip Hazard Sig Alphs lead in l-M standings SAE'i have 765 points with Beta's at 742; Softball decides winner Sigma Alpha Epsilon continues to lead the fraternity intramural race for the Jack Best cup after ping pong and bowling points being added, but they are only thirteen points ahead of the Beta's. N Handball points have not been added, but will make no difference in the case of either team. Out come of the race depends upon the team's performances in the Boft ball play in progress at present. If either the Beta's 01 'AE's win, they take the cup for sure. The Sig Alphs won both the baseball tournament and the Best trophy last year. Phi Ga na Delta, Phi Delta Theta, ai Alpha Tau Omega are in i .e next three places, but only tne SAE's and Beta's have a chance to win the trophy. Handball finals have been post poned until Monday afternoon, as the Sigma Nu's meet Sigma Alpha Mu. The ATO's and Kappa Sigs Will olav for third nlaoe. Should Sigma Alpha Mu win handball, it will be their tenth crown in thir teen years. Standings of the first five teams: Sigma Alpha Epsilon 765 Beta TheU Pi 742 Phi Gamma Delta... 590 Phi Delta TheU 578 Alpha Tau Omega... 540 Barb- (Continued from Page 1.) Palladians. In this "comical- tragedy" Dracula came to Sunny brook to room with a farmer and his children. Dracula killed the children as fast as he could, but the farmer didn't complain much until Dracula got his hired man The farmer couldn't be killed and Dracula was taken care of at the conclusion. The Blue Heaven Barbs pre aented a shadowgram "Phooey unop suey." In this Paul Owen, alar 880 man on Uie track team, shows how chop suey eating ruined ius iracK career. Baldwin's Black Boys gave a ministrel show with Joe Shaugh nessey, tenor, as soloist. Art HendricksoQ was a girl re porter in the "Case of the Missing Bier" or "The Missing Case of Beer." In this farce he supplied Uie force with many heart throbs SENIORS MAKE YOUR RESERVATION FOR CAP AND GOWN NOW FREE PHOTOCOPY OF DIPLOMA NO DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PRIVILEGE COMPLETELY STERILIZED GOWNS INDIVIDUALLY BOXED 3 11 en s aain early lead over Reds Rubottom, Francis, Vincent, Simmons make touchdowns Biff Jones sent his gridiron charges through their last Satur day scrimmage of the year yes terday, and the Yale squad rolled out a 20-6 verdict over the Har- vards. Vike Francis, Jack Vincent and Ken Simmons made the win ners' touchdowns, while the Har- vards sent Don Rubottom across for the afternoon's last score. The Husker mentor started his first teams against each other, al though he had Jerry Kathol in at left end with the starters, and soon substituted Charles Duda at the right wing. Neither team could do much early in the scrimmage, but first blood of the afternoon came as Harry Hopp punted out of bounds on the Harvard ten. The Biffer ordered the Reds to try a pass at that point, but Vike Francis inter cepted Dale Bradley's toss on the 20, and got back to the 16. Vike got 5, Hopp got 4, then Vike made it first and ten on the five. Hopp got to the one yard line in two tries, then Francis scored. Has tings Harry kicked the extra point. Reds fumble Jones then gave the Reds the ball on the Eli's 20, but on the sec ond play, Marvin Thompson, who has been on the Yale first team as end this week, tackled Butch Luther and recovered the Red player's fumble. The Biffer changed teams, and sent the second Yale lineup in against a mixed Harvard outfit, mostly third stringers with the exception of first team ends, Pro- chaska and Preston Another pass interception set up the pins for a score as Howard Kelly, Blues' center, intercepted Ernie Weekes toss early in the period on the Harvard's 32. Kenny Simmons, who was driving hard all afternoon, found a hole for 14 yards to the 18, and on three more tries the Blues got to the 13. Jack Vincent, on the seconds in place of John Thompson, found a hole, and scored standing up on fourth down. His extra point try was no good. Simmons and Vincent were the kingpins in the Blues' third touch down, leading the Eli's on a 65 yard march when they took the ball on their own 35 immediately following Vincent's score. Pact goes for 34 yards They collaborated in giving the Yale's a first down, then, after a short gain by Simmons, Vincent broke through for 19 yards to the Harvard 33. He then stepped back Tax Books Studaal SupptiM LMMaX 5TC Homers feature Saturday's play in l-M softball Yesterday afternoon's softball games were thrillers with at least one home run in each game. There were only three games, the Phi Delta defeated the Beta Sigs 8 to 4 in a tough battle. The win was due In a large part to a home run by Phil Anwyl with the bases loaded. The DU's lost to the Chi Phi'a 10 to 9, Uie game being nip and tuck all the way through. Bob Nelson hit a home run for the DTT's in the third contest the Sig Alph's swam pea uie ikas, 15 to 2, the losers making ail their scores in their first time ud. Harold Oh. bourne did the pitching and drove in me oniy nome run for the Sig Alphs. triday scores: league 1 . Alpha Tau Omega 5 Phi Kappa Pi 3 Siraga Nu 10 Sigma Phi Epsilon 7 Lrajne S. Delta Theta Phi 6 SiKtna Chi 5 Kappa Sigma 5 Sisnia Alpha Mu 2 I-cacue 5. IVIta Tmi T . o, f tarro. Hou 2 Pbi Gamma LVIta 1 Littler works out after leg injury Red Littler, who Thursday pulled a leg musicle, found the in jury wasn't very serious, and the Mitchell Redhead was working out yesieraay aiternoon. No particular time trials were made as varsity, frosh and hirrh school men worked outside on the stadium track. Warren Radtke, Council Bluffs sophomore, who was fourth in the Big Six indoor quartermile, has been lost to the team for the rest of the season because of ineligibil ity. and tossed a pass to Leo Fisher 10 put the ball on the 7. Ray Prochaska tossed Vincent for a one yard loss on the first piay, out Jack got four back on the next. The Yale'a scored from the four when Simmons took lateral from Vincent He fumbled out of bounds iust after he crossed the goal, but the score counted. Vincent missed tne extra point try. The next period found the Yale firsts facing- the Harvard seconds. Vike Francis led a drive to the 7, after Ed Nyderj had recovered a fumble on the 26, but the Reds braced, and a fourth down pass from Hopp to Bob Kahler was incomplete from the 12 over the goal line. Seconds soore The Harvard's second team scored on the Ell's first, though, in that period, on a 53-yard drive after Marvin A they had inter cepted Harry Hopp's pass and run it back 25 yards to his own 47. Blue picked up six yards, and a Rubottom to Jack Hazen pass put the ball on the Reds' 35. Two plays later Athey grabbed a short pass from Rubottom and ran 23 yards to the 13, from which point it was nearly all Rubottom. He picked up 4, then 5 yards, and after Wayne Blue made it a first and goal to go on the 2, the Gering player scored. Schleich'a try for the extra point was no good. Jones put the Harvard firsts in against the Yale's seconds, but a Red fumble which the Eli's recov ered on the Eli 21, and Fisher's Interception of a Harvard pass on his 31 did away with Harvard threats. Thomas (Continued from Page 1.) Hcxne society, and Trinity cathed ral. In addition to being vioe presi dent U the First National bank, he U vice president and director of the Merchants Investment com pany. Thomas is not a candidate for election to the board, and will serve only until the regent chosen in November is installed. Candi dates are Vincent C Haacaii and William E. ReeL, Frosh hurlers hits os varsity By Jim Evinger. Nebraska's varsity ball nine took a lesson from the freshmen, Saturday afternoon on the ath letic field, but suffered a 9 to 2 setback in learning a few new tricks. In the first place, the year ling pitchers were decidedly in form. Lawrence Schmadeke and Angelo Ossino held the varsity to three Wows. In the second place, the fresh men took picks on Coach Wilbur Knight's fifth and sixth ranking chuckers Bob Garey and Ernie Swanson. The hitting onslaught totaled 13 safeties. Coffman geta homer. Frank Coffman, second sacker. started the frosh off in fine style by slapping out a home run in the first inning with Clair Miller on base. Starting Chucker Bob Garey held the yearlings in tow until the fifth and the fireworks started anew. Before the heat had died down, the frosh had pushed across four more scores. Swanson took up from there for the varsity and allowed three runs in the seventh to conclude the scoring. The varsity pair of runs came in single counts in the first in ning and again in the fifth canto. John McDermott crossed the plate in the first, while Frank Rubino scored the second run. Varsity gets three hits. Credit should be riven to the frosh hurlers for the victory. Schmadeke allowed only three bingles in his five innings of toil on me mound while Ossino issued nary a hit Hitting honors for the day went to Frank Coffman with a homer and a double and Dean Jackson with a triple for the freshmen. The varsity seconds and the fresh men reserves also went thru a practice game with the upper classmen winning. Another game Slack Suits that really fit and flatter rn rn im Tn Live In These Slack Suits Designed for living the casual way, for laiy daying. Tailored to perfection of spun rayon, gaberdine, shantung, vitarib and denim. All the solid colors two-tone combinations inner and outer styles. Sizes 12 to 44. FOURTH FLOOR. , . i,, ,umpm ,ws,n PH.jjJBTff.- I--II.J allow three loses, 9-2 Tennis team narrowed to six members With the first tennis match less than a week away, Assistant Coach Voris Peden has finally narrowed his team down to six members. Number 1 in the rank ings will again be Harold Rundle, runnerup to the Big Six cham pionship in the singles for the past two years. Johnny Huston, who got a late start, has been coming in to form in fast style and has taken over the number 2 spot with Harry Ankeny playing number 3 man. Charles Eberline has defeated the remaining squad members in a round robin tournament and has earned number 4 position. Don Schulz, the only other letterman retaining a post, is the number 5 man with Chuck McNurlin in number 6. is scheduled for Monday. Box score: Vanity ab h o a Frechmea ab h o a I.emaster ss 4 0 1 2 Miller rf 3 110 McD'mott If 3 0 1 01 Coffman b 4 2 3 1 Wilson 2b 4 0 3 31 Saner lb 5 2 10 0 2 1 1 01 Jackson e 8 18 1 Gable'n cf Tegtm'r cf Thomp'n 3b Ray 3b C. Hurley rf Hall rf Rubino lb Krontck lb Pollock lb Schmode c Garey p Van B'kirk Swanson p 2 0 0 0 whitman m 3 1 o e 2 10 01 Blakewell 10 0 11 Bronn cf 1 0 0 0 l i 0 2 01 A. Hurley If 2 3 0 12 0 1 0 0 01 Shaw 3b 2 16 llStroh 3b 1 0 3 0 schmadeke p 0 0 2 0! Ossino p 3 0 7 II 1 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 e 0 3 o a -i Totals 30 3 27 81 Totals 36 13 27 8 Van Buskirk batted fur Garey In fifth. Errors: Lmastcr, Wilson. Rubino 2, Sauer. Runs: McDermott. Rubino, Miller 2, Coffman 2, Jackson, A. Hurley, Shaw, Schmadeke, Ossino. Two base hit: Coff man. Three base hit: Jackson. Home run: Coffman. Passed balls: Jackson 3. Hita and runs: Off Garey, 7 and 6 In 5. Swan son 6 and 3 in 4, Schmadeke 3 and 2 in 5. Ossino 0 and 0 In 4. Winning pitcher: Schmadeke. Losing pitcher: Garey. Um pires: Eitel and Max. Time 2:10.