j I 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Thursday, April II, 1940 iiiiiY' iiiii ii'i mmlT-Trin " ' " ,J Si 4. j iitm. ' i ...I ii h i nl ' mi ii mi ! ii ii i i I Society ... People are, despite spring, sti 1 1 doing stuff and things Random r&mblinga . . . Don't Cummins, secretary, and Ruth you wonder why they don't take Chapman, treaaurer 1? . , , ttvJA At the Kappa Delta house: Mar- that recording of "Friendship out ,an stonC( psldent; BUlie Suing, of the Union when so many people vice-president: Louise Wilke, sec manage to get a pained look on retary, and Beth Douglas, treas their faces at the mere mention urer- of the title ? ... In a Washington university magarine, they have a society column called "Greeks" and their motto la "We Pan-hel out of them." . . sometimes its only too true. . . The campus was really in n uproar Tuesday night when five fire trucks came to in vestigate a smoky condition in the Theta fireplace . . . aorority girls threw fur coats over their pajamas and ran out to see the excitement only to discover that it was a false alarm. Acacia Tom Bodie is still argu PETE AND REPEAT must be the uppermost thought of Sigma Nu Len Dirks who once npftin has huner his Bin on Pi Phi Pete Horner. Back in the fall their affair was expected to culminate in a aulck candv nassinET. but then came a brief interlude spent in the "not dating" stage. But things have been straightened out and it's smooth sailing again. OVER THE AIRWAVES on Johnny Mason's program came ine with Dr. Walton about the the announcement that Mary merits of a potential presidential Anna Cockle of the Tri Delta clan ..njMotc Knon on the mall: now is wearine the fraternity Pin touulun . . " - - - Beta John Stoddard bucking a of her love from the east. It must severe north wind and being none seem very different for the for- too pleased about the outside work mer Rag society editor to break he has to do for cutting one of into print herself instead of writ- Tfaar Arndt's. (of the social in? about somebody else. science Arndt's) classes. . . every- Another of Monday's candy body's asking, "Have you seen the passings was that of Margery Kosmet Klub show?" . . . Beta Fye, Kappa Delt. and Ralph Stal- Piker Davis riding around in that baum, or ineta um. open car of his and looking none AMr. r-ACT too warm. . . people going to class MAKU AINU rAo I for lack of anything .better to do. feU the ato's for the story told 1 1 - Y)W: T i rw nirlkir Dy several uaiiiins hub uim KlSINCa, KlblNVj rie Glutz of the sisterhood wanted is the tempo of the affair be- a date, and that she was a good tween AXiD Marian Whitney and deal to take on a picnic. H. M. Alpha Sir Wally Borchman, and Sinclair was most disappointed If you can believe what you hear, when he found that there was no the affair may soon develop into such person and had to break his a steady deal, if it hasn't already date, by the time this appears in print. jr: SORORITY ELECTIONS Marian Bradstreet, Gamma Phi, are holding the spotlight for a while and tiiese new officers have been announced; at the Sigma Delta Tau house: Sarah Bonnie Miller, president; Miriam Rubnitz, vice president; Rose Goldstein, secretary, and Sylvia Katzman, treasurer. At the Alpha Phi house: Elea nor Berr.er, president; Rozanne Purdham, vice-president; Jane YW head attends Atlantic City meet Mian Esther Ostlund. director of the YWCA, is attending he 16th biennial convention of the organ ization being held in Atlantic City, New Jersey from April 10 to 16. There will be a Droaacast on Anrii ia cplehratlne' the founding of the Young Women's Christian association in London in isoo. me broadcast will originate in New Tnrir nnri will include interesting news' concerning the YWCA from London. Th nrncrriLm will be broadcast over Columbia from 3:45 to 4:00 e. s. t. off the dating list, for she is now wearing the Phi Gam pin of Bill Arrasmith of Stanford U. YOU CAN list among recent pin hangings the one oetween rea oiiyuci, oi6... Ghi and Gen Smith, Alpha Xi Delta. SO FAR UNHERALDED was the candy passing Monday night at the Kappa Delta house when Marjorie Fye and Ralph Stalbaum, Theta Xi, did the hon ors. No names appeared on the box of candy but instead their two pictures were enclosed in heart shaped frames. BRINGING THE TOTAL number of Monday night candy nnasine's to five was the Marjorie Thompson-Gerald Vitamvas candy passing at the dorm. 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