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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1940)
Thursday, April II, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Yalcs edge Harverds 14-13 as Bob Kahler tallies twice; Butch Luther, Alf son score mm, ft mii mm 1 rnjijUiifti-JUiimi juu SHE w 1S If ! By June Bierbower. The Huskers' end situation, which may be called "acute," if one is speaidng in relative terms, ian't any more so that way than is Missouri's or Oklahoma's, in all probability. Missouri was plucked cleaner than a singed hen when Blaine Currence, Stillman Rouse and the two Orfs were iost. Right there went the four best ends the Tigers had, with only reserves Norvalle Wallach and Frank Amelung left. Wallach is 6-3 tall and weight 204, and will probably be Jimmy Starmer's main aid in catching Paul Christ man's passes next fall. Bob Steuber, a 190 pound fresh man, who has played some time in the backfield, and who i a sprinter in addition, may get one of the starting positions. Any way you look at it, though, the Tigers have only two experienced men and men who didn't play much at that. It will be interesting to see what Paul the Chrissie can do without his ends. Oklahoma lost Frank Ivy, John Shirk and Alton Coppage, three of the best ends in the conference, but they're not quite in at bad a fix as Missouri. Two giant ends, Louis "Tree Top Sharpe" and Lyle Smith, who played a little as sophomores last year, and got in some competition may be the regu lars. Tom Stidham, though, is try ing Bill Jennings, a very capable back, and Cliff Speegle, an out standing center, at end. That indi cates either that Stidham thinks the end situation is pretty acute, or that the Sooners have backs and centers to spare. What with Matthews, Jacobs, Martin and : few more returning in the back field, and with Marsee and Wood back as centers, the Sooner coach can at least afford to experiment during spring drills. Ray Prochaaka and Fred Pres ton, two major lettermen return ing for the Huskers, have been playing regularly for the Harvard squad, and look like the starters next fall. The Husker ends, with the exception of Bob Ludwick, lack speed, and the coaching staff has been shifting the ends around fast and furiously to find someone to pair up with the ex-Lincoln high player, who turned in a good de fensive game Saturday. The First Annuel j one Lu::cfop.D AND 44IS 0C4STA MftWsAt M4CflM rs 'Admhsiont $1.50 per Couple UNIVERSITY COLISEUM Tickets on Sal Uni. Drug, Student Union, Mage'. Harvard's last quarter drive failed to overtake the Yales yes terday, and the Eli's edged out a 14 to 13 victory as Warren Alf son's placement after his touch down sailed wide of the bars. Bob Kahler scored twice for the Yales, then Butch Luther ran 40 yards for a Harvard touchdown, and Alfson blocked nnd recovered John Thomp son's punt for a score. That left the socle 14 to 13, Harry Uopp having convert ed both Yale BOB KAHLER journal A Stnr. touchdowns ,as did Alfson for the Harvards, but the Red guard couldn't tie the score, as just be fore Biff Jones sent the two teams to the showers. One drive halted. The Yale firsts started against the Harvard seconds, and with Harry Hopp and Vike Francis playing the leading roles, got to the Reds, but were stopped for downs there. Dale Bradley, tho, punted into the stiff wind for the Eli's, and the ball went out of bounds on the 15. Harry Hopp from that point pitched one to Bob Kahler who got the first Yale touchdown, then kicked the extra point. Later in the same period after Bradley had kicked out of bounds on his own 42 the Eli's started their second scoring drive. A pass from Hopp to Bus Knight, and two consecutive first downs by plunging Vike Francis, who was ripping things up, put the ball on the Reds' 8. From that point Mr. Kahler went into action again, and scored on a reverse. Hop padded the sec ond extra point. The Biffer sent in hia first Har vard team against the Yale sec onds, and early in the period Butch Luther got away for a 25 yard run to the Eli 36 for the Har vards. Don Rubottom passed to him for a first down on the Z6, another pass took it to the 18 and Wayne Blue made it a first and ten on the 14. Blue couldn't get his hands on a bad pass from center, and Willard Bunker recov ered it on the 20 for the Reds to stop the first threat. John Thompson punted out on his own 42 three plays later Luther got two yards on a reverse then took the ball from Blue on a reverse through tackle and sped 40 yards for the first Harvard touchdown. Alfson made the extra point. Hold for downs. The second Harvard score came after the Yales had held the Reds for downs on the four yard line Don Rubottom had punted over the goal, and he returned John Thompson's punt back to the Yale's 45. Two Rubottom passes were knocked down, then Wayne Sindt, subbing for Walt Luther, whipped around end on a reverse to the 18. Rubottom went to the 14, but a fumble put the ball back on the 27. Rubottom then shot one toward Ray Prochaaka in the end "M" CLUB amboree! with Sepia King of Swing FRIDAY, APRIL 19 3 mH Softbollers start despite bad weather Seven games played yesterday; 21 Barb clubs enter tourney Seven intramural Softball games ere run off yesterday, despite the cold weather, in the first day's competition in the year's last sport. Phi Gamma Delta piled up the biggest score of the day, as they walloped Phi Sigma Kappa, 23 to in a League 5 game. In another tiit in the same league, Farm House put on a 6-run splurge in the fourth to beat the Delts, 7 to 2. Only one League 4 game was played, as the DU's edged out Pi K. A., 10 to 9. Pi Kappa Alpha got threer uns in the last inning, but could not overtake the DU's. John Stoddard pitched the Bet's to a 5 to 2 win over Kappa Sigma, holding the losers scoreless except in the fourth. Sullivan pitched for the losers. In another League 3 game, Sigma Alpha Mu walloped Sigma Chi, 11 to 4, getting 5 runs in the third and four in the fourth frame. The Phi Delta got nine runs in the third and fourth innigs to beat the Sigma Nu's 13 to 5 behind pitcher Bill Ryan. In the day's other game, also in League 2, the Acavia's put on a four run rally in the fourth to beat Sigma Psi, to 4. The Beta Sigs countered with three in the fifth, but couldn't beat the Acacia's. Twenty-one teams have entered Barb play, as entries closed yes terday. Schedules will be made out, and play will begin April 17. Teams entered are Y. M. C. A., Cornhusker Coop, ACBC, Baldwin Hall, Union Leaders, Tappa Kegga, Brown Derbies, 330 Athletic Club, Stratford Hall, Pawnee Club, Cornshellers, Johnson Hall. KKK, Blue Heaven, Termites Dirty Irish, Comamnders, Dark Horse, Hoosier Hot Shots, G-men, Juggernauts. Spring practice begins for cage candidates Nearly a score of candidates re ported last night to Coach W. H. Browne for the first spring basket ball drills of the year. Browne explained and demon strated plays to the cage candi dates, then sent several teams thru a scrimmage, in which he alternated the different fives. Drills will continue thruout this month until the early part of May. Next session ia set for Wednesday night of next week. zone, but Jones ruled interference on the pass, and it was the Reds' ball on the four with four downs to cross the goal. The Blue line dug in, though, as Wayne Blue and Rubottom netted exactly no gain in four tries at the Eli's for ward wall. Ken Simmons' plunging and an offside penalty got the Yales out to the 16, but Alfson came charg ing in to block John Thompson's fourth down put, recover the ball and make the score 14-13. Alfson then missed the extra point, and Jones sent in his two third teams to end up the scrimmage. I M Numeral wrestle bouts continue The all university numeral wres tles got under way Wednesday, with the heavyweights turning in the feautre matches. Merb Jack man pinned Elmer Wake in the day's fastest time, 32 seconds, while it took SUn Licdtke only three seconds longer to earn a fall from Sid Wachtel. The firing continues Thursday and Friday. Results: 121 pounds: Hank knight pinned Stan McGill, 4:22. L. Rickey and Knight remaining. 128 pounds: Warren Brainard decisioned Sam Long; Donn Curt wright decisioned Casey Kimball. Brainard, Curttwight and Marvin Brogen remaining. 136 pounds: Ray Shaw pinned Neale Munson, 2:35. Shaw, Bur dette Hall, Dale Hunt, Ken Miller and Lyle Clark remaining. 145 pounds: Roger Anderson pinned Von Skovgaard, 2:10; Max Mertz decisioned Ken Kinney; Ralph Johnson pinned Norris Swan, 2:04. Anderson, Mertz, Johnson and Ernie Lauver remain ing. 155 pounds: Ken Hus3enmiller pinned Jack DeBusk, 4:18; Ray Crawford pinned Jack Paulson; 4:40. Huseiniller, Crawford, Pat Carper, Gene Bradley and John Nueman remaining. 165 pounds: Bob McCloud de cisioned Miles Cadwallader; Fos ter Smith pinned Leo McKeon, 2:24; Floyd Ring pinned Harry Riley, 2:55. McCloud, Smith and Ring remaining. 175 pounds: Bob Cooper deci sioned Jack Hazen. Cooper, Bill Kiestcr and Marv Swartzman re maining. Heavyweight: Bill Rumbolx de cisioned Dick Karrie; Herb Jack- man pinned Elmer Wake, 32 sec onds; Stan Liedtke pinned Sid Wachtel. Rumbojz, Jackman, Bob Mc Nutt. Liedtke, Jack Furgeson, Marion Marrod and Cliff Jepper- son remaining. It's something Coca-Cola gives that millions have liked for more than fifty years, a happy after-sense of com plete refreshment that adds to your enjoyment of ice-cold Coca-Cola. No wonder people the world over say: get a Coca-Cola, and get the feel of refreshment. t rciresnmeni. xiiil.lln-f.v V THE PAUSE THAT R E F ft yS Bottled wkJm kixhorirr oi Tb Coca-CoU Co. by I LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS 2120 G St. N Ph. 2-5337 AC BC's win Barb crown in ping pong The Aff college Boarding club won the 1910 barb ping pong championship last night as tliey defeated Browning club in the finals, four matches to one. The ACBC team blanked tho Cornhusker Co-Op, 5-0 in one semifinal, while the BrowningjL shut out the Regular Fellows ujJjI the other bracket. Members of the winning team are Dwight Lambert, Preston Tiel stick, Harold Chapman, Carson Doering and Gerald Voigt. Playing for the Browning team were Leon- , ard Chadek. Steve Browning, John Tilner, Fred Henson and Mel Gottsche. Handball semifinals scheduled tonight are slated tonight as Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Alpha Mu go into the next-to-last round. ATO beat Acacia, 3 to 2 in the quarterfinals, and will face the Sigma Nu's who beat the Beta's by a like score. I CLASSIFIED i . . . 10c Per Line . . LOST Alpha Chi Omeca pin. I.ost on campus ensraved V. Kohler. Reward. Jean Holtz, phone 3-4412. NU-WAY SHOE REPAIR AND HAT WORKS We repair shoes with the new method. Our price are always reasonable. 138 So. 13th 2-4490 WC DCLIVCR mm) Kilt ti e- ' i