1 I THE DAILY NEBRASKAM Thursday, April H, 1940 Union offers collegians recreation facilities Represents eight years of struggle Today on these two pages are stories of the Union, and what it has to offer the student who will take the trouble to use its facil ities, but behind its . luxurious quarters is a story of eight long years of struggle for the realiza tion of a dream so that the stu dent of today could enjoy a Stu dent Union. The honor roll of those who made the Union more than a "pipe deam" includes: Ray Ramsay, Os car Norling, Elmont Waite, Bill McCleery, Robert Thiel, Jack Fischer, Irving Hill, Ed Murray, Arnold Levin, Ralph Reeder, Al Moseman, Senator George Norris, Congressman Henry Luckey, Chancellor Emeritus E. A. Bur nett, State PWA Administrator John Latenser. and President Roosevelt. Ramsay starts move. Ray Ramsay, the then alumni secretary, and Oscar Norling, eu itor of the DAILY, began the drive for a Union in 1930. First con etructive step came a few months later when the Alumni council ap pointed a student union commit tee. Under the direction of Ram say a series of articles, running over a three year period, were prepared and ran in the DAILY and the "Nebraska Alumnus." Then the Innocents took up the fight and Ramsay and. the presi dent of the honorary, Bill Mc Cleery. went to the University of Missouri campus to inspect their new Union. Questionnaires and in quiries were sent to all colleges with Unions. Robert Thiel. as head of the committee, made investigations, and found a number of legal bar riers that would have to be re moved before the Union could be built. In 136 the Student Council took up the fight and under presi dent Irving Hill and with the aid of the board of regents indicated that there might be a possibility of removing the legal barriers Meanwhile the committee did all In its power to keep student in terest in the project alive. Students willing to pay. . Jack Fi3cher, DAILY editor, an nounced In November, 1935, that Petitions circulated among stu dents indicated that they would be willing to pay a small fee to defray the cost of maintenance. A similar survey among alumni disclosed that they would furnish the building. Then Nebraska's representatives at Washington went to work to get the WPA endorsement of the Union plan. The next phase in the history of the Union was the approval by the regents of the petition for secur ing the federal funds. This oc curred Friday, Feb. 14, 1936. The greater part of the struggle was over. On Oct. 23, 1936, the DAILY an nounced that a $180,000 assured a new Union for the university. The issue that day was given over entirely to discussion of the new building its architecture, uses and history of the drive up to that time. Construction Interrupted. Actural construction was inter rupted and the builders had to postpone the date o. its comple tion. On May 4, 1938, the build ing opened with a grand open house ceremony. The DAILY put out a special 12 page edition to celebrate, the event. The edition carried the history of the struggle of the Union up to that date. The following night Orrin Tuck er played the first "name band" dance in the ballroom. Since that time the activities of the building have increased, and the value of the Union to the student body has increased a hundred fold. Huskcrs approve Harmony Hours Over 60 percent of students at tending the Sinfonia Harmony Hours in the Union are boys and over hO percent are not School of Music students, according to Union surveys. Tschaikowsky Is generally the most popular composer though re quests for Ravel's "Bolero" top the list. "Val.se Trlste" by Sibelius, "Rhapsody in Blue" by Gershwin, the Nutcracker Suite run close behind. Strauss, Beethoven, and Wagner are also in demand. Through these doors trZ M i,J, I I f ; q M . : h - Mi p7 n ly.'1 I k I I i I 111 A . n : I j I I I T .r M 1fTn TliTfW lif i J Thru these doors hundreds of university students pass every day in search of entertain ment, in search of a place to play and profit ably spend their leisure time. Here away from the atmosphere of the classroom they can relax and use their leisure hours in the pursuits of simple pleasures. For this privilege all stu dents enrolled in the university pay an annual fee of 6 dollars to help maintain the building and earry on its program. AM students enrolled in the university pay the fee, but many do not take advantage of Courty Lincoln Journal and 8(ar. what the Union has to offer. Student and fae ulty leaders of the past dreamed and struggled so that the student of today might be able to enjoy such a building. On these two pages is recounted the story of that eight year struggle as well as the stories of what the Union has done in its 2.'J months of existence and what it plans to do in the future. Here are outlined some of the things the Union offers the stu dent if he will only take the trouble to drop in and take advantage of the facilities pro vided for his use. Inquiring Reporter finds .. . Student plans for use of new building went the way of all good resolutions By Bob Aldrich. The average student uses the Student Union only about an hour every day, according to the In quiring Reporter's survey made Wednesday, and the lounge is the most used feature of the building with the grill taking second place. The result of a sampling of opin ion as to the Union's advantages levealed that most students drop into the lounge or grill for a few minutes between classes to rest, coke, or play cards or ping pong or perhaps read in the Book Nook but I still think a library would have been the better thing to build," another said. "Recreation, some study, caking, and other so cial activities will be the essence of my sojourns," a third prophe sied. "By caking, I don't mean necessarily that a girl has tJ have a date to go caking. Two or three girls can go a-caking and have The noon hour heaviest traffic. sees by far the Students plan. . . On May A, 1938, the day the Union was opened to students, the Inquiring Reporter asked ten peo ple how they intended to utilize the building. The principal differ ence between the enthusiastic plans made then and the way they are carried out today seems to be that many students planned to do most of their studying in the Union. Rome people do study there, of course, but the library still holds first place as a study center. Social activities. "Coking, parties, other social activities, and studying will be my main interests in the Union," one of the questioned ones replied two years ago. "The Union's o. k. Program includes fine arts classes and exhibits An attempt to develop student appreciation of art has been made by the Union thru its many ex hibits, Htudcnt projects and hobby groups. With the co-operation of the De partment of Art, photographic and student art work has been dis played in the Book Nook. Two ex hibits of the picture of the month and a representative student painting have been hung in the main hall. A sketch class, carving and modelling have offered free ma terials and instruction to students, not in the hope of awakening latent genius, but with the Idea of creating an active interest in art. just as much fun as when they are dating. Personally I think the new Union Is Just as Important as a new library would have been." "I think the building will be a better place to gather in friendly groups thnn cheap drug stores and beer joints," one student said. Others rated the ballroom as the most important feature. But vvlnt do students do in the Union? Well, Joe College (yes, he's still going to school) whips over right after history class. If he hasn't got a date he drops into the lounge and looks for his friends. After joining them in a general bull session for a few min utes he drifts into the grill for a coke. Joe has an hour to kill be fore ec class so he persuades a couple of pals to play ping pong. Aftenvard Joe may get in a game in the card room or pick up the latest befit seller In the Book Nook. Of the ten questioned Wednes day, four said they averaged an hour a day in the Union. Two students estimated their stay al three hours, another at nine to ten hours a week. Two Huid re spectively, "once a week" and "about an hour a week" and the tenth was an ng student who said she veiy seldom came to the Union. Student fees pay expenses of activities Each student at the university spends six dollars a year for the use of the Union. This fee, In case you are interested, is divided up and used to finance various fea tures and activities of the Union, the complete cost of which is ap proximately $39,000. Union expenses are divided Into seven groups. They are: general operating expense, equipment maintenance and depreciation re serve, activities fund, wages and salaries, new equipment and build ing improvements, special furni ture retirement fund, and principal and interest on loan. Catering costs extra The catering department does not share in the allotment of stu dent me' Kciship fees, and must therefc e be self-supporting. General operating expenses cost $2,000 and includes things such as office supplies, bookkeeping forms, stationery, postage, advertising, Insurance, auditing charges, book, and magazine subscriptions. Another $2,000 goes for th equipment maintenance and depre ciation reserve. Money is set aside each year to replace in the fu ture and keeD in current repair all equipment not used in the catering department. Activities fund takes $2,700. The Union program of dances, hobby groups, recitals, lectures, shows, etc., are paid for from this ap propriation. Any income from dances or other functions is added to the fund, and expenses in turn are deducted. $9,000 for salaries Nine thousand dollars go to page wages and salaries. This in cludes the salaries of the director and office staff, bookkeepers, ac tivity managers, extra custodians, checkers, and all other student employes not working in the cater ing department. Set aside for new equipment and building improvements is $1,300. The amounts spent for ntw equipment and for building im provements are specifically ap propriated by the board of man agers. The special furniture retirement fund requires $4,000 from which unpaid balances on furniture and equipment in the Union are paid off in yearly installments. Eighteen thousand dollars is for principle- and interest payment on the loan. The building was partly paid for by a government grant, and other necessary money was borrowed from a bank. Approxi mately $18,000 will be paid back annually until and Including 1952. No profit on food In the catering department which is self-supporting, food Is priced on a non-profit basis, but it must bring enough income to pay for the food, the preparation and service expenses, and to carry insurance, to lepair and replace equipment, and to pay all other expenses regularly assumed by a catering unit. The catering department In cludes the cafeteria, the Corn Crib, the faculty dining room, and all of the banquet and party serv ice. A manager supervises this de partment, and the food is prepared by a full time staff. As many Jobs as can be handled by stu dents are filled accordingly, ami approximately one hundred earn meals waiting tables, washing dishes, cleaning, and doing other woi k. The student's six dollars pio vides t he maintenance of many activities, services, and conveni ences. There is free checking for clothes and books from 8 a. in. to closing time daily. A Postal Tele graph and Western Union station is provided at the office desk. All campus and alumni organizations may held meetings at no cl.nite. The travel burenu provides h dealing house for rides home at vacation times. The ticket selling service sells tickets to nil campus functions, ex cept athktic activities, at t lit office desk. Lounge rooms arc provided. The cafttera Is open for lunch and dinner every day. At the Ct i n Crib there are hot and cold plate lunches and fountain service every day. Open for luncheon Monday thru Fiiday is the faculty dining ro(jni on the second floor wl.eie hot and cold plate lunches are served. A lost and found department for (See ACTIVITIES, page 5.) I