Thursday, April If." 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN- x - St II f 1 :, !, ' - " ! ' - f ?s r " " 1 ,,,ii, in ;", ' .,mii..:, JZ i ..: S . ' '"""" - , ii 11 1 n . 11 11 T w:-,si' Weii(, He knew vhcrt they'd ind in Shaf eld cowhide trunk YOUNG HEIRS MIGHT BE SUPRISFD-but he knew the fortune that was paid the Hawkins when the railroad came through in 78 and how they never spent or banked a cent of it. The old-time country editor wai like that. He knew his county like the back of his hand, from the secret thoughts of the supervisors to the last thank-you-marm oa a dead-end road. He knew every man, woman, and child and their Great-Aunt Nellie who ran off with the lightning rod agent He knew the story of every yellow old record io the courthouse and what the boys were laughing at in the livery stable last Sunday. He knew what chance the town had of getting that button factory, and why the parsonage would have a new tenant sooa. The people he' wrote for were nut as much an open book to him as the news he wrote for them. He wasn't being quaint when he put the results of the school spelldown on page one, or filled five pages with country correspondence. That was meat and drink to the folks out on the R.F.D. routes far more important than the Doer War of wa silver at 16 to 1-and he knew it. That old-time country editor had trP com plete, integrated understanding of all the newt of his locality, and the whole of the mind for which it was written. And his formula, "the nearer the news, the bigger," was essentially the formula of all old-time journalism in the big cities, as well as in the county seats. But when Dewey entered Manila Day and boy in bicycle'shops began tinkering with the front ends of buggies, the old order began to pass away. The great, complex world forced itself into the affairs and thoughts of easy-going, tarn-of -century America. Economics, world politics, finance, industrial man agement, material resources, labor, social theory they all began to matter somehow. They got you into wars and strikes and hard times. Science be gan to matter when diphtheria and t.b. were found not to be acts of God. Art began to matter when your daughter came back from Paris or Peoria call ing you a Philistine. America's mind, stretching, pushing out its ho rizons, called for more news . . . more kinds of news... news from beyond the railroad depot. And the news poured in from the just-hatched wire services, from specialists of all kinds, from the syndicates, the feature writers, the correspondents. Soon the old one-man grasp was gone. The tor rent of news was too great and too swift, its sources too many and too remote, for any one man to han dle and absorb it all. And if the editor was swamped, the reader was drowned. In self-defense, he learned to pick his way about his newspaper, snatching a bit here and a bit there, mostly according to the ingenuity of the headline-writer. Often he missed news of impor tance; often he failed to see what a series of day-by-day stories adkd up to in the end. There was a crying need for a new experiment in journalism. A need for some body with n national view point free from the pres sure of daily and hourly deadlines to bring the news together so that the intelli gent reader could get its es sentials, grasp them, make them his own. That somebody turned out to be The Weekly Newsmagazine. With its advantage of time for re flection and discussion, the Newsmagazine made this task its single-minded purpose. It set out to do the country editor's job with a world-wide scope and on a national scale. . . .To take all the week's news and make the pic ture make sense to the average intelligent Amer ican. To set it against a fully comprehended back ground. To write it vividly, compactly, forcefully . . . with full appreciation of the mind for which it is intended . . . with the touch of human under standing that brings people and events to moving, breathing life. The Newsmagazine is written by experts, but never for experts. No story in TIME can go gallop ing off on a hobby; it must be paced firmly and smoothly to the brisk stride of the whole magazine, whether the subject is world affairs or politics, or business or finance, or medicine, religion, or th arts. That is why TIME smt to be written by one man, who knows TIME readers as the old-time coun try editor knew the folks in his county. That is why the average TIME reader starts at the begin ning and goes through to the end, feeling that every line gives him something that he wants and needs and can use. This il one of a seriei of ndvenijemenu in which the Editors of TIMS hope to give Colle k Students a clearer picture of the world of newt, gtthuring, news-writing, arul news-reading and the part TIMS plays helping you to grasp, meaiure, and uie the history of your lifetime as you lire the story of your life. fftTIME r t ti r lt r r? u 1 vr ..! rmnitiMiitir n .. Ill C UCKLI HUf jMfluAtlU t m:.- - -,"'h - - -'- Ji t - - in sr - 1 ' - -'-"-"'-v.- 1 .