Thursday, April 1 1 , 1940 Editorial Opinion Comment Bulletin' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Daily Nedmsimk 0icia Newwap 0 Mott Than 7.000 Wants THIRTY. NINTH YEAR Offices Union Building Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal -2-3333 um KAr Aocnri.itpri ln I at Prpsl. 1Q39..40 Menib;r Nebraska Press Association, 1939-40 Representsd for National Advert'sing by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERV.'E, INC. 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco Published Daily during th school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by stu dents of the University of Nebraska, under supervision of the Publications Board. Subscription Rates are S1..O0 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents. En tered as second-class matter at the postoffice In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, Authorized January 20, 1922. Editor-in-Chief Richard deBrowr. Business Manager. Arthur Hill EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Managing Editors Clyde Martz, Norman Hrrls News Editors. Chris Petersen, Luclle Thomas, Paul Svoboda, Mary Kerrigan, MorUn Margolin Sports Editor June Bierbower Ag Editor Lo Cooksley Star reporters this month . . Ralph Combs, Alex Mills. Don Bower, Bob Schlater, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Assistant Bi'ainess Managers. .. .Burton Thiel, Ed Segrkt Circulation Manager Lowell Michael A I.I. DAII.T anslirarri editorial are the opinion of the editors. Their views or opinions In no way reflect tb IM tude of the admlnlatration of the university. Much bugaboo about picnics It is refreshing to note that whereat spring in Europe means primarily opportunity to carry on more extensive military maneuvers and kill more men, in the United States and at the University of Nebraska, in particular, spring still means the chance to get out-of-doors after the confine ment of winter and, in particular again, picnics. This spring the campus has been disturbed by a grapevine rumor which in its more exaggerated form suggested that every time two or three couples decided to go on a picnic, they were to be expected by university authorities to take along a chaperon or two. Naturally such a suggestion aroused both vigorous protests and some amuse ment. Imagine chaperones, who have a boring enough time at formats and house parties, being forced to go on picnics where at best they could earn only colds and stiff joints from sitting on the ground, and be gastronomically unsettled by half-cooked weiners, burned marshmallows, and sweet pickles. However, the DAILY Is pleased to report that threat of such action is not true. No change has been instituted or is contemplated by the office of the Dean of Women. Now there is a rule long on the books which requires proper approval and chaperoneage for social functions sponsored by or ganisations, a rule which Is always followed with out question for house parties and dances. To be sure, this rule is equally applicable to picnics, but it refers to picnics which are obviously sponsored by an organization rather than a few individuals to go on a picnic together with their dates, in effect they constitute a sufficient number of the members to make the picnic appear to be an organization af fair, and they can be expected to follow official rule six. But if three or four friends get together for a picnic, no one, least of all the Dean of Women, expects them to file written notice two days ahead and invite chaperones. In the last analysis its simply a matter of common sense consideration whether or not an affair is subject to such regulations and the situation there is no difference this year than it has been in the past. So In case anyone Has been worrying about some sinister administrative move to curb stu dent fun and trample on ir llvidual rights, the answer is forget ft. And if you cant forget tt any other way, gather up a few friends, some weiners, marshmallows, and sweet pickles, and try the effect of some fresh, country air yes, without chaperones. Keeping up with the news The third page of today's DAILY carries the fourth in a series of advertisements by Time maga zine designed to give a clearer picture of the world of news-gathering, news-writing, and news-reading. Time is a distinctive forerunner in that group of publications which aim "to help readers to grasp, measure, and use the history of their lifetime while they live the story of their life.'" Living in a world so full of daily events of history-making events, and in an era when news of these events all over the world are transmitted lmost instantly to any one given point, citizens today need all the aid they can obtain to keep from being confused by the mass YkwA. dfoundupL By Klorbert Mahnken ELECTION POST-MORTEMS. There were few surprises in the results of the primary elections in Nebraska and Illinois. Per haps the most surprised persons were Garner and Burke. The result of the Illinois voting must have been quite a shock to the supporters of the vice president. In spite of a vigorous campaign by the followers of the southern democratic leader the final tabulation of the votes showed President Roose velt leading Garner by 6 to 1. If Garner at any time entertained serious thoughts of the presidency, this evidence of popular feeling should make him forget the idea. Nebraska's Senator Burke apparently mis judged the political literacy of the Nebraska democrats. In spite of vigorous support from various quarters, Burke lost in the democratic primary to Governor Cochran by more than 20,000 votes. Burke's political strategy, which led him to speak and vote one way in Washington, and then to return home and appear on the other side of the political fence as a shining liberal, backfired. Likewise the none-too-secret support which the republicans offered proved more of a drag than an aid. Cochran's opponent in the No vember election will be Hugh Butler, who fin ished with a closing rush to win over Weaver who was campaigning with the Implied support of Senator Geo. Norris. The fall campaign for the governorship has all the elements of a political joke in it. While the results are still in doubt, it appears that Terrible Terry Carpenter, Scottsbluff's gas-selling business man has fith his smooth radio announcers, western music, and state liquor control plan caught the at tention of a sufficiently large number of voters to win the democratic nomination. His opponent will be Dwight Griswold, who has three times run for the same office, and has come in second more often than Glenn Cunningham during the current Indoor season. Perhaps nothing succeeds like a tradition of defeat, or possibly kind-hearted Nebraskan will give' in at last. Racket-buster Dewey caught the ears of enough voters to top Vandenberg, but perhaps the most surprising thing is the number of votes which the Michigan senator polled after a half hearted campaign. A real fight appears in the offing at the No vember elections, with the possibility that Ne braska may go into the republican column. Total votes for the governorship show that around 15,000 more votes were cast for the republican candidates than the democratic. Considering the fact that Nebraskans are prone to be more re publican in the state than in the national elec tions, one can easily see a real battle in the fall. And finally, when in doubt as to what to do, vote for a Johnson there are only four of them among the seven nominees for state offices on the republican ticket. RULERS OF THE SEA. The British navy, altho no one seems to know just where it is, appears to be getting the better of the current clashes with the Germans. The Iom of the two destroyer at Narvik is more than bal anced by the admitted destruction of two German cruisers. The British can stand the loss of two destroyers, of which they have almost 300, better than the German, who had but 30 cruisers com missioned at the outbreak of the war 8 heavy cruisers, Including the Graf Spee, destroyed at Montevideo, and two other pocket battleships, and 12 light cruisers. Numerous unverified reports have indicated that as the result of the various Isolated clashes which seem to be waging other German vessels have been sent down. One report from Stock holm which seems well authenticated Indicates that three troop transports and several German destroyers were destroyed by the light British craft which fought their way Into the strategic Skagerrak. Since accurate information becomes the first casualty In any war, it must be ad mitted that it is extremely difficult to determine the actual results of current activity. of material constantly thrust before their eyes. It is difficult to conceive of any other time In history when the organization of truthful, accurate, clear, and concise news of current happenings was a task more heroic or more important Complete bound copies of this Interesting ad vertising series by Time may be obtained by any reader who will give his name and address to the DAILY, one of the few national publications (either city or college) In which the news maga alne has placed this advertising campaign. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL BULLETIN Tills bulletin Is for the use of campus organizations, students and faculty members Notices for the bulletin must be sent or brounht to the DAILY office by 5 P m every day lor Insertion In the paper the following morning. Notices must be typed or legibly written nnrt slKned by some one witli the authority to have the notice published. The bulletin will appear, dully except Monday and Saturday, on page two of the NEBRASKAN. TODAY SAE MOTHERS 1MB. Klirma Alpha Kimllon mother's rluh will nirrt In parlor X of the Union at 1 p. m. B1NEON1A. Klnfonla will meet at noon In parlor Z t Mm I nlon. mi SIGMA IOTA, ral slims lota will nwl at 7:W p. at. mi parlors XI L of the I nlon. OA MM A LAMBDA, ri Mil KI'MIAIN. 11 Ma Knsllon will meet at 7:15 p. m. In Merhanrlal Arts 507. Q. 8. Maypv will aiscumi the "cueiiduM AiKortthm." All students are invited. Members of linn una l.nibd will me Inr room SIS of the I'nloa at 6 p. m, NHKTIH CI.AHS. I nlon sketch elass will meet la SIS of I lie Union at 4 p. m. FRIDAY BARB DANCE. Harb I nlon will hold a danea ka laa I a ton ballroom at 8 p. na. DEBATE TOURNEY. JNrbraskn state High Hchoot debate loan, ney will begin In tha Union at I a. ai. Graduates from 33 states apply for NU assistantships Graduates of 100 institutions of higher learning from 33 states, Canada, Puerto Rico and Austria have applied for graduate assist antships at the university next year, it was revealed in a check of the applications, now on file in the office of Dean Harold W. Stoke. The arts college with its many large departments leads the list in the number of applications. Eighty-seven schools, 31 states and Puerto Rico are represented in the applications. The depart ment of chemistry alone has re ceived inquiries from more than 100 students in 27 states. Next comes business adminis tration with a representation of 17 schools, 10 states, Canada and Vienna. Students from nine schools in eight states and Canada, are seeking graduate fellowships in the college of agriculture next year. The teachers college appli cations are from seven schools located in four states and Austria. k V Vv ''rtVC " " WHtit--.Tf. . t .ffmri 1 rte u 7 'T