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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1940)
i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 20, 1940 Gadgets ... Gay flowers 'rt glass bubbles are your new spring baubles By Elizabeth Clark. "Everything from your mother's old cook stove to your little brother's winter underwear," is the way one fashion magazine de scribes what the girls will be wearing this year in the way of gadgets. And the girls take this literally. Among the cuter things seen around and about on the spring clothes that blossom out with the warm weather is Alpha Chi Ar lene Grandmougin's red-tipped cigaret with a miniature package of matches attached. She wears this on the lapel of her Alice blue suit. Gay flower necklaces Featured at many of the local stores this spring are necklaces of gay spring flowers with earrings to match. The sets are perfect for that dressy look on cool spring days. In the fashion limelight again this spring are the great big brooches like your grandmother used to have. If by any chance you can dig around in the attic and find an old-fashioned sunbrust brooch your march in the Easter parade will have an extra note of chic. Mary Anna Cockle, Tri Delt, joins the ever-growing fad for something, anything on your lapel by wearing an amber hoop on her siatc grey coat. Through the hoop conje amber leaves, and the boat is trimmed with matching amber buttons. We've tired of war theme. "War, war, war," is the general cry, and everybody is tired of hearing about it. Fashion de signers, ever cognizant of the trend of public opinion, have taken the cry for what it's worth, and done away with the military did-doos so evident in late winter fashions. Only vestiges of it in spring gadgets are big gold but tons, which civilians always imagine soldiers wear, and on some suits braid across the shoulders. But military insignia and epaulets as things of the past as far as pins and trimmings are concerned. Designers of costume jewelry this spring have explored all kinds of materials, including glass, tin and wood. The wood is whim sically employed in little wooden trees that bear enameled fruit, and to little wooden animals that blink jeweled eyes. Porcelain li prominent. Porcelain, too, figures promi nently in the fashion light of to day, and is sculptured into flower The first book purchased by the University of Texas library was a concordance of the Bible. Havcrford college has a new program to train students in work of relief, rehabilitation and social reconstruction. C. A. A. pilot training students have flown 80,000 hours without a serious accident. Some 3,700 stu dents have soloed. John Held, jr., famed cartoonist. Is now an artist-in-residence at Harvard university. Lowell's Jewelry Stores Three Convenient Locations 143 So. 12th 2-4380 1923 O St. 6104 Havelock Ave. Watch Mainspring OR l.KANINO Lowells. Unmln jm larirM watrh repair T I A nrrylw, now nffrr yna II I I new low rain on M Ww raarnntrrd fine watch II repairing. WalrhM nrw 11 and v1. t'r'M"' 1& and 35c. 'iHivaaaiHaas Notics th chic, frtth appear onct ot your coal whtn wi cUan it. You'll b delightiuly surprised at how much longer it slays trim and cUari due to our correct cleaning methods. Modern Cleaners Soukup 4. Westover 21 & G Call 3-2377 "36th Year In Lincoln" and matching earrings, or hung on bracelets to make jangles. Among the cuter of the brace lets is Pi Phi Charlotte Stahl's. Hung on a tiny silver chain are a little well with a bucket that rolls up and down, a pump handle that really pumps, and a little peanut that opens up to let two smaller peanuts roll out. Globules of glass are still being blown at a high rate of speed to meet the fashion demand for the irridescent bubbles. Jean MinnicK, Kappa, features a whole string of them hung from a glass chain, and a matching bracelet. The tiny glass bubbles catch the light and twinkle in the sunshine. Tiny Jack and Jill. And for her new spring en semble, Shirley Faytinger, Pi Phi, wearse a tiny Jack and Jill, gay in red and blue, which tumble down with grace and decorum while rhinestone water runs glintingly out of the historic pail. And when she bought it, she had a hard time deciding among the Jack and Jill, Punchinello, with a beaming moonstone face, dancing with re finement on a silver chain, and 8 tiny lamb cuddled in a blanket. And Betty Jackson, Theta, can amuse herself all spring with a silver charm bracelet (silver is once again high in the favor of jewelry designers) from which jingle a little dice container with dice that really come out, and a silver lipstick container that actually holds lipstick. Flowers favored. Flowers, nice as nice can be, are again high in favor to wear on the In pel, and the daintier they are the better. So many a girl on Eatser morn will swing along with tiny sprays of lilies-of-the-vallcy or dainty violets. And some of the flowers hold tiny perfume con tainers with the scent of the flower they're hidden in, so they really smell, too, and are just like real flowers except that they don't wilt. And earrings, for so long taboo, are again back to dress up the straight suits and coats. But they're not the big kind. Tiny, dainty and feminine is the rule of the day. Bright birds. For the more sophisticated many fashion magazines feature brightly jeweled birds, but for the college girl they seem sligtly im practical and a little bit over done. Turbans, ever so bright and gay, too, are held by all kinds of gadget", to get away from that plain, "just put on because it's so easy" look. So, fair lady, dress to suit your taste, and add originality and dash with a gay, individual bit of jewelry. New nylon hose to go on market here in May Attention coeds! The new nylon hosiery that you have heard so much about has at last been put on the .market and will be available in the leading Lincoln department stores the middle of May in limited quantities. Although coal, aid, and water may be only that and nothing more to you, DuPont laboratories have produced from that combination a new fabric which is supposed to be run and wear-resistant, and will produce a sheer, four-thread stocking retailing at about $1.35 a pair. Nylon is neither a rayon nor a synthetic silk; in fact, there is no exact chemical counterpart for it existing in nature. Nylon not a trademark. The DuPont company stated that the name nylon is not a regis tered trademark, and the letters have no special significance. The name invented for the new product arose from a desire to adopt some thing entirely different from ex isting dictionary words. The termination "on" was used because it seems to denote a fabric, as for instance in cotton and rayon. Because hosiery manufacturer believe that women prefer sheer mrchamiise and consider appear ance before service, they are ex perimenting with measures to strengthen these delicate fabrics. Two measures have been very suc cessful. One is a tightly-twisted fibre which lends a crepey effect that appeals to women; the other is a strotch-top ' achieved by an elastic yarn feature, by means of which the stocking adjusts itself to the flexing of the knee. Measured stockings. Attention is also being given to "measured" stockings. Certain manufacturers produce a great number of lengths and circumfer ences to suit figures from petite to very tall, and the snlesclerk. after PAILY Muff Photo. '"i-"'imk ' i" " HOLLY SHURTLEFF. Alnha Phi candidate for Best Dressed , the client, sells her the hose de- Girl, wears a silk jersey evening d ress for spring from Hovland- j signed for her proportions. Swanson s. The skirt of the dress is of small red and white checks l - and the waist is of plain white. An added feature is the white hood lined with the same material as the skirt. Detail on the waist is the V-neckline and the buttons down the front. Ill , . . "" "1 tv -1 ft- I 1 i 'S. -,. : : " r I I" li 3 ' HI ' ' :.MH .. .. .. f I i .1 . " .1 11 I- . l ; -, . : r i I ,,.,... , , , , ...,J Uni 4-H to revise constitution An important meeting of the university 4-H club is scheduled for Tuesday night, March 19, at 7:00 o'clock in room 306 Ag hall. Two major items to be taken care of at this meeting are the ques tion of a 4-H club party, and the reading of the revised constitution. Some mention was made about a party at the last meeting, and the club officials wish to settle the matter definitely. The revised constitution must be voted upon and accepted or rejected, but no vote will be valid unless a majority of the 4-H club members are pres ent to vote. After the business meeting, Guy Davis will give a short speech. All members of the university 4-H club are requested to attend this meeting. Spring parties turn all thoughts to formals Suiing parties, country club dances, and formal dinner parties will have a colorful sprinkling of the old and the new this year, For we're borrowing from Grand mother's day when it comes to many of the new formal gowns which are old-fashioned and pic turesque aa a Godey's print. And then for those who prefer to do our formal dressing in gowns that belong more definitely to our own era, there are hosts of inter esting new styles, rockets and extra skirt fullness are important details here as elsewhere in women's clothes. Marion Whit ney, Alpha XI Delta, has chosen an ice blue silk taffeta formal with a low back and a fitted full skirt, along the ultra feminine line. Bodices are special. Bodices receive special treat ment with twisting, shirring, and embroidered effects. Along this line, Miller and Palne's are featur ing a light blue net formal jacket with a high shirred bodice, full skirt, a fitted all-over tucked jacket which can also be used as a dinner dress. There are many two-tone and contrast effects, such as bodices of pastel rayon lace and dark skirts of filmy chiffon, black taffeta skirts with white lingerie tops, and white crepe tops with black peg top skirts. Either black or white in practically all fabrics, continues as a dependable standby for any occasion, since either can be ef fectively combined with any of the new colorful accessories. Off the shoulder style. Carlene Hohense, blond model in the Coed Follies from Raymond Hall, has selected a new black taf feta off-the-shoulder formal. How ever, Marjorie John, Alpha Xi Delta, will feature an opposite side of the color wheel tn a white linen formal featuring red stitch ing at the high waistline. MOR Pink net is the choice of Selma Hill, Sigma Delta Tau, for her spring formal wear. On the slip under her dress are embroidered tiny flowers. The dress has a light blue taffeta jacket with pink but tons, and she carries a blue bag with tiny flowers embroidered on it. Unpressed plaits. Emma Marie Schutloffel. Sigma Kappa, will be seen dancing in a black silk skirt made with un pressed plaits in front, and topped by a tight fitting green jacket fastened down the front by tiny gold buckles and with a pointed white collar. Brunette Tolly Windle, Delta Gamma, chooses a two-tone blue faille gown. The top is of ltyal blue, with a low French waistline and long sleeves. The skirt is of silvery blue faille with a little bustle and a very full skirt. Fitted turquoise damask. Delta Gamma Wilma Comstock looks extremely sophisticated in her fitted gown of turquoise da mask. The long sleeves are full at the top, while the rest of the sleeve is tightly fitted. Another Delta Gamma, Gen Harmon, wears an accordian plait ed peach crepe dinner dress made in grecian style. PI Thl Marg Owen also Is classic in her choice of formals, with her. gold chiffon dress cut along Grecian lines. And Alpha Chi Omega Kathryn Tark, ac cents her blond beauty with a blue net formal trimmed with black lace. SUPERIOR DRY CLEANING Notice the chic, fresh appear ance of your clothes when we Clean them. You'll be delighted with all of our work. Try this heller tervic today 10 Discount Cash and Carry On Both Laun dry and Dry Cl-aing. SPORTY WALKERS SADDLES BARGES DUTCH BARS Crepe 5oes Leafher Soles Composition Soles $Crj0 $550 - $650 ULVER 131 So. 13 , - ) ,