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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1940)
Wednesday, March' 20, I94fl THE DAILY NEBRASKAN rfk DailyNebmskan Ofjidcd Newspaper Of Mort Than 7,000 SfudWi THIRTY-NINTH YEAR Offices . . Union Building Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193Journ.H 2 3333 ivienibei-Associated Colieglatt Press. 1939-40 Member Nebraska Press Association. 1939-40 Represented tor N.itionnt Advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE. INC. 420;3cn Ave.. New York. N. Y. CMcnqo Boston i js Annies Snn Fr.mclsco Puulislied" Daily during the f.hool year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by students of the University of Nebraska. tinner supervision ot ine umiu. auiscnpiior i-t.iics hic 91. uu rcr o.iiica.i-i u. i.jv iw. ... ' $2 50 Mailed. Single copy. 5 Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice n L'ncoln. Nebraska, undnr Act cf Connress. March 3. '879. and I at special rate of postnqe provided for In Section 1103. Act of October S. W Authorise Jmuary 83. V)2i r EditorTin-Chlef ' .77.77 "Richard de Brown Voting Ballot ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE QUEEN CONTEST DAILY NEBRASKAN: I hereby enter one vote in the All-American College Queen contest for: Marjorie Adams Eettie Cox Jean Cullinan Beth Howley Pat Reitz Gerry Wallace to attend the World Premiere of "Those Were The Days" as Nebraska's representative at Knox College, Galesburg, III., May 21st. Signed Address (All vote niUHt be In th DAILY office not Inter than S p. m., March SO. Ballot Itox nrar entritore to I nlon.) To the 1940 B.D.O.C, OoxJl QdIsl . . . Congratulations to the Best Dressed Man on the Campus. Chosen from five runnersup Harold Rohde, Merril Englund, Stanley Bridenbaugh, Will.iam Niehus, and Verne Rawalt , selected from twenty-four nomi nees by a representative group of seven coeds, the campus acclaims you. In conducting the 1940 B. D. O. C. con test we have attempted to further at Nebraska casual and distinctive attire. Appropriateness has been the key-word in the current contest. As examples of this theme in dress, various organizations entered candidates. To those candidates, to the signers of their nomination blanks, to the judging committee, and to the entire student body we extend our thanks. The contest is of your making. You hove made it a success. tV xi!v WSJ i& nd Style Because it's Spring, because you feel a need cf something new in clothes, you'll want to stop at Harvey's to rejuvenate your wardrobe. You'll see cheerful, individual colors, not too loud, but with a personality. You'll see new lines in clothes that give you. an extra lift. Back this year and stronger than ever is the three button single breasted drape . . . smart diagonal weaves ... distinctive ,new stripes in a wide variety . . . rough and smooth finish cloths in buoyant spring colors includ ing teal blue and sage green . . . Shetland imported tweed for an easy drape, a casual general wear suit. Lines this year broaden your shoulders, narrow your waist, give you a new feeling in your clothes. You'll find all these features lines, color, material in our new spring suits. fl nil f hi If . . . 2250 to 2750 For an additional touch of color to com pliment your spring suit. . .a telescope or a campus created "Cornhusker" hat . . . jaunty shapes in distinctive shades . . . mint green, chestnut brown, tobacco, squirrel gray, and sage blue. You'll see many of them this spring. Get yours now at X5Q lbsHsiiiMMiJiiii ,0mmimttUMmmm ii mil 1230 "O" St.